Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Mc Canns are being framed

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  • #286798

    @fastcars wrote:

    Thats a fantastic idea PB…. lets bring them onto national TV… force them to confess to the worlds press that what they did was a huge mistake and how much they regretted it….

    Well they HAVE been on national TV … in practically every country in the world, constnatly and incessantly. They have courted publicity assiduosly wherever they went. No stone has been left unturned in the McCann’s well oiled publicity machine. They have even recruited God’s representative on Earth to their cause.

    But every time an interviewer goes ”off message” by asking them about their personal responsibilty and the FACT that they left their children unprotected etc etc …. they blow up into a tantrum and hide behind the mantra that the police are investigating and they can’t say anything that might prejudice this. (Mind you they seem to be perfectly able to tell the Media how poor the police are and how they haven’t been doing the things that the McCanns say they should).

    Then they desperately try to get back to the ”real message” and focus on the hunt for her and finding her etc … all of which I think is a totally cynical ploy to avoid their personal culpabiltiy in all of this.

    @The leader of the McCann’s defence team wrote:

    And all the time the real perpetrator of this sad act will be sitting back with a large cocktail… feet up and a huge smile on his face for a job well done.

    This is assuming that you buy into the theory of a ‘mystery kidnapper’ who managed to do all this without leaving a trace …. not a hair …. not a speck of blood …… Hang on – there WAS a speck of blood wasn’t there. Oh yes — now I remember – it was found in the McCann’s hire car wasn’t it? Hmmmm … strange that eh?

    Well I’m sure that those involved in Maddie’s demise will be comfortably at home, sitting back with a large coctail, feet up ….. and a smug smile on their faces for having got away with it ……………………………. so far !!!!!


    With few exceptions, you lot are the kind of sour-minded ghouls who would have been at the front of the queue to get a better look at a public execution. Shame, that the extent of your activities is limited to gleeful cyber-gloating at the tragedies and misfortunes of those failing to meet the exacting standards of your perfect selves. This forum invariably allows the likes of Bat and her ilk, to screech and holler at the latest miscreant who deserves at the very least a damn good garotting prior to getting even a whiff of judge and jury. A gaggle of haggling crones..urged on by PB’s Witchfinder General will descend on any hapless traveller veering from the path of righteousness, subjecting the opinionated scoundrel to a verbal burning at the stake whilst the hangers-on throw stones and slink about in the mud on their neanderthal hunkers.
    A child has gone missing, the parents..whatever the circumstances (and I don’t for one second believe that the McCanns are in any way culpable)..will have to live the rest of their lives in despair. Show some FUC.KING compassion, you miserable shower of barstards!


    @esmeralda wrote:

    With few exceptions, you lot are the kind of sour-minded ghouls who would have been at the front of the queue to get a better look at a public execution. Shame, that the extent of your activities is limited to gleeful cyber-gloating at the tragedies and misfortunes of those failing to meet the exacting standards of your perfect selves. This forum invariably allows the likes of Bat and her ilk, to screech and holler at the latest miscreant who deserves at the very least a damn good garotting prior to getting even a whiff of judge and jury. A gaggle of haggling crones..urged on by PB’s Witchfinder General will descend on any hapless traveller veering from the path of righteousness, subjecting the opinionated scoundrel to a verbal burning at the stake whilst the hangers-on throw stones and slink about in the mud on their neanderthal hunkers.
    A child has gone missing, the parents..whatever the circumstances (and I don’t for one second believe that the McCanns are in any way culpable)..will have to live the rest of their lives in despair. Show some FUC.KING compassion, you miserable shower of barstards!

    thats YOU told PB.! =D>


    @pats wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    With few exceptions, you lot are the kind of sour-minded ghouls who would have been at the front of the queue to get a better look at a public execution. Shame, that the extent of your activities is limited to gleeful cyber-gloating at the tragedies and misfortunes of those failing to meet the exacting standards of your perfect selves. This forum invariably allows the likes of Bat and her ilk, to screech and holler at the latest miscreant who deserves at the very least a damn good garotting prior to getting even a whiff of judge and jury. A gaggle of haggling crones..urged on by PB’s Witchfinder General will descend on any hapless traveller veering from the path of righteousness, subjecting the opinionated scoundrel to a verbal burning at the stake whilst the hangers-on throw stones and slink about in the mud on their neanderthal hunkers.
    A child has gone missing, the parents..whatever the circumstances (and I don’t for one second believe that the McCanns are in any way culpable)..will have to live the rest of their lives in despair. Show some FUC.KING compassion, you miserable shower of barstards!

    thats YOU told PB.! =D>

    Wouldnt that be the feminists tho? They’d love to see more well “hung” men lol

    Anyhoo, 1. it would be far less mind numbing than football and 2. chances are sky would buy exclusive rights anyway so you could watch them from the comfort of your own home without having to rub shoulders with smelly people or disease carrying immigrants lol


    @esmeralda wrote:

    With few exceptions, you lot are the kind of sour-minded ghouls who would have been at the front of the queue to get a better look at a public execution. Shame, that the extent of your activities is limited to gleeful cyber-gloating at the tragedies and misfortunes of those failing to meet the exacting standards of your perfect selves. This forum invariably allows the likes of Bat and her ilk, to screech and holler at the latest miscreant who deserves at the very least a damn good garotting prior to getting even a whiff of judge and jury. A gaggle of haggling crones..urged on by PB’s Witchfinder General will descend on any hapless traveller veering from the path of righteousness, subjecting the opinionated scoundrel to a verbal burning at the stake whilst the hangers-on throw stones and slink about in the mud on their neanderthal hunkers.
    A child has gone missing, the parents..whatever the circumstances (and I don’t for one second believe that the McCanns are in any way culpable)..will have to live the rest of their lives in despair. Show some FUC.KING compassion, you miserable shower of barstards!

    Seriously tho, wanting it PROVEN the parents didnt do it IS showing compassion for the “victim”, because the victim ISNT the MCanns, its Maddy, and sparing them from scrutiny IF they did it is the complete opposite of showing compassion for the victim so until thats KNOWN they should be and should ALWAYS have been in the frame until ruled out by PROOF rather than the emotional brain washed witterings of sheep minded morons that cant comprehend that parents CAN and frequently do subject their kids to harm or death

    As for the “perfect standards” dross, I really dont think that NOT leaving three kids under four alone is really “perfection”, its more of a very VERY basic baseline that SHOULD be expeted of every single parent the world over rather than some high exacting expectation that should be seen as nice if it happens but no big deal if someone cant be bothered to actually be a parent to their kids

    And its exactly that wishy washy pathetic view that it ISNT a big deal doing such things that encourages people like the Mcanns to do so in the first place combined with the frequency at which the touchy strokey mob will want them to escape without punishment if something bad does happen

    Fuck how distraught the parents are, they are directly culpable for their childs death and should be held accountable as an example to other people who think its ok to take such irresponsible risks with their kids lives for such trivial selfish pursuits, because we dont KNOW they will feel even the slightest bit of remorse do we? So that alone cant be assumed or taken as ALL the punishment they live, that kind of pathetic assumption is worthless and could just as easily be applied to anyone who has deliberately killed their own kids too couldnt it?

    But I am getting sick to death of socially accepted or professionally presented sob stories gaining scrotes absolution from the responsibility of their crimes from the hoody happy slapping murderer who never had a playstation and whos father wasnt around all the way up to this crap with the crappy selfish parents who are to be expected to feel grief rather than relief if allowed to continue their charmed luxurious lifestyle rather than being held responsible for their actions

    Many people ARE jailed each year for committing crimes with GENUINE reasons like stopping their kids going hungry because they have no money, yet so many want these people who niether have a decent reason for leaving their kids alone nor lacked the funds to have arranged for some proper care for them to be let off scott free in the hopes they MIGHT feel a little bit bad about it at some undisclosed point in the future

    Fuck em, they are the spokespeople for just how pathetically self absorbed and half assed the standard of parenting is becoming in the UK, kids arent fashion items to be discarded when they are inconvenient. They are a parents primary consideration and a responsibility they should shoulder fully and that message needs to be sent out with every instance of the opposite irrespective of the poor ickle feelings of the tossers that cant be bothered to make at least some attempt at keeping their kids safe for absolutely no good reason

    Why not try and show compassion for all the kids that will be more likely to be put in the same danger if the majority of public opinion condones this action by wanting the parents spared any more grief, because that IS what the long term results of such a viewpoint will be which is clear to anyone who ISNT a neanderthol mamby pamby sob story worshipping victim stroker

    We’ve been far too soft on far too many people for far too long, so fuck em. You CHOOSE to take an action then you fucking well also CHOOSE to reap the ramifications of that action, its called responsibility and we as a society already HAVE a responsibility to deter parents from taking needless unnecessary risks with their kids lives, the responsibility it to the kids, not the parents


    @ubermik wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    With few exceptions, you lot are the kind of sour-minded ghouls who would have been at the front of the queue to get a better look at a public execution. Shame, that the extent of your activities is limited to gleeful cyber-gloating at the tragedies and misfortunes of those failing to meet the exacting standards of your perfect selves. This forum invariably allows the likes of Bat and her ilk, to screech and holler at the latest miscreant who deserves at the very least a damn good garotting prior to getting even a whiff of judge and jury. A gaggle of haggling crones..urged on by PB’s Witchfinder General will descend on any hapless traveller veering from the path of righteousness, subjecting the opinionated scoundrel to a verbal burning at the stake whilst the hangers-on throw stones and slink about in the mud on their neanderthal hunkers.
    A child has gone missing, the parents..whatever the circumstances (and I don’t for one second believe that the McCanns are in any way culpable)..will have to live the rest of their lives in despair. Show some FUC.KING compassion, you miserable shower of barstards!

    Seriously tho, wanting it PROVEN the parents didnt do it IS showing compassion for the “victim”, because the victim ISNT the MCanns, its Maddy, and sparing them from scrutiny IF they did it is the complete opposite of showing compassion for the victim so until thats KNOWN they should be and should ALWAYS have been in the frame until ruled out by PROOF rather than the emotional brain washed witterings of sheep minded morons that cant comprehend that parents CAN and frequently do subject their kids to harm or death

    As for the “perfect standards” dross, I really dont think that NOT leaving three kids under four alone is really “perfection”, its more of a very VERY basic baseline that SHOULD be expeted of every single parent the world over rather than some high exacting expectation that should be seen as nice if it happens but no big deal if someone cant be bothered to actually be a parent to their kids

    And its exactly that wishy washy pathetic view that it ISNT a big deal doing such things that encourages people like the Mcanns to do so in the first place combined with the frequency at which the touchy strokey mob will want them to escape without punishment if something bad does happen

    make fun of how distraught the parents are, they are directly culpable for their childs death and should be held accountable as an example to other people who think its ok to take such irresponsible risks with their kids lives for such trivial selfish pursuits, because we dont KNOW they will feel even the slightest bit of remorse do we? So that alone cant be assumed or taken as ALL the punishment they live, that kind of pathetic assumption is worthless and could just as easily be applied to anyone who has deliberately killed their own kids too couldnt it?

    But I am getting sick to death of socially accepted or professionally presented sob stories gaining scrotes absolution from the responsibility of their crimes from the hoody happy slapping murderer who never had a playstation and whos father wasnt around all the way up to this crap with the crappy selfish parents who are to be expected to feel grief rather than relief if allowed to continue their charmed luxurious lifestyle rather than being held responsible for their actions

    Many people ARE jailed each year for committing crimes with GENUINE reasons like stopping their kids going hungry because they have no money, yet so many want these people who niether have a decent reason for leaving their kids alone nor lacked the funds to have arranged for some proper care for them to be let off scott free in the hopes they MIGHT feel a little bit bad about it at some undisclosed point in the future

    make fun of em, they are the spokespeople for just how pathetically self absorbed and half assed the standard of parenting is becoming in the UK, kids arent fashion items to be discarded when they are inconvenient. They are a parents primary consideration and a responsibility they should shoulder fully and that message needs to be sent out with every instance of the opposite irrespective of the poor ickle feelings of the tossers that cant be bothered to make at least some attempt at keeping their kids safe for absolutely no good reason

    Why not try and show compassion for all the kids that will be more likely to be put in the same danger if the majority of public opinion condones this action by wanting the parents spared any more grief, because that IS what the long term results of such a viewpoint will be which is clear to anyone who ISNT a neanderthol mamby pamby sob story worshipping victim stroker

    We’ve been far too soft on far too many people for far too long, so make fun of em. You CHOOSE to take an action then you make fun of well also CHOOSE to reap the ramifications of that action, its called responsibility and we as a society already HAVE a responsibility to deter parents from taking needless unnecessary risks with their kids lives, the responsibility it to the kids, not the parents

    wow dude youre cool at times well written i totally agree. :shock: :shock: :shock:


    @esmeralda wrote:

    ……….A child has gone missing, the parents..whatever the circumstances (and I don’t for one second believe that the McCanns are in any way culpable)..will have to live the rest of their lives in despair. Show some FUC.KING compassion, you miserable shower of barstards!

    Speaking on behalf of Witchfinder Generals eveywhere …….. well whoopy doo for the McCanns. They’ll have to live the rest of their lives in despair??? Really ???? I see no evidence of it so far.

    They bask in the glow of the Media spotlight daily; their every word is reported and conveyed to the whole world; they are the centre of attention wherever they go; they jet from continent to continent meeting celebrities; they’ve had a personal audience with the Pope; the rich and famous rush to pledge support for them; over a million pounds has been donated for their cause;……. yup, they’ve had it real tough so far huh?

    I’ll feel all the compassion in the world for poor little Maddie – who, remember, has done NOTHING to deserve her fate – her parents can rot in hell for all I care and I’ll not shed a tear.

    In fact I sincerely hope that the Liverpool social services get off their fat bums and take the remaining two children into care, in case the McCanns decide to abandon them as well in order to go out on the piss.


    @waspish wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    With few exceptions, you lot are the kind of sour-minded ghouls who would have been at the front of the queue to get a better look at a public execution. Shame, that the extent of your activities is limited to gleeful cyber-gloating at the tragedies and misfortunes of those failing to meet the exacting standards of your perfect selves. This forum invariably allows the likes of Bat and her ilk, to screech and holler at the latest miscreant who deserves at the very least a damn good garotting prior to getting even a whiff of judge and jury. A gaggle of haggling crones..urged on by PB’s Witchfinder General will descend on any hapless traveller veering from the path of righteousness, subjecting the opinionated scoundrel to a verbal burning at the stake whilst the hangers-on throw stones and slink about in the mud on their neanderthal hunkers.
    A child has gone missing, the parents..whatever the circumstances (and I don’t for one second believe that the McCanns are in any way culpable)..will have to live the rest of their lives in despair. Show some FUC.KING compassion, you miserable shower of barstards!

    Seriously tho, wanting it PROVEN the parents didnt do it IS showing compassion for the “victim”, because the victim ISNT the MCanns, its Maddy, and sparing them from scrutiny IF they did it is the complete opposite of showing compassion for the victim so until thats KNOWN they should be and should ALWAYS have been in the frame until ruled out by PROOF rather than the emotional brain washed witterings of sheep minded morons that cant comprehend that parents CAN and frequently do subject their kids to harm or death

    As for the “perfect standards” dross, I really dont think that NOT leaving three kids under four alone is really “perfection”, its more of a very VERY basic baseline that SHOULD be expeted of every single parent the world over rather than some high exacting expectation that should be seen as nice if it happens but no big deal if someone cant be bothered to actually be a parent to their kids

    And its exactly that wishy washy pathetic view that it ISNT a big deal doing such things that encourages people like the Mcanns to do so in the first place combined with the frequency at which the touchy strokey mob will want them to escape without punishment if something bad does happen

    make fun of how distraught the parents are, they are directly culpable for their childs death and should be held accountable as an example to other people who think its ok to take such irresponsible risks with their kids lives for such trivial selfish pursuits, because we dont KNOW they will feel even the slightest bit of remorse do we? So that alone cant be assumed or taken as ALL the punishment they live, that kind of pathetic assumption is worthless and could just as easily be applied to anyone who has deliberately killed their own kids too couldnt it?

    But I am getting sick to death of socially accepted or professionally presented sob stories gaining scrotes absolution from the responsibility of their crimes from the hoody happy slapping murderer who never had a playstation and whos father wasnt around all the way up to this crap with the crappy selfish parents who are to be expected to feel grief rather than relief if allowed to continue their charmed luxurious lifestyle rather than being held responsible for their actions

    Many people ARE jailed each year for committing crimes with GENUINE reasons like stopping their kids going hungry because they have no money, yet so many want these people who niether have a decent reason for leaving their kids alone nor lacked the funds to have arranged for some proper care for them to be let off scott free in the hopes they MIGHT feel a little bit bad about it at some undisclosed point in the future

    make fun of em, they are the spokespeople for just how pathetically self absorbed and half assed the standard of parenting is becoming in the UK, kids arent fashion items to be discarded when they are inconvenient. They are a parents primary consideration and a responsibility they should shoulder fully and that message needs to be sent out with every instance of the opposite irrespective of the poor ickle feelings of the tossers that cant be bothered to make at least some attempt at keeping their kids safe for absolutely no good reason

    Why not try and show compassion for all the kids that will be more likely to be put in the same danger if the majority of public opinion condones this action by wanting the parents spared any more grief, because that IS what the long term results of such a viewpoint will be which is clear to anyone who ISNT a neanderthol mamby pamby sob story worshipping victim stroker

    We’ve been far too soft on far too many people for far too long, so make fun of em. You CHOOSE to take an action then you make fun of well also CHOOSE to reap the ramifications of that action, its called responsibility and we as a society already HAVE a responsibility to deter parents from taking needless unnecessary risks with their kids lives, the responsibility it to the kids, not the parents

    wow dude youre cool at times well written i totally agree. :shock: :shock: :shock:

    And the crones start to regroup, wielding pitchforks and…

    …JC’ers enjoy a reet good day out!!!


    @esmeralda wrote:

    @waspish wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    With few exceptions, you lot are the kind of sour-minded ghouls who would have been at the front of the queue to get a better look at a public execution. Shame, that the extent of your activities is limited to gleeful cyber-gloating at the tragedies and misfortunes of those failing to meet the exacting standards of your perfect selves. This forum invariably allows the likes of Bat and her ilk, to screech and holler at the latest miscreant who deserves at the very least a damn good garotting prior to getting even a whiff of judge and jury. A gaggle of haggling crones..urged on by PB’s Witchfinder General will descend on any hapless traveller veering from the path of righteousness, subjecting the opinionated scoundrel to a verbal burning at the stake whilst the hangers-on throw stones and slink about in the mud on their neanderthal hunkers.
    A child has gone missing, the parents..whatever the circumstances (and I don’t for one second believe that the McCanns are in any way culpable)..will have to live the rest of their lives in despair. Show some FUC.KING compassion, you miserable shower of barstards!

    Seriously tho, wanting it PROVEN the parents didnt do it IS showing compassion for the “victim”, because the victim ISNT the MCanns, its Maddy, and sparing them from scrutiny IF they did it is the complete opposite of showing compassion for the victim so until thats KNOWN they should be and should ALWAYS have been in the frame until ruled out by PROOF rather than the emotional brain washed witterings of sheep minded morons that cant comprehend that parents CAN and frequently do subject their kids to harm or death

    As for the “perfect standards” dross, I really dont think that NOT leaving three kids under four alone is really “perfection”, its more of a very VERY basic baseline that SHOULD be expeted of every single parent the world over rather than some high exacting expectation that should be seen as nice if it happens but no big deal if someone cant be bothered to actually be a parent to their kids

    And its exactly that wishy washy pathetic view that it ISNT a big deal doing such things that encourages people like the Mcanns to do so in the first place combined with the frequency at which the touchy strokey mob will want them to escape without punishment if something bad does happen

    make fun of how distraught the parents are, they are directly culpable for their childs death and should be held accountable as an example to other people who think its ok to take such irresponsible risks with their kids lives for such trivial selfish pursuits, because we dont KNOW they will feel even the slightest bit of remorse do we? So that alone cant be assumed or taken as ALL the punishment they live, that kind of pathetic assumption is worthless and could just as easily be applied to anyone who has deliberately killed their own kids too couldnt it?

    But I am getting sick to death of socially accepted or professionally presented sob stories gaining scrotes absolution from the responsibility of their crimes from the hoody happy slapping murderer who never had a playstation and whos father wasnt around all the way up to this crap with the crappy selfish parents who are to be expected to feel grief rather than relief if allowed to continue their charmed luxurious lifestyle rather than being held responsible for their actions

    Many people ARE jailed each year for committing crimes with GENUINE reasons like stopping their kids going hungry because they have no money, yet so many want these people who niether have a decent reason for leaving their kids alone nor lacked the funds to have arranged for some proper care for them to be let off scott free in the hopes they MIGHT feel a little bit bad about it at some undisclosed point in the future

    make fun of em, they are the spokespeople for just how pathetically self absorbed and half assed the standard of parenting is becoming in the UK, kids arent fashion items to be discarded when they are inconvenient. They are a parents primary consideration and a responsibility they should shoulder fully and that message needs to be sent out with every instance of the opposite irrespective of the poor ickle feelings of the tossers that cant be bothered to make at least some attempt at keeping their kids safe for absolutely no good reason

    Why not try and show compassion for all the kids that will be more likely to be put in the same danger if the majority of public opinion condones this action by wanting the parents spared any more grief, because that IS what the long term results of such a viewpoint will be which is clear to anyone who ISNT a neanderthol mamby pamby sob story worshipping victim stroker

    We’ve been far too soft on far too many people for far too long, so make fun of em. You CHOOSE to take an action then you make fun of well also CHOOSE to reap the ramifications of that action, its called responsibility and we as a society already HAVE a responsibility to deter parents from taking needless unnecessary risks with their kids lives, the responsibility it to the kids, not the parents

    wow dude youre cool at times well written i totally agree. :shock: :shock: :shock:

    And the crones start to regroup, wielding pitchforks and…

    …JC’ers enjoy a reet good day out!!!

    haha ha lmfao :lol: :lol: :lol: avent seen a gud tarrin n featherin for a week or 2 think of it



    Well well well. Look at this then. I,d love to be a fly on the wall during that little chat.

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