Boards Index General discussion Getting serious molest a child? and continue to live a charmed life?

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  • #4090

    ok …… goes……..difficult subject this really

    i read with horror today that Robert Oliver one of the most reviled paedophiles was allowed to walk the streets to his hostel unnacompanied……a picture of him walking by a young mother with a small child in a buggy made my blood run cold…..

    When is the government going to wise up and give these people real sentences, perhaps when it happens to one of their children???

    i just dont know where to go with the anger i feel that these people are living easy lives, no bills , no work , no not knowing where the next meal is coming from………

    i would just like to point out that victims of child abuse live with it for life……they get no remission from it . some are ‘lucky’ enough to be able to put away the horrors but others live a life of inadequacy, breakdowns, and constantly relive the repeated horror of physical abuse sometimes one offs sometimes years of abuse…….

    Why are these people allowed such freedom…………..why are we even trying to rehabilitate them???? this crime is one of the most disgusting and vile crime anyone can commit………… why are we even sharing the air we breathe with these monsters??????

    just think about it……. i am in theory against violence and conflict but if anyone had touched one of my kids i would have no compulsion in destroying that person by what ever means

    ok i’ve said it now …….so over to you ……please no offensive comments on this subject ……. who knows how many people out there have actually experienced abuse of one sort another……… think about their feelings please

    god bless n hugsssssssss



    This is a very difficult and emotive subject.

    Why do people comitt such dreadful crimes in the first place?

    Have they all had similar things done to them? I wonder what percentage have normal backgrounds, have not been abused, but at some point start to abuse children?

    And that wasn’t a rhetorical question, if anyone knows i would like to find out.



    You do this scum a disservice

    He is not just a paedophile but part of a gang of paedophiles that were responsible for the sexual torture, rape and murder of up to 9 boys in the 1980’s including Jason Swift and 7 year old Mark Tyddesley.

    The fact that he is walking anywhere and not rotting somewhere is an indictment on society and our justice system- a blow torch ala Pulp Fiction would be too good for him


    yes slayer you are quite right……….

    so sad …….. he/they woz every bit as bad as hindley and brady and yet……….

    i rest my case

    hugss xxxxxx


    can I find the rope and the tree :evil:


    I have a slightly different take on this subject.

    We all blame the Government – and maybe they should take their share of the blame – but these animals are punished by the Judiciary. It is a Judge that sentences them to a term of imprisonment. It is lawyers that defend them, that complain that their Civil rights have been breached etc etc.

    Maybe we should turn our totally justified anger and rage on both lawyers AND the Judiciary.


    I wouldent say on the Lawyers. They’re just doing their job.
    In a democratic country everyone is entitled to some form of Legal respresentation.


    As I said before everyone deserves Legal Representation in a Democracy. This way the facts can be presented to in a Court of Law so that the Judge or Jury can decide.


    Of course it is Tommy. A real brainwave. :wink:


    I read that in the News of the World 2day…. ( i buy it for the mag n spetic pegs stars)

    I agree with Tommy on the hang the bas tards…… the Beasts.

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