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  • #4928

    Three ducks walk into a bar…

    “Hello,” says the barman. “We don’t get many ducks in here. And what’s your name?” he asks the first duck.

    “Huey,” says the duck.

    “Well, hi Huey. Had a good day?”

    “Sure, just great. In and out of puddles all day long. What more could a duck want?”

    “That’s great,” says the barman. He turns to the second duck. “And you are?”

    “I’m Dewey. Had a terrific day too. In and out of puddles all day. What more could a duck ask?”

    “Well, that’s good to hear,” says the barman. He turns to the third duck. “So you must be Louie?”

    “No,” says the duck, batting her eyelashes. “My name is Puddles.”


    :D [-X


    that joke is nearly as ole as u Ob’s eh lol puddles lol


    Yes sir you just know how everyone likes a good joke about ducks.
    If you just stop and think about it, what else is more funny than a joke like that one?
    go ahead and think about it……… see I told you , nothing else comes closes does it.

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