i would fully support financial aid for africa, as long as they used some of it to sterilise every female born for the next ten years. this would ensure that the aids epidemic will run its course. it would stop the men raping babies [a common held belief is, that if you take an innocence away as soon as posible you can cure or stop the onset of hiv] the umpteen thousand babies that are born every year. just to starve to death would be spared. and the world could help the surviving people to begin again. i know it sound like ethnic cleansing, but the alternative is, that the misery of aids and starvation keeps on being encouraged. im sure that if i were the mother of a family with sick and starving children, id volunteer to be sterilised in a flash. it would also guarantee that the nextdictator would have no army to kil his opponents as there would be an entire generation gap of cannon fodder.