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18 December, 2016 at 12:03 pm #1011921
Saw a program yesterday called Muslims like Us….very interesting viewing Was an experiment putting 10 muslims from different walks of life together in a house for a week or maybe 2 then halfway through they had 4 visitors…non muslim to add their take on British life and to learn more about Islam.
I just googled it, it’s made by the BBC so it can’t be trusted at all. But I might watch it later.
I’m going to guess they didn’t choose any Salafi or Wahabi muslims (The ones that are the problem) as part of ‘different walks of life’.
18 December, 2016 at 1:20 pm #1011924I shall admit my ignorance and state I honestly had no idea there are different kinds of Muslims. i just thought Muslims were Muslims. I just tried google and it makes no sense….so….can you explain in English, the difference between the Muslims you mention? You say they are the ones that cause the problems. You mean the extremists and The ones in Germany and Sweden, Italy and Greece causing chaos?
18 December, 2016 at 1:31 pm #1011928Saw a program yesterday called Muslims like Us….very interesting viewing Was an experiment putting 10 muslims from different walks of life together in a house for a week or maybe 2 then halfway through they had 4 visitors…non muslim to add their take on British life and to learn more about Islam.
I just googled it, it’s made by the BBC so it can’t be trusted at all. But I might watch it later. I’m going to guess they didn’t choose any Salafi or Wahabi muslims (The ones that are the problem) as part of ‘different walks of life’.
18 December, 2016 at 1:34 pm #1011929I shall admit my ignorance and state I honestly had no idea there are different kinds of Muslims. i just thought Muslims were Muslims. I just tried google and it makes no sense….so….can you explain in English, the difference between the Muslims you mention? You say they are the ones that cause the problems. You mean the extremists and The ones in Germany and Sweden, Italy and Greece causing chaos?
There are two main divisions in Islam, Sunni and Shia. This split happened very early in Islam after Muhammad died, over who should be his successor. There are some other branches, but I am not very familiar with them. Most Islamic countries are Sunni, with the exceptions of Iran and Iraq from memory, who are Shia.
The sects that I mentioned, Salafi and Wahhabi are conservative movements of the Sunni branch, and are very much similar to each other. The main problem with these are their militant interpretation of what jihad is, and so are very hostile to non muslims, and in a lot of cases muslims who do not follow their teachings. This is the main form of Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia (Salafi) and ISIS (Wahhabi), which is why you will usually find Saudi investments behind mosques that teach extremist views.
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18 December, 2016 at 1:34 pm #1011930I shall admit my ignorance and state I honestly had no idea there are different kinds of Muslims. i just thought Muslims were Muslims. I just tried google and it makes no sense….so….can you explain in English, the difference between the Muslims you mention? You say they are the ones that cause the problems. You mean the extremists and The ones in Germany and Sweden, Italy and Greece causing chaos?
I never thought about different kinds of muslims until the program….having said that I should have been aware as there are many different kinds of Indians….I have never even heard of the two singled out by Drac….I can also see her itching to say muslims are a faith and Indians are a nation
maybe she will change it now because I pointed it out
18 December, 2016 at 1:40 pm #1011933I should have been aware as there are many different kinds of Indians….I have never even heard of the two singled out by Drac….I can also see her itching to say muslims are a faith and Indians are a nation
maybe she will change it now because I pointed it out
I’m aware that there are many religions (including Islam) in India, and variants of those religions. But I don’t see how it changes what I said. India is a country, and not all Hindus / Sikhs / ect are Indian.
18 December, 2016 at 1:52 pm #1011936I shall admit my ignorance and state I honestly had no idea there are different kinds of Muslims. i just thought Muslims were Muslims. I just tried google and it makes no sense….so….can you explain in English, the difference between the Muslims you mention? You say they are the ones that cause the problems. You mean the extremists and The ones in Germany and Sweden, Italy and Greece causing chaos?
There are two main divisions in Islam, Sunni and Shia. This split happened very early in Islam after Muhammad died, over who should be his successor. There are some other branches, but I am not very familiar with them. Most Islamic countries are Sunni, with the exceptions of Iran and Iraq from memory, who are Shia. The sects that I mentioned, Salafi and Wahhabi are conservative movements of the Sunni branch, and are very much similar to each other. The main problem with these are their militant interpretation of what jihad is, and so are very hostile to non muslims, and in a lot of cases muslims who do not follow their teachings. This is the main form of Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia (Salafi) and ISIS (Wahhabi), which is why you will usually find Saudi investments behind mosques that teach extremist views.
Ahhhh thanks Drac…makes perfect sense…cheers.
28 December, 2016 at 7:17 am #1012503No Muslim should be able to feel proud about being a Muslim, of adhering to an ideological death cult that’s worse than Nazism. Those though who do remain devoted and who refuse to walk away from it, well…Deportation is one option.
Many Muslims were born in Britain, their parents and even grandparents born in Britain.
So? Islam prescribes for Muslims to put their ‘religion’ above and beyond national identity. Those that have roots here and want to carry on living here should be allowed to do so, but only on condition that they fully reject their ‘religion’.
So we deport them to Muslimland, I guess. Hmm..simples…
To wherever would accept them – which assumedly would be Islamic countries.
If no countries are willing to accept them, then mass airdrop them into a desert if needs be, just as long as they’re anywhere other than here and aren’t able to pose a threat to everyone.
Forced deportation is a last resort though and won’t necessarily be needed, for the following key reason:
In the early days of Islam when Prophet Muhammad first started gaining followers (Muslims), they would cause the same problems that we face now in the modern age, but in Mecca – which at the time was populated mostly by Pagans. Muhammad use to threaten these Pagan Meccans with annihilation and destruction for not obeying him or converting to his new religion of Islam, to the point where his followers would physically attack them. This went on for a while until the strife got so bad that the otherwise peaceful Meccans finally had enough of it all and decided to retaliate, resulting in Mecca becoming an openly hostile environment for Muhammad and his band of followers to live in and to worship in – they were outnumbered and actively persecuted. In response to this, Prophet Muhammad then commanded his few followers to flee Mecca and to travel to modern-day Ethiopia, assuring them that they would be safe there and free to practice their new religion of Islam and worship Allah. [It should also not be lost on anyone here that this Ethiopian land that Muhammad assured would offer safety and tolerance for his Muslim followers, was a Christian land ruled by a devout Christian King]
This story is known as the first hijrah, or the first migration.
The importance of this little story (and some others similar to it) is that it creates a religious obligation for all Muslims who live in a openly hostile land–a hostile land which prevents them from freely practicing their religion, and of freely worshiping their god, Allah–to emigrate to somewhere that’s more hospitable for them and which does allow them to do so. They are religiously obliged to do this of their own volition.
All that’s needed is for Western societies to imitate those early Pagan Meccans in rejecting Islam, and of being less accepting of those who openly adhere to Islam.
We’d need a special police force of course to sniff ’em out and round ’em up. Some of those Wily Oriental Gentlemen are sneaky and will be hiding, so the searches will have to go on quite a while. Perhaps the search police could be given special arm insignia so we know when they’re around.
Why do you even feel the need to refer to Muslims as WOGS? Your racism is showing through here.
Those who side with the Muslims in resisting deportation – should they be rounded up too.?
Give me a good reason why those non-Muslims who knowingly defend and support the establishment of any of these things, should be treated any less differently than the Muslims who actively strive to bring them about:
Of course, after the our fair and pleasant land has been cleansed of Muslims, it wouldn’t surprise me if we have to sniff out other enemies of Western civilisation. I wonder who the next bunch are? And where they’ll be deported to? And then there’s the next…. Oh fair and happy land, brave new world, to have such creatures in it.
This comment wouldn’t be out of place if it was made by a Nazi sympathizer during WW2 in regard to pushing the Nazis back out of Europe.
The simple answer is that Western freedoms should always be fought for regardless of who or what presents itself as an enemy of them. But it’s not surprising though that you feel otherwise.
28 December, 2016 at 7:52 am #1012505Those though who do remain devoted and who refuse to walk away from it, well…Deportation is one option.
You can’t deport British citizens, that’s why I asked the question. If they have dual nationality then you can revoke it and deport them, but that wouldn’t be looked on favourably by the international community.
Agreed that as things currently stand you can’t, but things will just have to drastically change, is really my only response to that. If it doesn’t then the West will become increasingly Islamised until it reaches the point of no return. The International community will also have to be ignored – especially so when those that make it up aren’t doing enough to address the Islamisation happening within their own countries.
One of my biggest reasons for voting Brexit actually was to put in motion the ability for us (and others) to implement policies to combat the spread and growth of Islam in whichever way we deem fit, and not be constrained by politically correct international powers. 2016 was a massive step in the right direction then for me, and I’m a lot more optimistic of change happening now than I was a few months ago.
28 December, 2016 at 12:55 pm #1012509Wow….just wow
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