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22 January, 2017 at 8:56 pm #1020320
Apparently the British version of “sharia” law, called the extremely secretive “family courts” is much more civilized and so preferable. Where women who have been victims of the most horrendous crimes are forced to face their violent ex partners and relive the horrendous experiences they have been through. Including having to negotiate with extremely violent and dangerous men with restraining orders against them. Continually waffling on about “sharia” law as if it is somehow more barbaric, is clearly ludicrous in a patriarchal society dominated by men.
22 January, 2017 at 9:01 pm #1020322No, cutting off people’s hands for minor criminal offences isn’t barbaric at all.
22 January, 2017 at 9:01 pm #1020323Yes, because that’s what I said SHR
The organiser of the protest is the same as being a random person in it, clearly. You don’t even seem to know what the difference between a burqa and a hijab is, lol.
Yes, living in a Lancashire, alongside thousands of Muslims, including 10 Muslim families on my own street, what the hell would I know about Muslims and an auto correct typo that I didn’t notice, until it was to late to edit.
Careful Draculina, before you know it them there Muslims will be imposing sharia law on you.
22 January, 2017 at 9:03 pm #1020324Yes, living in a Lancashire, alongside thousands of Muslims, including 10 Muslim families on my own street, what the hell would I know about Muslims and an auto correct typo that I didn’t notice, until it was to late to edit.
Not enough to know what a burqa is apparently.
22 January, 2017 at 9:07 pm #1020325Here is an example of her strongly implying that Sharia should take over America:
For additional context:
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22 January, 2017 at 9:08 pm #1020326No, cutting off people’s hands for minor criminal offences isn’t barbaric at all.
You are not even aware there are different versions of sharia law, being the expert you are, that surprises me. You are also obsessed with Muslims and quote extreme examples randomly like a Daily Mail sub editor. There is no context in your irrational fear of Muslims . You hide behind the veil of womens rights while totally ignoring the suppression of women on your own doorstop, by your own society.
22 January, 2017 at 9:12 pm #1020327You are not even aware there are different versions of sharia law, being the expert you are, that surprises me.
Maybe you should tell the islamists that then.
You hide behind the veil of womens rights while totally ignoring the suppression of women on your own doorstop, by your own society.
I have never personally been suppressed by our society, infact women have more rights than men in most areas of the law.
22 January, 2017 at 9:17 pm #1020328Enjoy rabbiting on to yourself. While you spend countless hours “researching” (in the Daily Mail) what extreme example you can produce next.
22 January, 2017 at 9:22 pm #1020329Are you sure you don’t want to attack him anymore?
22 January, 2017 at 9:43 pm #1020331drac, you’re getting hysterical.
Sharia courts in the UK don’t chop people’s hands off etc. If any court did, then they’d be acting illegally.
And the Linda Motivator photos are silly but hardly jihadi. I notice you said she was implying sharia law in the USA; not advocating it. Implying! If she were a jihadi, Chump would be trumpeting it everywhere.
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