For Morgue & Morbid , oops sorry Mo….
Well, I just have to say with the utmost sincerity, that you two are totally perfect for each other ! A match made in heaven. Totally on the same level, 2 minds melded in to 1 , a mirror image of each other No less than the PERFECT COUPLE !!
The rest of us can only aspire to be as perfectly in tune with the loves of our lives as you two are. I’m sure we are all terribly happy for you both and look forward to hearing about many, many more
……times to come !!!
We all have our hankies at the ready …..
❤️ 😢 🤧🤧
Orrrr….. maybe not
Sleep well Wayne and Waynetta, how’s Frogmella doing ?
Classy bird Mo is lol
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