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  • #315616

    awee Sunny ur no daft, Ive still got a jumper of my dads never washed,,, still smell him..
    here ive decided to keep things now for my lass n son… started a this is your life book… writtin down funny moments… just incase i go do lally but can still read lol give me a laff way the sepllin alone eh lol

    well ive finally painted, etc got the buffet sorted, kids sorted for 2moz, opened a bottle of wine and 10 mins to meself…


    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    awee Sunny ur no daft, Ive still got a jumper of my dads never washed,,, still smell him..
    here ive decided to keep things now for my lass n son… started a this is your life book… writtin down funny moments… just incase i go do lally but can still read lol give me a laff way the sepllin alone eh lol

    well ive finally painted, etc got the buffet sorted, kids sorted for 2moz, opened a bottle of wine and 10 mins to meself…

    Yep, chill out time is important Mary, gawn yersel girl. 8)


    good thread mary
    we take things to the grave
    what a tragedy that is for the person that died and the ones left to wonder why the person didnt share that
    lifes tapestry i suppose
    send her off well mary


    @sunny wrote:

    Mary sorry to hear about ya loos love but have to agree memmiores are good to look back on

    Still look threw moms stuff f00k me for some 1 who lived on her own she kept every think……………….From most me punk and ska 12 in records lol to all me school reports

    god some pics of our mom when she was bleatch blond behive hair do looks amazing to be hnest was a great looking women

    infact i sat in me room sunday looking though some of her stuff with 1 of her cardies on me lol daft i no

    tisnt daft at all sunny. i have kept a record of my kids since the day they were born. and i have a whole box of my sons stuff to pass on to my littleun when he/s old enough. all his cd/s….concert tiickets…pics of course. for myself i kept his favourite *pulling* shirt lol which hangs in my wardrobe and i can still smell his aftershave on it. i wear the gold chain we bought him for his 18th and have his hairbrush in my bedside drawer. the best things are the videos we took and which i have already shown my littleun. my dad died over 30 yrs ago..i have one pic of him and a small box containg his glasses and his favourite pipe.


    @pats wrote:

    @sunny wrote:

    Mary sorry to hear about ya loos love but have to agree memmiores are good to look back on

    Still look threw moms stuff f00k me for some 1 who lived on her own she kept every think……………….From most me punk and ska 12 in records lol to all me school reports

    god some pics of our mom when she was bleatch blond behive hair do looks amazing to be hnest was a great looking women

    infact i sat in me room sunday looking though some of her stuff with 1 of her cardies on me lol daft i no

    tisnt daft at all sunny. i have kept a record of my kids since the day they were born. and i have a whole box of my sons stuff to pass on to my littleun when he/s old enough. all his cd/s….concert tiickets…pics of course. for myself i kept his favourite *pulling* shirt lol which hangs in my wardrobe and i can still smell his aftershave on it. i wear the gold chain we bought him for his 18th and have his hairbrush in my bedside drawer. the best things are the videos we took and which i have already shown my littleun. my dad died over 30 yrs ago..i have one pic of him and a small box containg his glasses and his favourite pipe.

    f u cking hell Pats i didnt know your dad was stan ogden


    @r.O.T.T wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @sunny wrote:

    Mary sorry to hear about ya loos love but have to agree memmiores are good to look back on

    Still look threw moms stuff f00k me for some 1 who lived on her own she kept every think……………….From most me punk and ska 12 in records lol to all me school reports

    god some pics of our mom when she was bleatch blond behive hair do looks amazing to be hnest was a great looking women

    infact i sat in me room sunday looking though some of her stuff with 1 of her cardies on me lol daft i no

    tisnt daft at all sunny. i have kept a record of my kids since the day they were born. and i have a whole box of my sons stuff to pass on to my littleun when he/s old enough. all his cd/s….concert tiickets…pics of course. for myself i kept his favourite *pulling* shirt lol which hangs in my wardrobe and i can still smell his aftershave on it. i wear the gold chain we bought him for his 18th and have his hairbrush in my bedside drawer. the best things are the videos we took and which i have already shown my littleun. my dad died over 30 yrs ago..i have one pic of him and a small box containg his glasses and his favourite pipe.

    f u cking hell Pats i didnt know your dad was stan ogden

    no he was better looking.


    i was just recalling the scene when hilda took out his pipe and glasses and cried for the first time


    @r.O.T.T wrote:

    i was just recalling the scene when hilda took out his pipe and glasses and cried for the first time

    i know. memories.


    well thats ‘ ole frosty breaches ‘ been givin her send aff today… what an event even before we got to the crem lol i was finishin the el buffet, was too busy yakkin to my mam whilest cutting the french bread.. when i felt this warm sensation on my finger and this stingin..!!! could see my mum sayin sumthing next thing i know, they have me on the couch and well eff me… my finger was throbbin…!!! i manage to slice off the whole of my left index finger off…. i could here my uncle sayin is this it…!!! next my young cousin whom is in final yr of being a Doctor sayin no we need to take her to A n E… then i sat bolt rite up and said here whats happenin still got things to do..!! i aint goin to nae hospital til the 19th lol so they patched up me finger we couldnt find the bit we sliced off prob stuck in the french bread we had to toss lol…. at the crem at one point i could feel myself gon again… another faintin moment but i managed to go to the end lol got hame with the family and back to bein hostess… when i notice that my finger was a whiter shade of pale… lol so i slipeed away with my cousin up to A n E… like i thought wasted journey as they just took one look and said ; thats a sair one lol we can’t do much expect clean and dress it, as u don’t have the missin piece… i wisnar gonna bin rake fir it lol so im missin 1/3 of my nail n finger, my dressin is bigger than the rest of my effin hands… plus its heavy ,,, just as well my knifes r razor sharp as if blunt think id of done mair damage…

    but the ole duck had a fair ole send aff, my mam still not had a cry as yet, but we got her well soZZled on blk russians lol


    my mam still not had a cry as yet

    I think some folk are just like that. I know I’ve never cried at losing anyone, but strangely enough I cried at the end of Armageddon and Man On Fire. Go figure.

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