Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Muslims must integrate more

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  • #991073

    A quick question; are there enough opportunities for Muslims to integrate more into (I’m assuming you’re referring to) British society?

    If Muslims don’t feel able to integrate or don’t feel encouraged or welcome to integrate, then we can’t complain that they aren’t integrating.

    Over to you!


    I remember Christmas nativities at school,
    it was only like 25 years ago lol,
    We used to have tea towels on our heads and we would reinact the nativity scenes from the bible, hell it was the highlight of the school year
    its a shame that in this day n age schools in particular are so scared to upset others,

    maybe one day it will change but wont hold much help for the future generations.


    A quick question; are there enough opportunities for Muslims to integrate more into (I’m assuming you’re referring to) British society?

    If Muslims don’t feel able to integrate or don’t feel encouraged or welcome to integrate, then we can’t complain that they aren’t integrating.

    Over to you!

    Ahh but what if communities and Societies have attempted to intergrate Muslims and other faiths yet still accuse us of being racist?
    Baring in mind this don`t just stand on the region on Muslims this can be any faith or culture.

    Over to you !


    Thank you AB. Neither do I, despite opinion to the contrary. Someone can be pink, white., blue or green with orange spots for all I care.

    My point is, if you come to,live in our country from another country/culture, you accept OUR laws, culture etc and respect that.

    So who will calling a Christmas Carol service what it is, offend then? Makes me so mad! It’s a Christ,as Carol service, and if other minorities don’t like it….follow the exit door and turn the light off on your way out!

    We don’t want those orange spotted green ones over here :mail:


    That’s a really good question…Martin, is it? (That is much quicker to type, not to offend).

    What, specific, integration opportunities are there? and….

    Why can’t they integrate themselves normally, as others do?

    For instance, we deal with the same thing here.. and I have friends that just jump in and those who do not. I am close long-term friends (online) with a wonderful Muslim girl from the country of Bahrain. She is an amazing young woman with a lot of thought and heart out there for others – regardless of their sex, race, creed, class.. Love her.

    We have a lot of Mexicans in the US. People have a lot of animosity toward them. I think it’s wrong, in general, but there are those Mexicans that are also racist. I just try to stay as I am, and try to be accepting and kind regardless. I teach my sons that, too. However, I will NOT compromise on our beliefs or celebrations, I pray.

    BTW: Tinsel? We have that here in the US, too… everything Christmas and everything Christian slowly being phased out on account of offense. Yet we celebrate Yam Kippur and such.. I think that everyone should be allowed to celebrate as they do. Those who are easily offended, we can try to reach out to, and if that doesn’t work.. then to each his own. Am i perhaps too harsh?



    No, Muslims mustn’t integrate more; they must be forced into an ultimatum of either renouncing Islam or being ostracised and/or deported. Islamic theology inherently commands active warfare against Western nations – to take them over and turn them into Islamic societies. Those who are happy to identify as Muslims need to be treated as if they were infected Ebola patients, and only be allowed to integrate with society at large once they’re free from the virus and are no longer posing a threat.




    Islamic theology inherently commands active warfare against Western nations – to take them over and turn them into Islamic societies.

    Do no other religions contain teachings or theologies that discriminate against others or command warfare on others? Is Islam unique in this regard?


    good point, Martin.

    Christianity and Islam are evangelistic – they seek to convert.

    Most muslims do not advocate violence. They seek peaceful conversion.

    They see jihad – holy war – in terms of evangelising, just as Christians conduct a holy war in non-military terms (Onward, Christian soldiers).

    I don’t like Islam, but I’ve found the Muslims I’ve met are much more considerate and respectful to people than a lot of Christians I’ve met.

    That’s why mutual tolerance is essential.


    I think there are a few communities in this country who do not integrate wholeheartedly. Muslims in my opinion are the worst, followed by Bangladeshis. The Chinese and gypsies also. I know there are pockets of areas in the country where Indians are quite insular too.

    whilst the muslims will work etc, they rarely socialise with non muslims. Even in a mixed marriage which is normally a white female marrying a Muslim male the female has to convert to Islam. My friends daughter (Indian) married a Muslim and she converted too. It’s their way or the highway.

    it bugs me we pander to the Muslim community so much. Why? What is their hold as a small community on the nation that this happens?

    as for Christmas being further and further watered down to suit others  is ridiculous! Fair enough they don’t celebrate it, I don’t celebrate Ramadan but I’m not offended by it.

    I always feel a bit hypocritical with my views on subjects like this. I know baptised sikhs wear turbans and our older generation ladies where our Indian clothes, and some may see that as not integrating. But my mum is baptised and wears Indian clothes but has every year celebrated Christmas since she came here aged 18. So where my opinions are biased to Indians I’m sure Muslims could give their opinions the same maybe.

    all said and done I don’t want to offend anyone either. I’ve posted from my personal experiences and I know not every single person in any given community is the same

    and guys I don’t mind if anyone wants to ask me anything  :good:



    5 replies whilst I was taking my time posting lol

    call me slack Alice   :wacko:

    oh and the answer to the original post is yes

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