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  • #8785

    Hi everyone

    I know that some of you are hugely upset that you didn’t receive a Christmas ecard (that’s because you aren’t signed up to our newsletter). Therefore, let me repeat myself here – Merry Christmas to you all, and best wishes for 2008.

    We love every single one of you and only wish we had the time to physically express this love – unfortunately we are always too busy dealing with complaints and other such ridiculous emails!

    Best wishes again :)


    Mary Clitoris Martin, hope Santa gets you 2 Lesbian Mary’s



    Bah humbug!


    @anita Gofradump wrote:

    Bah humbug!

    Why do you have to be so horrible, Martin deserves 2 Mary Lesbians after putting up with you all year and one week of last year.


    Them damn complaints!! Why dont they just switch of the pc and turn around and go and do something less boring instead.

    When is Why Dont You on next? :wink:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Them damn complaints!! Why dont they just switch of the pc and turn around and go and do something less boring instead.

    When is Why Dont You on next? :wink:

    Sit at home, watch tv, turn it off, no good to me

    so whhhyyy dont you, whhhyyy dooonnnt yooouuuu, go, go, go!

    Today were going to make something you’ll cringe at in 20 years time, toilet roll binoculours.

    Now what you need to do, is eat lots of curry and kebob and sh!t it out so you can wipe your arris alot, then when you’ve done that you’ll only have the cardboard shells left, glue em togeva, sniff the glue and walla :lol:

    Mary Clitoris everyone :lol:

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