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26 January, 2017 at 4:32 am #1020539
Apparently the British version of “sharia” law, called the extremely secretive “family courts” is much more civilized and so preferable. Where women who have been victims of the most horrendous crimes are forced to face their violent ex partners and relive the horrendous experiences they have been through. Including having to negotiate with extremely violent and dangerous men with restraining orders against them. Continually waffling on about “sharia” law as if it is somehow more barbaric, is clearly ludicrous in a patriarchal society dominated by men.
Are you seriously implying that because wages tend to be higher regarding male employees, that is preferable to sharia law which includes Those engaged in sodomy (homosexuality) will be sentenced to death, along with those who ‘spy for the unbelievers’. Those who steal ‘as part of banditry’ will have their right hand and left leg cut off, and the punishment for terrorising people is exile. Some Islamic law calls for the death penalty for any woman found in the company of a man other than a close family member. Sexual activity is assumed to have happened. A woman, Jamila, was found guilty of trying to leave the country with such a man. She was caught and stoned to death on 1996-MAR-28.</p> Hilarious stuff trying to promote sharia as a “preferable alternative to civilised life
I recall an EDL march in my local area a few years ago. Angry white middle aged men, red faced such was that anger, as they spewed out their irrational vitriolic hatred for Muslims and who only find bravery and safety in numbers. Unfortunately for them they chose the wrong area, predominantly Muslim and Polish immigrants and they soon left with their tails between their legs, their faces bloodied and bruised. Their fragile ego’s shattered.
Isn’t it an irony though, that Muslims now occupy the space that was once occupied by the traditional white working class. A strong work ethic. Strong family values. A sense of community and instant summary justice dished out to those who break the rules, bypassing the authorities if at all possible. Could be a scene from any proud council estate of the 50’s or 60’s. I live in a mostly crime free area, free from alcohol fueled violence and drug fueled crime like burglary. I would rather live amongst Muslims than amongst trash who would steal everything I own, the first opportunity they get.
These Islamophobic threads are ten a penny online and the bigger picture is far bigger, than the type of person who is incapable of seeing further than the end of their own nose.
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26 January, 2017 at 10:19 am #1020557I grew up on one of those white working-class estates. It was respectable in the way described by SHR, but there were other estates in other parts of the town which were far from respectable. One was called Little Chicago, and the cops went in at their own risk.
The fact is that the respectable estates were bought up by their tenants – they were changing before they were bought up, though, from my memory, and not for the better. They were becoming stand-offish, nobody helping one another in the way that they used to.
The estates which were left were not trash. They were ordinary people struggling with little money, and from anecdotal evidence they were overawed by semi-criminal families – just a couple who ruled the roost in a lot of the estates.
The white “working class” – very loose term – feel left behind by globalisation, and ignored in every sense by people they regard as snobs – worse, failed snobs, who can’t manage an economy and look after themselves when things go wrong, snorting at people they see as their inferiors.
Muslims are one of the enemies to blame – for all sorts of reasons. European immigrants another. Tragic.
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26 January, 2017 at 11:34 am #1020564Apparently the British version of “sharia” law, called the extremely secretive “family courts” is much more civilized and so preferable. Where women who have been victims of the most horrendous crimes are forced to face their violent ex partners and relive the horrendous experiences they have been through. Including having to negotiate with extremely violent and dangerous men with restraining orders against them. Continually waffling on about “sharia” law as if it is somehow more barbaric, is clearly ludicrous in a patriarchal society dominated by men.
Are you seriously implying that because wages tend to be higher regarding male employees, that is preferable to sharia law which includes Those engaged in sodomy (homosexuality) will be sentenced to death, along with those who ‘spy for the unbelievers’. Those who steal ‘as part of banditry’ will have their right hand and left leg cut off, and the punishment for terrorising people is exile. Some Islamic law calls for the death penalty for any woman found in the company of a man other than a close family member. Sexual activity is assumed to have happened. A woman, Jamila, was found guilty of trying to leave the country with such a man. She was caught and stoned to death on 1996-MAR-28.</p> Hilarious stuff trying to promote sharia as a “preferable alternative to civilised life
I recall an EDL march in my local area a few years ago. Angry white middle aged men, red faced such was that anger, as they spewed out their irrational vitriolic hatred for Muslims and who only find bravery and safety in numbers. Unfortunately for them they chose the wrong area, predominantly Muslim and Polish immigrants and they soon left with their tails between their legs, their faces bloodied and bruised. Their fragile ego’s shattered. Isn’t it an irony though, that Muslims now occupy the space that was once occupied by the traditional white working class. A strong work ethic. Strong family values. A sense of community and instant summary justice dished out to those who break the rules, bypassing the authorities if at all possible. Could be a scene from any proud council estate of the 50’s or 60’s. I live in a mostly crime free area, free from alcohol fueled violence and drug fueled crime like burglary. I would rather live amongst Muslims than amongst trash who would steal everything I own, the first opportunity they get. These Islamophobic threads are ten a penny online and the bigger picture is far bigger, than the type of person who is incapable of seeing further than the end of their own nose.
You say ” deal out instant justice” Who the fck are you or any of your other dark age muslim to be”dealing out justice”.What do you think you are, some kind of crime fighter from a marvel comic book …I’ve seen the sort of justice you dish out , pulling women up on the street for wearing skirts too short or lord forbid leaving a pub after consuming alcohol which is against the will of the paedo prophet muhammed. This is UK not a muslin country with sharia law so if you don’t like the laws here and approve of dishing out your own brand of “justice” why not leave and go and live in the middle east?
26 January, 2017 at 3:07 pm #1020570The white “working class” – very loose term – feel left behind by globalisation, and ignored in every sense by people they regard as snobs – worse, failed snobs, who can’t manage an economy and look after themselves when things go wrong, snorting at people they see as their inferiors. Muslims are one of the enemies to blame – for all sorts of reasons. European immigrants another. Tragic.
I have no doubts at all that the traditional working class was abandoned by the political elite in pursuit of a monetarist free market economy and have suggested so on this site previously. I read an interesting article recently where Brian Eno (Roxy Music) a staunch supporter of Remain, says the liberal class are finally waking up to the fact that everyone else isn’t in a “bubble” after all, it is in fact his class, the liberal class, that is in a bubble. A bubble that is not inclusive and that has alienated vast swathes of the population and that directly led to Brexit.
Immigrants and the working class have always clashed in the UK because they occupy the same space in our economy. The difference with Muslims however, is that it is dressed up as something else and fed by the right wing press who have an ulterior motive. I don’t see any attempt at analysis on these types of threads, all I see is racism and Islamophobia towards Muslims, disguised as something else.
26 January, 2017 at 3:13 pm #1020571You say ” deal out instant justice” Who the fck are you or any of your other dark age muslim to be”dealing out justice”.What do you think you are, some kind of crime fighter from a marvel comic book …I’ve seen the sort of justice you dish out , pulling women up on the street for wearing skirts too short or lord forbid leaving a pub after consuming alcohol which is against the will of the paedo prophet muhammed. This is UK not a muslin country with sharia law so if you don’t like the laws here and approve of dishing out your own brand of “justice” why not leave and go and live in the middle east?
Which isn’t actually what I said but it suits your narrow agenda doesn’t it “rudeboy”. As to you final words, why don’t you toddle off to the Middle East and join the “freedom fighters” in Syria and Iraq, or do you just prefer to talk about it safely online? I know if I felt as strongly about it as you and Draculina claim, I would get off my backside and go and do something about it.
26 January, 2017 at 4:23 pm #1020573As to you final words, why don’t you toddle off to the Middle East and join the “freedom fighters” in Syria and Iraq, or do you just prefer to talk about it safely online?
“Join ISIS to fight radical islam” … I don’t see any problems with that plan.
26 January, 2017 at 4:32 pm #1020574shr isnt the brightest button in the box… why would I travel to a muslim country to fight muslims? There are enough of them here in the UK to battle
26 January, 2017 at 4:35 pm #1020575I really don’t understand why people are afraid of the “Sharia law” when they don’t even know what it stands for? All they know is what the media has chosen to spread, making Saudi Arabia and the extremist groups as the representatives of Islam, when the first is mostly governed by traditions and the second use religion to get other purposes than valuating Islam, just like the extremist groups in any other religion. Before talking about hatred, terrorism and pedophilia in Islam just take some time and read about it with open mind, not making prejudice from afar.
It really seems like it’s you who doesn’t understand what Sharia law is. Most of the ‘credible’ media portrays Sharia as being positive. Saudi Arabia isn’t representative of how all muslims behave, but it is certainly representative of Sharia. All moderate muslims oppose the introduction Sharia, and for a very good reason.
I have read the Quran and the Hadiths, and I have spoken to several muslims and ex-muslims about it. Islam promotes both violence and paedophilia there is no way to deny it.
26 January, 2017 at 4:46 pm #1020576It really seems like it’s you who doesn’t understand what Sharia law is. Most of the ‘credible’ media portrays Sharia as being positive. Saudi Arabia isn’t representative of how all muslims behave, but it is certainly representative of Sharia. All moderate muslims oppose the introduction Sharia, and for a very good reason.
I have read the Quran and the Hadiths, and I have spoken to several muslims and ex-muslims about it. Islam promotes both violence and paedophilia there is no way to deny it.
To clarify, I do not believe there are any parts of Sharia that are compatible with either our culture or legal systems.
I have taken the following laws from here, because it was the first neutral source I found that gave a concise descriptions. There are more laws with Sharia but I will only address the ones included on that page for now.
“A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man and a Muslim man can only marry a Muslim or Ahl al-Kitāb . He/She cannot marry an atheist, agnostic or polytheist.”
Dictating which consenting adults are allowed to marry should not be part of the legal system.
“A Muslim minor girl’s father or guardian needs her consent when arranging a marriage for her.”Marriage should not be arranged, or permited for ‘minors’.
“A marriage is a contract that requires the man to pay, or promise to pay some of the wedding and provisions the wife needs. This is known as the Mahr or Meher.”This is a rare case where women are given special protections under Islam, but I don’t think it is fair that anyone is required to pay money based on their gender.
“A Muslim man may be married to up to four women at a time, although the Qur’an has emphasized that this is a permission, and not a rule. The Qur’an has stated that to marry one is best if you fear you cannot do justice between your wives and respective families. This means that he must be able to house each wife and her children in a different house, he should not give preferential treatment to one wife over another.”I don’t have a problem with polygamy, but multiple husbands should also be allowed.
“Hudud crimes are five:theft, highway robbery, zina (illicit sex), sexual slander (accusing someone of zina but failing to produce four witnesses), and drinking alcohol”
Zina (Sex outside of marriage) and alcohol should be legal.
“Sharia requires that there be four adult male Muslim witnesses to a hudud crime or a confession repeated four times, before someone can be punished for a Hudud crime.”
This means that DNA or CCTV evidence cannot be used to convict someone of theft if there are less than four whitnesses.
“Murder, bodily injury and property damage – intentional or unintentional – is considered a civil dispute under sharia law.<sup>”</sup>
Murder should be a legal dispute, not a civil one.
“The victim, victim’s heir(s) or guardian is given the option to either forgive the murderer, demand Qisas (equal retaliation) or accept a compensation (Diyya) in lieu of the murder, bodily injury or property damage. Under sharia law, the Diyya compensation received by the victim or victim’s family is in cash.”
This effectively allows rich people (or businesses) to get away with murder.
“Theft (stealing) is a hudud crime in sharia, with a fixed punishment. If the accused meets the 19 conditions of his act of thievery, his/her hands or feet will be cut off.”
Removal of body parts is not an acceptable punishment for anything, and wastes medical resouces that could be used to treat other people.
“Sharia law states that if either an unmarried man or an unmarried woman has pre-marital sex, the punishment should be 100 lashes.<sup id=”cite_ref-8″ class=”reference”>[8]</sup><sup id=”cite_ref-9″ class=”reference”>[9]</sup> There are some requirements that need to be met before this punishment can happen. For example, the punishment cannot happen unless the person confesses, or unless four eyewitnesses each saw, at the same time, the man and the woman in the action of illicit sex. Those who accuse someone of illicit sex but fail to produce four eyewitnesses are guilty of false accusation and their punishment is 80 lashes.<sup id=”cite_ref-10″ class=”reference”>[10]</sup> Maliki school of sharia considers pregnancy in an unmarried woman as sufficient evidence that she committed the hudud crime of zina.<sup id=”cite_ref-11″ class=”reference”>[11]</sup><sup id=”cite_ref-12″ class=”reference”>[12]</sup> The Hadiths consider homosexuality as zina.<sup>”</sup>
I have already convered unmarried sex, but lashing is also not a punishment that is acceptable. This would also outlaw homosexuality, which is wrong.
“The punishment for apostasy is thought to be death by several schools of Muslim thought.”
Not believing in Allah should not be illegal.
“There are two festivals that are considered Sunnah.<sup id=”cite_ref-14″ class=”reference”>[14]</sup>
Religious festivals should not be legally enforced.
“Islamic law lists only some specific foods and drinks that are not allowed.<sup id=”cite_ref-die_18-0″ class=”reference”>[18]</sup>
- Pork, blood, and scavenged meat are not allowed. People are also not allowed to eat animals that were slaughtered in the name of someone other than Allah.
- Intoxicants (like alcoholic drinks and drugs) are not allowed generally.“
There is no reason to ban the consumption of pork or alcohol. Drugs are also illegal, but I don’t think some of them should be.
“There are some specific rules regarding the killing of animals in Islam.
- The animal must be killed in the most humane way: by swiftly cutting the throat.
- The animal must not be diseased.
- The animal must not have been exposed to feces, worms, and other impurities.
- All blood must drain from the animal before being packaged.”
Cutting the throat of an animal is not the most humane way to kill it. The other parts are already included in food safety regulations.
26 January, 2017 at 4:50 pm #1020577shr isnt the brightest button in the box… why would I travel to a muslim country to fight muslims? There are enough of them here in the UK to battle
Now you are just being silly, silly silly silly. You don’t fight Muslims here in the UK do you. I doubt you have ever met, or spoken to any Muslims. You certainly would not repeat a single word you type on JC to a Muslim, face to face. You know it and I know it.
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