Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Muslim Law Should Rule UK

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  • #6221


    I vote like they say & have Muslim Law ruling this country , Fu/ck the BNP & Combat 18 yes I resign my membership , I reckon there WILL be a Muslim Prime Minister soon & then were F00ked anyway so why prolong it , lets just give in now you cant win a battle without support , they have it cause they stick together , we on the other hand dont, half of us are for them because we are scared stiff of being labeled a racist & the other half who say what they mean & do accordingly are labeled racist , How ever its all fine & dandy for them to view there opinions on telly & off innit……….!!!


    Now us White Folk go to school , grow up , start dating , Get Married & then cause we live in such nice ares we decide to have children , someone for us to be proud of & leave our worldly posessions to when were gone & then they will do the same & so on & so fourth , Eventually One of these generations will become wise to ones surroundings & not have kids , THATS WHEN WE HAVE LOST ARE COUNTRY because them B/tards don`t have kids to love & to pass things down to they have to suffocate the white population , more of them & the better for them .

    Apparently we are that soft & such walk overs , they come over here break our laws & get off with just a telling off, if they get done properly then the racist card is waved & thats the end of that , us on the other hand in same circumstance , Go to Jail , Don`t pass Go .

    You try moving to one of there country`s & getting away with what they do here …or for that matter move there , then bring in uncle Bob & Auntie Irene with all there kids & then tell the authorities that you are all called the same names so they cant go home . I DONT THINK SO do you m ffs they`ll have you in prison & be beheaded before you can say ” United Kingdom Citizen ” You know this makes sense so why do you all sit back & watch it Unfold infront of you .

    Do Something Positive VOTE BNP

    (Example )

    When I was young there was a church near where I lived I was christened in it my Grand dad was buried in the grave yard , this church`s surrounding areas soon grew into a Muslim community & they soon decided they`d had enough of the sound of the bells ringing on a sunday Tea Time & on a Thursday night ( practice night ) so they had words with there own people who where stratigically placed & working on the local council & soon the diggers where in , The grave yard was dug up & the people where exsumed & re laid at the other side of town , The church was knocked down , The grave yard was then Tarmac`d & made into a car park for the Muslims to park there Cars on while they attended there Mosque which was built on the opposite block , They put PA speakers on each corner (outside) of the Mosque & you can hear them wailing 4 miles away on a saturday Tea Time , we have complained about the noise but have been told were being racist & yes they have been doing this now for about ten years or more ,


    You watch the news about these foreign country`s & what do you hear above all other noise in there city`s , You hear the wailing from the Mosques Now im saying to you , what would happen if you moved over there & built a big Church , with Big Bells in it & started ringing them on your Holy Day what would happen do you think ……..

    I know your answer …..So why do we allow them to do it here ….?




    @A resigning BNP member called UGO wrote:

    I vote like they say & have Muslim Law ruling this country , Fu/ck the BNP & Combat 18 …yes I resign my membership….. “

    @A BNP supporter called UGO wrote:

    Do Something Positive VOTE BNP

    Of course there’s no contradiction here is there??? Question is: Does he know whether he is coming or going???



    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @A resigning BNP member called UGO wrote:

    I vote like they say & have Muslim Law ruling this country , Fu/ck the BNP & Combat 18 …yes I resign my membership….. “

    @A BNP supporter called UGO wrote:

    Do Something Positive VOTE BNP

    Of course there’s no contradiction here is there??? Question is: Does he know whether he is coming or going???

    Thats it if you dont understand it make a mockery of it well done PB you never cease to amaze me


    It’s always a pleasure to amaze you UGO – and let’s face it, it takes really no effort at all eh?


    The day I let muslims rule this country is the day I kiss PB on the lips!


    @ugo wrote:

    So why do we allow them to do it here ….?

    WE, dont, its our political employee leaders that do, because its easy, we let them get away with it.

    We English/brits need to start politically motivating ourselves. We HAVE TO get off our skinny backsides and fight for the right to voice our concerns. We CANNOT assume everything will be alright.

    DO something, educate people, join/start a patriotic political organisation. BNP / England Independence Party / England First Party, these parties are trying to defend who and what we are.

    Joining a party is good, but its not good enough. ASK them for some literal information, pass it around to people you know, leave copies in pubs, barber shops, libaries, get people talking.

    YOU decide YOUR future.

    ugo, PB is a patriot, he just has to be neutral on here.


    @emmalush wrote:

    ……ugo, PB is a patriot, he just has to be neutered on here.



    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    ……ugo, PB is a patriot, he just has to be neutered on here.


    oh………. I got scared then that we had actually become under the muslim rule…….. I thought that was SMILEY (edited cos I said UGO) and you kissing!!!!!! :shock: :wink:


    @emmalush wrote:

    @ugo wrote:

    So why do we allow them to do it here ….?

    WE, dont, its our political employee leaders that do, because its easy, we let them get away with it.

    We English/brits need to start politically motivating ourselves. We HAVE TO get off our skinny backsides and fight for the right to voice our concerns. We CANNOT assume everything will be alright.

    DO something, educate people, join/start a patriotic political organisation. BNP / England Independence Party / England First Party, these parties are trying to defend who and what we are.

    Joining a party is good, but its not good enough. ASK them for some literal information, pass it around to people you know, leave copies in pubs, barber shops, libaries, get people talking.

    YOU decide YOUR future.

    ugo, PB is a patriot, he just has to be neutral on here.

    Help….. who am I motivating

    Black British Christian (like the ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY!)
    White Muslims (oh, that would be no good)
    British Indians (they would be a good starter for ten with their natural dislike of Islam)
    How about the thousands of Polish plumbers- catholic if not orthodox

    You continue to fail to see that relevant, sensible points are lost when badged with a BNP solution which wants to see a white Britain- don’t you see if nationalist parties (like the BNP etc) were supportive and supported any English/Briton IRRESPECTIVE of colour, creed and race THEN you would see a real national movement- until then you just see white folk bleating about wanting a white only nation and sending back all the “foreigns”-

    However just imagine a party that put ALL Britains first and equal- now that would be something (and please dont say the BNP is that party)

    I’d rather die free than live under the BNP


    @slayer wrote:

    However just imagine a party that put ALL Britains first and equal- now that would be something (and please dont say the BNP is that party)

    The old gang dinosaur parties of labour conservative and lib dems, put all britons (bar those they dont like) first, but not equal. They claim to, but they cant, because one person’s equality, is anothers inequality.

    In fantasy land, you can have all the riches slayer claims.

    In reality, the multicultural experiment for all the british as first and equal, has failed, and not just failed, but recently admitted in defeat by its organisers. Mainstream media have debated its demise and a possible solution, albeit very briefly.

    Its an extremely complex situation, and something that will take decades to sort out.

    Where do you start?

    You have to promote the majority, as a base to build on.

    Or, you create apartheid, which is happening already, on a small scale.

    Hey dont look at me, i didn’t vote for what we have…

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