@tommy-toxen wrote:
I think it’s hilarious
But i don’t believe in made-up “disorders” that are just an excuse to break the law, act like a complete jerk or just to claim disablility anyway.
There are true mental illnesses like brain damage.
Maybe it just takes time to recognise these ‘disorders’ as being proper disorders Tommy – they shot people for cowardice in WW1 because no-one considered the possibility of shell-shock. They now have PTSD counselling for firemen, policemen, ambulance crews etc who have to scrape bits of bodies off of roads etc because, over time, they realised that exposure to these horrific sights causes problems in the long-term.
Anyway, didn’t want to get all gloomy, just wanted to say that sometimes we don’t recognise disorders until it’s too late or some clever shrink gives it a name but it doesn’t mean the individual is not really suffering. Right, back to the funny stuff…..
Oh Happy New Year by the way.