@reason wrote:
Right!!!……… cmon ya miserable foookas,let’s all enter into the spirit of things,everybody has to join in now.
Deck the halls with pots of curry…….RAMADANDANDAN DAN-DAN-DAN-DAN
Nowwwwws the season to be jolly RAMADANDAN DAN-DAN-DAN-DAN :shock: :lol:
loses summat in the foookin translation though dunnit :roll:
Remember ….. i don’t foookin care
Now that did make me really chuckle :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Here we are again, back to what is and whats not politically correct. We had this one little while ago didn’t we. Personally I don’t care if Asda or anyone else are selling Ramadam advent calenders, why not!?,,,,,,,,just so long tho, as the Politically Correct Brigade, cos I still believe it isn’t the vast majority of Muslims that do, dont start when it comes to christmas, that we cant have christian advent calenders and/or nativity plays because it might upset the ethnics in our communitys :roll: When in Rome