Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Mc Canns are being framed

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  • #286788

    If my Aunty had balls she could be my Uncle.


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    Also, R.O.T.T. – I think it’s quite funny that you’re being critical of those who make light of a bad situation and how we’re heaping further misery on the poor McCann’s (though I reckon they’ve got bigger fish to fry) but then turn round and wish bad fortune.

    How dare you be so callous? :lol: Or are you just a hypocrit?

    nothing ambiguous about me
    your a piece of sh it


    And your point is….. :?:


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    So the experts say that it ‘Could have transferred’? I’m no expert, but doesn’t that also indicate that it may not have transferred from her work clothes?

    Sounds a bit speculative to me.

    Isnt a speculate the thing doctors use to wrench open a wenches trout tunnel? Why would Mrs Mcann using one of those be relevant? :shock:

    Oh hang on, thats a speculum innit haha :wink:


    @ubermik wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    So the experts say that it ‘Could have transferred’? I’m no expert, but doesn’t that also indicate that it may not have transferred from her work clothes?

    Sounds a bit speculative to me.

    Isnt a speculate the thing doctors use to wrench open a wenches trout tunnel? Why would Mrs Mcann using one of those be relevant? :shock:

    Oh hang on, thats a speculum innit haha :wink:

    You’ve completely lost me there, uber!! (not literally ‘there’ as such)


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    just when you thought people on here could’nt sink any lower, I now see jokes are being made on the subject. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

    I really do agree with this view. Come on people, this child is most probably dead – making jokes about the subject is really not on.

    Leave aside for the monent that there is a strongly held view that the parents are somehow responsible – let’s not decend to this sort of stuff eh?

    totally agree but the fact remains the parents are totally to blame they abandoned three babies to go out enjoying themselves and they paid a price for it. but little maddie paid the ultimate price. if she isnt dead she could well be being passed around a paedophile ring. and if thet is the case i hope she is dead. the mcanns are to blame and they should come out and say they made a terrible mistake but i wont hold my breath for that one. wonder ow long before the book my ordeal over losing maddie…


    Yes this is an excellent point Waspy – if only they would at least publicly put their hands up to being totally and utterly wrong in abandoning their babies while they went out and had a good time with their friends I am sure that people would think better of them.

    Problem is that if they do this, they then run the severe risk that the Social Services may step in with a Child Protection Order and compulsorily remove the remaining two children in order to ensure that they are not put at risk.

    The holy, self-righteous and sainted Mother McCann (being a GP herself) is only too well aware of this, as a major part of her professional training as a practicing doctor is to be highly aware of child protection issues and to report ANY suspicions she may have to the appropriate authorities.

    Personally I hope that they throw the book at her …. after all if it was a hoop-earringed chavvy teenage single mother with a Clapham facelift and a fag in her mouth that did this ….. her children would be taken into care without a second thought.


    @waspish wrote:

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    just when you thought people on here could’nt sink any lower, I now see jokes are being made on the subject. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

    I really do agree with this view. Come on people, this child is most probably dead – making jokes about the subject is really not on.

    Leave aside for the monent that there is a strongly held view that the parents are somehow responsible – let’s not decend to this sort of stuff eh?

    totally agree but the fact remains the parents are totally to blame they abandoned three babies to go out enjoying themselves and they paid a price for it. but little maddie paid the ultimate price. if she isnt dead she could well be being passed around a paedophile ring. and if thet is the case i hope she is dead. the mcanns are to blame and they should come out and say they made a terrible mistake but i wont hold my breath for that one. wonder ow long before the book my ordeal over losing maddie…

    this is also my problem them as Parents have not held there hands up to the FACT that with THEIR Actions on leaving those 3 children Alone in a apartment in a forgien country whilest they go and enjoy a nite of drinking and eating, with friends…. they have once said ‘we made a grave mistake’….

    as PB has just said also, that fact is if they did admit the Fact they would find themselves in the hands of the social services….!!

    and the major FACT in all this, The Victim Maddie, there Beloved daughter has disapeared and her Beloved parents are to blame…..


    Thats a fantastic idea PB…. lets bring them onto national TV… force them to confess to the worlds press that what they did was a huge mistake and how much they regretted it…. we could maybe stone them or even throw them into the local duck pond to see if they melt upon touching water…… maybe even hang them up on crosses held only by nails through their hands and feet … and if they then survive all this public hate and humility we can then take their other two children off them permanently just for good measure…. We could even build a huge JC bonfire where all the vultures from these boards could dance naked round effigies of the couple and stick pins in their eyes. Would make a fantastic media spectacle wouldnt it… :D

    And all the time the real perpetrator of this sad act will be sitting back with a large cocktail… feet up and a huge smile on his face for a job well done.


    @fastcars wrote:

    Thats a fantastic idea PB…. lets bring them onto national TV… force them to confess to the worlds press that what they did was a huge mistake and how much they regretted it…. we could maybe stone them or even throw them into the local duck pond to see if they melt upon touching water…… maybe even hang them up on crosses held only by nails through their hands and feet … and if they then survive all this public hate and humility we can then take their other two children off them permanently just for good measure…. We could even build a huge JC bonfire where all the vultures from these boards could dance naked round effigies of the couple and stick pins in their eyes. Would make a fantastic media spectacle wouldnt it… :D

    And all the time the real perpetrator of this sad act will be sitting back with a large cocktail… feet up and a huge smile on his face for a job well done.

    Which completely dsplays just how thick. jaded, closed minded and incapable of rationality on this issue you are

    The adbuction or killing and the issue of them leaving their kids alone ARE two different and separate issues, irrespective of whether or not they had something intrinsic to do with maddies death they ARE indisputeably responsible for gross neglect which should be dealt with by itself if no charges are bought for her actual demise as that sort of parenting CANT be tolerated or encouraged or validated by innaction or apathy from social services


    I think trying to avoid any repurcussions for that is probably one of the driving forces behind them clinging to the spotlight so desperately until it gained some objectivity and a more balanced appraisel of the situation AND is also part of why they were happy to stay in portugal until they had the suspicion that really ought to automatically be there at day one for the purpose of ruling out the obvious and known possible suspects

    Because politics being politics a positive social support of the negligent parents could possibly discourage people within social services from actually doing the job they are paid for to try and not worsen the public opinion of the department and ostensively the government they are currently working for

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