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  • #1115931

    A mangey dog knows itā€™s own tricks bestĀ  :yes:

    Donā€™t bother having a turn at the Comedy Club, we donā€™t want you getting even more upset do we ….

    Cheers Big EarsĀ  :good:

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    A mangey dog knows itā€™s own tricks best :yes:

    Donā€™t bother having a turn at the Comedy Club, we donā€™t want you getting even more upset do we ā€¦.

    Cheers Big Ears :good:

    Who is getting upset why you following me round like a little stalker dont know whose worse you or kenty btw im not a lesbos so stop stalking me thanks in advance:)….P.S its getting quite creepy off you pop:)


    A mangey dog knows itā€™s own tricks best :yes:

    Donā€™t bother having a turn at the Comedy Club, we donā€™t want you getting even more upset do we ā€¦.

    Cheers Big Ears :good:

    Now that cracked me up pmsfl


    Look I said enough trying to be funny, you may like borrowing Janeys stuff, but Lilly Savage you arenā€™t chuck, more like Rabb C Nesbit in a wig with lippy ! Maybe you can get a make-over with your Ā£50 k worth of damages your ā€˜ barristers top barristerā€™ wins for you !!


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    Bless you, youā€™ve cheered me right up, now I have this image of you , banging away furiously on your keyboard with a wonky wig and a stained vest stretched over that beer belly !!!

    Heyyyy you are funny after all !!! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Ŗ

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    Moosey what a name lolol just wind your neck in luv theres a good girl :)….makes me laugh when you jump on the bandwagon you like to think your something special….only thing your speshul is in the head now like i said stop following me round geez !!!!!


    Lol knew youā€™d be all upset… Ā not as much fun this is it? Not at all as fun as sitting in a chat room as a number shouting foul abuse and lies at people , banging on about peopleā€™s dried up clunges and ranting about pakkis Ā , trying to shock people , ooooo you love doing that donā€™t you lol thatā€™s your idea of good fun ! Notice itā€™s always aimed at women though, dead brave you eh ? Glad I make you laugh, have a proper chuckle, you really donā€™t sound like your laughing to be honest, you sound proper angry, Iā€™ll wind my neck in when I wish to, getting you all pissed off is far too amusing lol.

    Cheer up, come on give us a tune Rabb xxx

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    I feel quite sad for Morg, I shouldnā€™t , given the torrent of disgusting and astoundingly crude abuse I got today, however , thatā€™s water off a ducks back, after all, you canā€™t blame a person with the emotional and physical intelligence of a prawn for their inabilities. I quite admire that he has done some research, eg: Madame Bovary, you can tell heā€™s kinda pleased with himself on that point too, as he mentions it so often lol.

    However , come on Morg, try a bit harder, you canā€™t annihilate a ā€˜ confound mind ā€˜ mate. Itā€™s ok to recognise words, they have to be put together the right way though mate , or they make no sense!! Calm down !! Iā€™m just helping here !!

    poundshop home brand ?? :negative:

    super strength ibrofen ??? And omeprazole ?? Again, nice mention, but they donā€™t ā€˜ cure ā€˜ anything ..

    You are correct though , Steptoe never did really love her, or anyone else , incapable you see, I see why you understand her pain there so well, as she never had any real feelings for you did she ? šŸ˜¢

    whoā€™ s the ā€˜ weā€™ ā€¦. are not trying to tell you etc ? You and who else ? are you damaged and ā€˜ desolated ? šŸ¤­ sorry , shouldnā€™t laugh, not everyone has a decent grasp of their own language , ahemā€¦

    Itā€™s really very kind of you to warn MrQ , very kind, you must feel ultra concerned that he and Mrs B are getting on well ? To go to such lengths to warn him about her! Others may well say that thereā€™s a whiff of desperation and jealousy, with maybe a hint of panic, I disagree though . I think your feelings are the same as those you feel for any female especially those who are so obviously better, smarter, funnier, more liked, loved by family, happier, ,, basically most , who unknowingly make you feel the worthless piece of shit you are.

    Sorry to those who feel Iā€™ve been excessive , but after an hour of being called the vilest things I decided to wait and have a decent but very truthful vent šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ˜

    what ive said is based on fact and my opinions, as Morg expressed his opinions that I was a , BIG, SHORT, FAT, UGLY, OLD, USED UP, RANCID, STINKING OF SHIT, WITH A DRIED UP OLD ā€˜ CLUNGEā€™ ( mentioned a few times, he likes that one ) oh and A SON WHO IS A FLID AND PAKKI BASTARD , etc etc. On and onā€¦ so sorry for boring you all, but heyyyy, I FEEL GREAT X

    And yes , he will deny and yes I donā€™t care, I know, you know, Janey knows, ( worry for her) and yes she / he will say itā€™s her typing yawnā€¦.



    Has Morg got a real id ??? Yet you falsely accuse him of abuse hmmmm.

    If he went to his barrister, and along with that hired his barristers senior barrister for these slanderous false accusations, it would work out about Ā£50,000 you would owe in court costs and damages.

    Just trying to be friendly here and helpful so donā€™t go off on one like you normally do, and think before releasing the anger from your fingertips half sloshed on kestrel super strength and start screaming from the Jc roof tops mooosey.

    I’m not sure if janey would know the difference between slander and lible

    one thing is for sure though

    Morg dont

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    Funnily enough I get abuse from him ever since the ever so sweet and innocent Janyelou hooked up with himā€¦..very similar to your abuse Mooseyā€¦.he does love a clungeā€¦

    Keep me out of this thanks.

    Let me think about thatā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ermā€¦ā€¦ā€¦nah

    Makes sense why he loves a clunge

    Make Love not war this repetitiveness is wearing thin ;-)

    dont bring me into itĀ  :whistle:


    What do you get if you cross the Queens pooches with a classic keyboard?…..a Morgiā€¦.LMAO RATF PML

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