Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Muslims must integrate more
18 January, 2017 at 6:02 pm #1019995
Should slugs be more paranoid about SHR or BB?
If BB gets to them, will he be parachuting baby and mummy slugs into the desert a well as daddy slugs?
Will he try to save government money by providing each slug with a little slug parachute?
What will SHR do to the slug community? Is he being monitored by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Slugs?
11 April, 2017 at 10:23 pm #1033434So, a muslim just threatened to cut off my boyfriend’s hand.
Just thought I would share that.
11 April, 2017 at 10:31 pm #1033441So, a muslim just threatened to cut off my boyfriend’s hand.
Just thought I would share that.
You were a lesbian last month and stated a few months ago Muslims had threatened your partner, presumably female, so why would you have a boyfriend now? Not only that, you have misquoted the exchange.
11 April, 2017 at 10:34 pm #1033445You were a lesbian last month and stated a few months ago Muslims had threatened your partner, presumably female, so why would you have a boyfriend now? Not only that, you have misquoted the exchange.
I have two partners, I think I have mentioned this before on the boards. But ask Scep, i’ve spoken to him before about it.
And I don’t really see how i’ve misquoted anything, although I don’t really take the threat seriously otherwise I wouldn’t have posted it here and would have sent it to the police instead.
11 April, 2017 at 10:41 pm #1033448Lol.
11 April, 2017 at 11:11 pm #1033455So, a muslim just threatened to cut off my boyfriend’s hand.
Just thought I would share that.
Thought you were living with a woman
11 April, 2017 at 11:12 pm #103345711 April, 2017 at 11:14 pm #103345912 April, 2017 at 12:47 am #1033493Yes, drac has a boyfriend as well as a girlfriend. Some people would call that greedy, others would call it lucky lol the air has become unusually thick with insults and innuendo since Gerry started weighing in.
Lol. Slippery Septic up to his old tricks, I can guarantee this slippery, you have had for more posts removed from this site for being rude and offensive than I have and then you whine about it. Most people develop and grow, you are stuck in 1970.
12 April, 2017 at 1:04 am #1033498Yes, drac has a boyfriend as well as a girlfriend. Some people would call that greedy, others would call it lucky lol the air has become unusually thick with insults and innuendo since Gerry started weighing in.
Lol. Slippery Septic up to his old tricks, I can guarantee this slippery, you have had for more posts removed from this site for being rude and offensive than I have and then you whine about it. Most people develop and grow, you are stuck in 1970.
Is that your legacy to leave behind in life then… you have had fewer posts moderated than someone else? Dear lord what a pitiful drama Queen you are 💁
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