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  • #1100740

    Norfolk remains within the top 10 safest counties in England despite its 11.8 increase in crime rates.

    Office of National Statistics (ONS) has released crime rates between October 2016 and September 2017 which show a 11.8 per cent increase in crimes across Norfolk, equating to 5,695 more crimes.

    These figures compare to 34 other counties in England and show Norfolk has the lowest crime rate across the eastern region.

    Norfolk Police’s deputy chief constable, Nick Dean said: “Today’s figures show a rise in most crimes but in particular in violence against the person and robbery. We have undertaken a huge amount of work with partner agencies especially in the night time economy to address this rise in violent crime.

    “However, we also need to understand that ‘violence’ as defined by the Crime Recording Standards incorporates a large range of incidents, from verbal abuse to serious violence.”


    Its Norfolk USA you thick b*astard

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by  rudeboy.

    Erm…. it’s Norfolk Va USA ….

    Is that to me?

    Yes I know, only Dan was chastising Slippery on the other thread about banging on about things he can’t change in Trump/America. So I was merely pointing out the crime rate in Norfolk England is extremely low by comparrison. No point getting upset about crime in Norfolk, in the USA is there, really is there, Dan lives in Norfolk in England, it has no effect on him whatsoever.


    Don’t be silly Ge, you got Norfolk USA confused with Norfolk England but your attempt to cover your stupidity is hilarious ..your exhumed dog could make a better fist of it than “Yes I know, only Dan was chastising Slippery on the other thread about banging on about things he can’t change in Trump/America. So I was merely pointing out the crime rate in Norfolk England is extremely low”




    Its Norfolk USA you thick b*astard

    Why on earth are you rabbiting on about Norfolk VA USA NorfolkMafia and why on earth are you abusing everyone so angrily about it?


    You don’t live in Norfolk VA USA, you live in Norfolk England, major crime in your neck of the woods is a kid stealing a lollypop. Crime in Norfolk VA USA has no EFFECT on your sheltered life whatsoever.





    Don’t be silly Ge, you got Norfolk USA confused with Norfolk England but your attempt to cover your stupidity is hilarious ..your exhumed dog could make a better fist of it than “Yes I know, only Dan was chastising Slippery on the other thread about banging on about things he can’t change in Trump/America. So I was merely pointing out the crime rate in Norfolk England is extremely low”

    Actually I didn’t get it confused at all. You are a hypocrite, you had a go at Slippery for banging on about America and here you are… Banging on about America.






    Ye man lets boogie woogie!


    Fancy being so thick you can’t differentiate between USA and UK then posting this to save face

    Yes I know, only Dan was chastising Slippery on the other thread about banging on about things he can’t change in Trump/America. So I was merely pointing out the crime rate in Norfolk England is extremely low by comparrison. 😂😅😆



    Fancy being so thick you can’t differentiate between USA and UK then posting this to save face

    Yes I know, only Dan was chastising Slippery on the other thread about banging on about things he can’t change in Trump/America. So I was merely pointing out the crime rate in Norfolk England is extremely low by comparrison. 😂😅😆

    After watching you abuse Moose as well on this thread, my point is more than proven.







    You’re on fire tonight NorfolkMafia, where a kid knocking on your door and running away is a major crime incident. While you shake your fist angrily screaming “i’ll av you”.





    Can’t imagine someone so intrinsically stupid they can’t tell 2 continents apart and the excuse being …

    Yes I know, only Dan was chastising Slippery on the other thread about banging on about things he can’t change in Trump/America. So I was merely pointing out the crime rate in Norfolk England is extremely low by comparrison.


    😆😂😂😂😂😂 with his spell checker blowing up in the end with rage

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