Here jols i think i was a bit tipsy ( hung over but shh winks ) right so me the kind hearted DULL ******D that i am ….thought i was doing my mate a favour….you know how it is jols👍
well i think i have done myself a mischief….
no stop LAUGHING jolls i have not soiled my cords😁
I kept getting asked to stop it well you no me a bit mutton like
well i kept going … know me got warned again……BUT…i thought they were kidding right…so i tried to bliddy match make again like a right bliddy dipstick….you know the script jolls lad
That was it all hell broke loose…you know me i stayed hush right…i told you …you….you….Ohhh well i did tell you
jols well errr i am bit gutted like…..
i am sure their mate tried to help me with a….. well you were warned you were warned
You have upset her….never come to mine for tea….i will make sure i serve you a cold fry up with luke warm latte……..Now apologise at ONCE
well that is my story…..So i am sticking to it😁👍🍷🍷