Microsoft have just released details of their new web browser – Internet Explorer 8. I’m going to give it a go shortly and will report back on its features.
HOWEVER – the link below leads you to a “white paper” issued by Microsoft which I urge all JustChat users to read through carefully.
It give you one of the clearest and most detailed descriptions of internet security risks I’ve seen in a long while.
It explains in simple terms all you need to know about:
‘drive-by downloads’; ‘malware’; ‘spy ware’; and suchlike as well as explaining some of the methods used by ‘Cybercriminals’.
These include social engineering attacks; phishing attacks; and they explain the dangers involved with using “free” games, movies, TV shows; and music downloads.
Being aware of the dangers and risks on the internet will go a long way towards keeping you and your family safer.