Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Mcanns under scrutiny
23 August, 2007 at 11:44 pm #282229
We wont know until it all becomes proven
you all might be wrong
24 August, 2007 at 12:04 am #282230BM ,,,,,,,,,,I wont have a problem at all in holding my hands up and saying I was wrong,,,,,,,IF!! its proven that the parents didn’t actually have anything to do with the dissapearance of Maddie……I just don’t think tha theyre as innocent as they would have the general public believe, thst my opinion at the moment, who knows
24 August, 2007 at 12:23 am #282231Well duh at you token
How can people saying they MIGHT have done it be wrong? Its not a conclusive statement its a non perjorative speculation, whereas you however ARE making a conclusive statement in your wholly innacurate contradictions of things that havent even been said
Youre the only one at the moment that seems to be trying to claim categorically that they have or havent, and therefore you are the ONLY person who could be proven wrong
For someone to be proven wrong they first in a total absence of actually knowing for a fact need to have proclaimed they are “right”, can you in your miniscule wisdom actually find a place where thats been said other than your own groundless presumptions?
Because without that anything said is merely speculative possibility, not a claim of factual knowledge seeing as there isnt any factual knowledge to be had towards proving that they did OR didnt have anything to do with her death in a direct fashion
And no amount of repeatedly making the same innacurately re-iterated quotations will actually make anything you say either gramatically or factually acurate despite what you might mistakenly think
24 August, 2007 at 12:36 am #282232It doesnt end on this site you know?
life does go on, conversations happen elsewhere,
It doesnt matter what i thin has happened or what i think the parents have or have not done wrong
in my mind its my opinion and i think my opinion is correct otherwise it wouldnt be mine would it?
and no amount of clever writing and patronising statements will bully me into thinking otherwise.
24 August, 2007 at 12:51 am #282233@token_male wrote:
in my mind its my opinion and i think my opinion is correct otherwise it wouldnt be mine would it?
and no amount of clever writing and patronising statements will bully me into thinking otherwise.
Well said. Just because we dont agree with what others are saying we all have differing opinions and should be able to say them without getting the same old repetative answers rammed down our throats.
Lets all join and say that we hope that the abductors/and/or murderers of Maddie are caught soon and dealt with in the most horrenious way that we can do within the arms of the Human Rights Act. Perhaps even hope that somebody gets hold of him or them before that and save us all the expense. Dirty filthy scum that he/they are, whoever.
24 August, 2007 at 4:15 am #282234@cas wrote:
BM ,,,,,,,,,,I wont have a problem at all in holding my hands up and saying I was wrong,,,,,,,IF!! its proven that the parents didn’t actually have anything to do with the dissapearance of Maddie……I just don’t think tha theyre as innocent as they would have the general public believe, thst my opinion at the moment, who knows
IF!! . :lol:
Do you know something I dont Cas? As far as I know there is no evidence linking the McCanns to their Daughters dissaperance in anyway. Just a load of innuendo, Newspaper and Internet Message Board Gossip. The way you say IF!! it’s as if there is already a load of ready made evidence against them? :24 August, 2007 at 8:17 am #282235@token_male wrote:
It doesnt end on this site you know?
life does go on, conversations happen elsewhere,
It doesnt matter what i thin has happened or what i think the parents have or have not done wrong
in my mind its my opinion and i think my opinion is correct otherwise it wouldnt be mine would it?
and no amount of clever writing and patronising statements will bully me into thinking otherwise.
HAHAHAHA, OMG just how thick ARE you?
Try reading back what you just wrote. you THINK they are innocent, JUST like OTHER people THINK they arent
Its YOUR view, JUST like the opposite one is OTHER peoples view
Yet your whinging about being left alone to hold and express YOUR view without being “bullied” about it, well try reading your own posts in response to OTHER people stating THEIR views, the ones that YOU dont agree with and then contemplate whether THEY wouldnt also like the exact same consideration that youre saying YOU should have
Infact while at it re read my posts, because thats exactly what I’ve been pointing out to you all along, that YOU dont know they ARE innocent the same as nobody else KNOWS they arent, everu view on the matter is JUST an opinion with no facts or knowledge to back them up, people on both sides ARE just stating a view but its YOU that was talking about “right” and “wrong” which has no place or relevance to the stating of opinions and crying about being “bullied” just because everyone doesnt agree with you is a bit nonsensical on a DISCUSSION site (apologies if you thought it was a pandering arse licking site btw, maybe you should try somewhere with “dating” in the site name lol)
Maybe you should try applying the mindset youre asking others to apply to you TO other people and also stop whinging when you get exactly the same back as you dish out coz it just makes you look like a spoilt insecure knob who cant function without total agreement and thinks your views and opinions are in some way more important or relevant than other peoples
Playing the poor pleading wounded soul AFTER spewing vehemence is only either manipulative deviousness or the sign of schitzophrenia and totally lacks consistency and integrity
24 August, 2007 at 8:24 am #282236@Bad Manners wrote:
@cas wrote:
BM ,,,,,,,,,,I wont have a problem at all in holding my hands up and saying I was wrong,,,,,,,IF!! its proven that the parents didn’t actually have anything to do with the dissapearance of Maddie……I just don’t think tha theyre as innocent as they would have the general public believe, thst my opinion at the moment, who knows
IF!! . :lol:
Do you know something I dont Cas? As far as I know there is no evidence linking the McCanns to their Daughters dissaperance in anyway. Just a load of innuendo, Newspaper and Internet Message Board Gossip. The way you say IF!! it’s as if there is already a load of ready made evidence against them? :OMG, Theres two of them at it now haha :lol: :lol: :lol:
BM, IF means IF, it really is as simple as that, the same way “I think” DOESNT mean the same as “I know for an incontrivertible fact”
Just because you CHOOSE to read it that way doesnt mean your grasp of the english language of cognitive interpretation of grammatical substance is adequate
Oh and…..
Do you know something I dont Bad MAnners? As far as I know there is no evidence detaching the McCanns from their Daughters dissaperance in anyway. Just a load of touchy feeling closed minds, Newspaper and Internet Message Board views. The way you say IT!! it’s as if there is already a load of ready made evidence againstProving theyre innocence?
26 August, 2007 at 11:57 pm #282237has to bite lol has to bite
27 August, 2007 at 12:22 am #282238PMSL, on a discussion board pretty much every post is someone “biting” innit?
But to grown ups is called responding or joining in with the discussion
Whereas comments that arent related in anyway to the content of the thread and arent any actual form of reply to the contents of previous posts really are “biting” or just someone with nothing to say who feels the need they should say “something” no matter how vaccuous or erroneous that something is
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