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  • #339365

    JC has so much pus sy these days! Cute little kitkats :D 8)

    Let us know how it goes PATS :)


    @sword wrote:

    @*Sian wrote:

    I did have 7, we have 2 now 8)

    These ones are from one of my cats litters, cute eh?

    She ate the rest of them when the DSS wouldn’t pay her.

    Just cant resist can ya


    @*Sian wrote:

    First pic is the cutest :-



    @minim wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    this is her 1st litter so opefully she will have em in kitten box i have ready. :roll:

    No chance Pats, she will have them wherever she feels safe and relaxed. So .. wardrobe, linen basket, your bed. Just be prepared to spread out some old towels etc. You can’t really move them once they get going.

    One of our cats had half the litter in one place, then carried all the babies somewhere else and had the rest there. Two lots of washing then! That was most likely our fault for being a little bit too interested.

    I particularly like the cat I have now. It just sleeps all the time and purrs quietly when turned on.

    i know mims……last female cat we had had her kittens under my sons bed. he came down one sunday morning and said something was squeeking under there. we had to drag the bed out and rummage amongst the lego assorted broken toys and sweet wrappers until we found 6 kittens. all pur e white and gorgeous. i settled them in their kitten box……….then she took them one by one back upstairs and under the bed argggghhhhhhh. :D


    i’ve said it before im sure, but i’ll say it again. Why people let their pet cats breed repeatedly (i assume for money? :roll: ) is beyond me when there are thousands of cats/kittens in rescue centres being dumped daily and cant be rehomed. You are adding to the problem. If you cared about your cat at all you would have her sterilised. Do you think she enjoys being used as a money making machine? and having her babies taken from her? Do the right thing and act like a responsible pet owner in future.


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    i’ve said it before im sure, but i’ll say it again. Why people let their pet cats breed repeatedly (i assume for money? :roll: ) is beyond me when there are thousands of cats/kittens in rescue centres being dumped daily and cant be rehomed. You are adding to the problem. If you cared about your cat at all you would have her sterilised. Do you think she enjoys being used as a money making machine? and having her babies taken from her? Do the right thing and act like a responsible pet owner in future.

    i dont sell them :shock: they go to good homes.


    @pats wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    i’ve said it before im sure, but i’ll say it again. Why people let their pet cats breed repeatedly (i assume for money? :roll: ) is beyond me when there are thousands of cats/kittens in rescue centres being dumped daily and cant be rehomed. You are adding to the problem. If you cared about your cat at all you would have her sterilised. Do you think she enjoys being used as a money making machine? and having her babies taken from her? Do the right thing and act like a responsible pet owner in future.

    i dont sell them :shock: they go to good homes.

    a home which could have been taken by one of the thousands of abandoned animals. Its not fair on your cat to put her through this time and time again. Have her sterilised.


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    i’ve said it before im sure, but i’ll say it again. Why people let their pet cats breed repeatedly (i assume for money? :roll: ) is beyond me when there are thousands of cats/kittens in rescue centres being dumped daily and cant be rehomed. You are adding to the problem. If you cared about your cat at all you would have her sterilised. Do you think she enjoys being used as a money making machine? and having her babies taken from her? Do the right thing and act like a responsible pet owner in future.

    i dont sell them :shock: they go to good homes.

    a home which could have been taken by one of the thousands of abandoned animals. Its not fair on your cat to put her through this time and time again. Have her sterilised.

    who said i was gonna put her thro it time and time again???this is her first and last litter. and i know about abandoned cats………..she was born under a tree in my mates garden..the mother cat was feral. my mate found homes for 2 and rescue rangers got homes for the other 2.


    @pats wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    i’ve said it before im sure, but i’ll say it again. Why people let their pet cats breed repeatedly (i assume for money? :roll: ) is beyond me when there are thousands of cats/kittens in rescue centres being dumped daily and cant be rehomed. You are adding to the problem. If you cared about your cat at all you would have her sterilised. Do you think she enjoys being used as a money making machine? and having her babies taken from her? Do the right thing and act like a responsible pet owner in future.

    i dont sell them :shock: they go to good homes.

    a home which could have been taken by one of the thousands of abandoned animals. Its not fair on your cat to put her through this time and time again. Have her sterilised.

    who said i was gonna put her thro it time and time again???this is her first and last litter. and i know about abandoned cats………..she was born under a tree in my mates garden..the mother cat was feral. my mate found homes for 2 and rescue rangers got homes for the other 2.

    first and last huh, so you are getting her sterilised?

    thing is, why let her breed at all? and im sure youve said somewhere that you let other cats youve had breed. Stop adding to the problem.


    Anybody see the wild cats in Scotland on Springwatch last week? Not feral, but actual original wild ones, they were awesome.

    My oldest cat is from feral parents who lived at the bottom of my MIL’s garden. My youngest is from a friend who gave them away.

    I would never part with money for a cat, and I would NEVER buy one from a pet shop, no matter how irresistable they are.

    If you get intouch with your local cat protection league, ours give vouchers out to help towards the cost of neutering, give it out to the new owners of your little ones Pats.

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