Full moon Ruby… expression used when everyone surrounded by you has a difficult day including yourself (me)..
It’s like another female expression here the tides are high…do not laugh..meaning,all the females you with that day have the lovely monthly cycle at same time and are p.m.s… from those periods…hee hee.
My day not too easy either. Work stunk..my pager had a problem, was not charged and getting calls 5 at one time needing me for something. My daughter called me at work putting herself in the Hospital. Could not leave my location. Dehydrated, few things. Blood work not coming up good. But hopefully home in a day.or so..has Lyme disease (tick bite) and a virus.. she was fine yesterday.. misterq sad, cosy upset, you waiting for report.. ah what can I say feel bad for my friends.
So as this is a music area and want to get no one mad at me, how about..
Better Midler…You gotta have friends….
And liked the Monkey Song. Never heard it before. Good musical background…