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  • #180056

    @soulie wrote:

    run tommy, clare is after ya

    gotta agree with tommy though in a sense.. but not tottaly



    what you laughing at miss clare


    you …and it’s better than me being sad ain’t it ???


    @angel* wrote:

    @wildwolf nw wrote:

    funny as hell,un less u have a mental health issue,wich is on the rise in this country.but then again every thing is funny until it touches some one close to you.

    Well I’ve suffered with depression myself WW and sure didn’t take offence at it, if we can’t have a sense of humour in this big bad world then we have nothing.


    Agreed :D


    My little voice is ignoring me at the moment (she can be such a b*tch). Can somebody tell me which button to push?
    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:




    @tommy-toxen wrote:


    I think it’s hilarious

    But i don’t believe in made-up “disorders” that are just an excuse to break the law, act like a complete jerk or just to claim disablility anyway.

    There are true mental illnesses like brain damage.

    Maybe it just takes time to recognise these ‘disorders’ as being proper disorders Tommy – they shot people for cowardice in WW1 because no-one considered the possibility of shell-shock. They now have PTSD counselling for firemen, policemen, ambulance crews etc who have to scrape bits of bodies off of roads etc because, over time, they realised that exposure to these horrific sights causes problems in the long-term.

    Anyway, didn’t want to get all gloomy, just wanted to say that sometimes we don’t recognise disorders until it’s too late or some clever shrink gives it a name but it doesn’t mean the individual is not really suffering. Right, back to the funny stuff…..

    Oh Happy New Year by the way.


    :oops: :oops:

    Wrong thread, saw the title and thought it was about manic shrubland that is overtaking parts of our countryside, destroying wildflowers and reclaiming land back from developers



    @slayer wrote:

    :oops: :oops:

    Wrong thread, saw the title and thought it was about manic shrubland that is overtaking parts of our countryside, destroying wildflowers and reclaiming land back from developers


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

Viewing 9 posts - 11 through 19 (of 19 total)

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