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26 January, 2017 at 5:00 pm #1020579
Islam promotes both violence and paedophilia there is no way to deny it.
Trolls be a trolling…
26 January, 2017 at 6:24 pm #1020582shr isnt the brightest button in the box… why would I travel to a muslim country to fight muslims? There are enough of them here in the UK to battle
Now you are just being silly, silly silly silly. You don’t fight Muslims here in the UK do you. I doubt you have ever met, or spoken to any Muslims. You certainly would not repeat a single word you type on JC to a Muslim, face to face. You know it and I know it.
Haven’t met a muslim in the uk?… lol what planet are you on? The country is infested with them in every town and if any muslim told me how to behave I’d teach them a lesson. Not all of us are key board warriors like you SHR and going off your dopey username can’t tell if you are male or female. If the former I’ll happily see you in person to discuss the situation …if not please return to your mat and worship the paedophile prophet muhammed and his 6 year old wife Aisha ..
The reality is being ” islamaphobic ” is a positive thing rather than it being construed as a ” negative”. Who in their right mind would want to not condemn a dirty cult like Islam promoting paedophilia , violence and hatred to anyone not obeying the vitriol contained in the Quran
26 January, 2017 at 6:29 pm #1020583The only answers muslims have to queries regarding the hatred contained in their holy book is the person is either racist , a troll or ” islamaphobic” … it’s a broken record continuously spinning attempting to conceal the revolting aspects of their religion of apparent peace. All homosexuals , non muslims will burn in hell fire with the good little muslims heading up to allah with their numerous under age wives kneeling on a dirty mat 5 times a day ..what a benchmark for civilised living
26 January, 2017 at 6:41 pm #1020584If the former I’ll happily see you in person to discuss the situation
Again, a silly silly silly little boy. Silly little boys like you and your silly little juvenile threats behind the safety of your computer screens, while you type in mummies basement, on mummies computer, in your soiled underwear.
You, a silly little boy, would not dare say to a Muslim, a single word you have typed on here. You know it and I know it, you silly little boy.
26 January, 2017 at 6:41 pm #1020585Quite amusing that sceptical guy has continually criticised drac but begged her to become friends on here.. a typical seedy sex pest trolling the forum only after one thing I suspect. Tragic and rather pathetic at the same time but expected having read his sleaze in chatroom 3 which is normally x rated filth from a very lonely lost soul.
26 January, 2017 at 6:44 pm #1020586If the former I’ll happily see you in person to discuss the situation
Again, a silly silly silly little boy. Silly little boys like you and your silly little juvenile threats behind the safety of your computer screens, while you type in mummies basement, on mummies computer, in your soiled underwear. You, a silly little boy, would not dare say to a Muslim, a single word you have typed on here. You know it and I know it, you silly little boy.
You keep repeating yourself like a dyslexic parrot on acid so either put up or shut up ..I suspect you will be getting back to your mat wont you coward
The last experience I had with muslims is that they behave like a pack of rats, insult one and the rest scuttle out of the sewer which is where you belong.
26 January, 2017 at 6:48 pm #1020587If the former I’ll happily see you in person to discuss the situation
Again, a silly silly silly little boy. Silly little boys like you and your silly little juvenile threats behind the safety of your computer screens, while you type in mummies basement, on mummies computer, in your soiled underwear. You, a silly little boy, would not dare say to a Muslim, a single word you have typed on here. You know it and I know it, you silly little boy.
You keep repeating yourself like a dyslexic parrot on acid so either put up or shut up ..I suspect you will be getting back to your mat wont you coward
The last experience I had with muslims is that they behave like a pack of rats, insult one and the rest scuttle out of the sewer which is where you belong.
If you had any courage, which you don’t, because you are a stupid silly little boy and a coward, you would have just privately PM’ed me with your address and not made a song and dance about it on the boards. You silly silly silly little boy.
26 January, 2017 at 6:54 pm #1020589I note you have put your profile setting as “private ” now hiding away as you seem to be terrified.
Stop playing the internet hardman when in reality you are a stinking ragamuffin following a paedophile cult that hasnt taken a shower since 1998 …dirty bleeder.
26 January, 2017 at 6:59 pm #1020590As though I would give a stinking rat like you my address lol…if I saw you in person I’d send you and your mat where you belong you smelly sod. We voted for Brexit … Rotheram was full of people like you and most Brits know it so take your stinking family and paedophilic values elsewhere. Does it upset you to know the prophet muhammed was a filthy paedophile lad?
As I suspected, a silly little boy, a coward and an uneducated racist chav who is all mouth and trousers online. Rotherham you say (which you can’t spell being a thicko). An online bullsh@tter and a silly silly silly little boy.
26 January, 2017 at 7:03 pm #1020591I note you have put your profile setting as “private ” now hiding away as you seem to be terrified.
Stop playing the internet hardman when in reality you are a stinking ragamuffin following a paedophile cult that hasnt taken a shower since 1998 …dirty bleeder.
Anyone with half a brain, except you, keeps their profile private to avoid countless email updates, not a thicko like you though. You silly little boy. A private profile you silly little boy, does not halt you PM’ing in private. All mouth hiding behind your computer screen, you silly silly silly little boy.
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