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  • #1065798

    Stevie Wonder : what a musical legend. Tell me if i’m wrong but i always got the impression that Lionel Richie was a big fan of Stevie Wonder?

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    Sorry not familiar with them. Oops, girl can not know always everything. Ha ha..

    Listened..Still do concerts? God, love that type of guitar playing myself….Think why like Seals/Croft..

    I did see once Andrea Segovia. Think spelling last name. He was a guitar player from Spain, think long ago.. older man, did not sing. The way he played, magnificent, just glued. Actually awesome…And another team of guitar players. Male/female..goodness speed and hand playing, wow..have to look up search out names.

    Thanks for sharing

    P.s. just checked out YouTube choices as have them too on my new tablet toy….

    Andres Segovia “Granada”

    Think of Sceptical
    Not sure if he likes this type of music..another of my best….


    Got to see this band early 90s,Great gig


    When a rock/metal band can do this you know there special.
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    Not familiar with group. Listening reminds me og the group “kiss”

    By the way did you know that Gene Simmons of this group, longest tongue..hee hee.. was a 6th grade school teacher…P.S. 75,
    Spanish Harlem…knew, was not sure grade. Had to look up…

    Kiss…I was made for Lovin’ you..

    Sorry my device blocks me. Have to find out what am doing wrong or why difficult most of time here only.

    Enjoy your night…..


    Yes i did Linda and was lucky enuff to see Kiss live as well. They were that good was close to blowing Ozzy of stage as he was headlining.


    Lucky you did. My brother tried to get us tickets several times, always sold out crowd. And we were not going to pay the scavenger prices. Wanted $500.00, $800.00 for seats in the clouds.. Hee hee..

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