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25 July, 2017 at 4:42 pm #1062443
Thanks from the bottom of my heart, truly. Listened, and soon started as I respond back to you now tears flowing. Help and suggestion, and support wish could personally give you a needed that lift..
Xxxxxxxooooo1 member liked this post.
26 July, 2017 at 2:48 pm #1062499Love Def Lepperd…funny thing is…there 2 best songs in my opinion were : When Love and Hate Collide and Love Bites. Loves a funny thing.
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30 July, 2017 at 9:55 am #106311830 July, 2017 at 10:08 am #1063120Love Def Lepperd…funny thing is…there 2 best songs in my opinion were : When Love and Hate Collide and Love Bites. Loves a funny thing.
Was at the very 1st gig Def Lepperd done after Rick had lost an arm in a car crash.What a great day at the Monsters Of Rock,Donington 1986
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30 July, 2017 at 10:08 am #1063122nice tune
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30 July, 2017 at 10:37 am #1063134Awesome somer!…..I always admired the loyalty of the group to their drummer. Rather than get a new drummer, they made or had made an especially adapted drum kit. I will take in this live gig a bit later. Tha1986 – 1988! Some great years for Rock….at school we had 2 groups forming…Lepperds and Roses. Def Lepperd and Guns n Roses were both massive at the time and it sorted of nearly became like Mods and Rockers at our school. LOL Appetite For Destruction and Hysteria….2 of the greatest albums of the time in my opinion.
Actually just looked up and i didn’t realize that Def Lepperd have had eleven studio albums. (I had a few my self) and live albums and much other stuff.
30 July, 2017 at 10:58 am #1063139Well im lucky as got to see most of the big rock/metal bands of the 80s. Went to Bristol to see Def Lep on the Hysteria tour and meet the band after the gig.Photos and signatures stuff. Also got to meet the late Steve Clark that night.
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30 July, 2017 at 11:00 am #1063141Leona Lewis! awesome….probably, the only ever ‘ real star’ to come out of the X Factor.. There were some interesting ‘winners’ over the years like that Steve Brookstein who won it in 2004.
30 July, 2017 at 11:17 am #1063144Misterq….
My daughter having ruff early morning…
How about “feelings” Morris Albert….And was looking at something you may like as some artist you mentioned liked…..
Mix-top 10 songs that will make you cry…..
30 July, 2017 at 12:48 pm #1063153 Feelings by Morris Albert……Interesting in the you tube comments section that some one says…they would have liked to hear Elvis sing this.
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