Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Mc Canns are being framed
13 September, 2007 at 2:56 pm #286928
@waspish wrote:
bat. thank you so much for the post in translation it realy does give you something else to take on board. it was evident to me this morning how well off the mcanns are when it showed their beautiful home on tv this morning. if indeed gerry wants a political career hes certainly gone about it in a strange way tho dont ya think ?.
im no einstein but i still cant get over the fact that kate never ever speaks out or indeed even looks the public in the eye, face to face as we say. this is a classic body language for people who have things to hide. ive seen it many times as a mental health nurse and indeed on the tv when people plead for their loved ones to come home only to be found guilty of their murder weeks on.
im not suggesting anything is wrong but to my nose something smells fishy indeed. :?
yvw waspish. Your point about Mrs McCann never making eye contact etc, is something that I know both myself and PB have comented on. It,s always McCann senior who does the talking to the press whilst Mrs McCann sits there with the toy of maddies and a totally expressionless face. Not once have I ever seen her even look as if she might have been crying, not once. I can only imagine if that was you or I, our faces would be almost permenantly tear streaked and red puffy eyes from crying the norm.13 September, 2007 at 4:08 pm #286929@ubermik wrote:
@fastcars wrote:
PB goes on at great lengths about the McCanns apparent unwillingness to publicly show any remorse for the part they played in Maddies disappearance yet he allows you a podium for you to gloat about your disgusting comments. Get your own house in order first PB before criticising the behaviour of others.
Well firstly I’d be interested if you could find an example of “gloating” lol
And really it seems more like a thread for people trying to discuss the topic the thread is actually about which is then being used as a “podium” for people like yourself to incessantly whinge and whine about the post which I then, as is the nature of message boards “respond” to. So maybe you should try to understand the workings of the concept of cause and effect, coz if you werent repeatedly whinging and whining in the first place I wouldnt be responding to your whinging and whinings would I?
Complex for you to grasp as I’m sure that is, it really is a very simplistic symbiosis
Trying to brush a subject under the carpet is not an option for excusing peoples actions as the McCanns can testify to. You have been gleefully whinging about them for the best part of four months. As you yourself have stated… this is a public message board… where people can voice their opinions on a range of subjects “including” your sick and disgusting style of posting. The users of this site will decide how far the critisism of you will go and for how long…. and not when YOU feel it should be pushed to one side and forgotten.
13 September, 2007 at 4:39 pm #286930@fastcars wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
@fastcars wrote:
PB goes on at great lengths about the McCanns apparent unwillingness to publicly show any remorse for the part they played in Maddies disappearance yet he allows you a podium for you to gloat about your disgusting comments. Get your own house in order first PB before criticising the behaviour of others.
Well firstly I’d be interested if you could find an example of “gloating” lol
And really it seems more like a thread for people trying to discuss the topic the thread is actually about which is then being used as a “podium” for people like yourself to incessantly whinge and whine about the post which I then, as is the nature of message boards “respond” to. So maybe you should try to understand the workings of the concept of cause and effect, coz if you werent repeatedly whinging and whining in the first place I wouldnt be responding to your whinging and whinings would I?
Complex for you to grasp as I’m sure that is, it really is a very simplistic symbiosis
Trying to brush a subject under the carpet is not an option for excusing peoples actions as the McCanns can testify to. You have been gleefully whinging about them for the best part of four months. As you yourself have stated… this is a public message board… where people can voice their opinions on a range of subjects “including” your sick and disgusting style of posting. The users of this site will decide how far the critisism of you will go and for how long…. and not when YOU feel it should be pushed to one side and forgotten.
13 September, 2007 at 5:20 pm #286931@fastcars wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
@fastcars wrote:
PB goes on at great lengths about the McCanns apparent unwillingness to publicly show any remorse for the part they played in Maddies disappearance yet he allows you a podium for you to gloat about your disgusting comments. Get your own house in order first PB before criticising the behaviour of others.
Well firstly I’d be interested if you could find an example of “gloating” lol
And really it seems more like a thread for people trying to discuss the topic the thread is actually about which is then being used as a “podium” for people like yourself to incessantly whinge and whine about the post which I then, as is the nature of message boards “respond” to. So maybe you should try to understand the workings of the concept of cause and effect, coz if you werent repeatedly whinging and whining in the first place I wouldnt be responding to your whinging and whinings would I?
Complex for you to grasp as I’m sure that is, it really is a very simplistic symbiosis
Trying to brush a subject under the carpet is not an option for excusing peoples actions as the McCanns can testify to. You have been gleefully whinging about them for the best part of four months. As you yourself have stated… this is a public message board… where people can voice their opinions on a range of subjects “including” your sick and disgusting style of posting. The users of this site will decide how far the critisism of you will go and for how long…. and not when YOU feel it should be pushed to one side and forgotten.
And once again your grasp of english lets you down, where did I say people shouldnt post at all eh?
This is a bit of a logical empasse really as by the same virtue people can post if they want criticising my earlier post I can also if I choose keep pointing out not only how nobody seems as yet to have actually read or understood exactly what was in the post, but also how unoriginal it is to just post the exact same tripe time and time again, how little respect it shows the posters of the threads and other contributiors on the threads its posted on when it could either be done on its own thread or by pm’s and also, the bit I do actually enjoy, pointing out the flaws in logic that are pretty much there in every single one I’ve seen so far as well as the really idiotic stuff like accusing me of “going on” about it when all of my posts on the matter have been RESPONSES to other people “going on”
Find somewhere that I said someoene SHOULDNT post if you can coz you wont, but actually understanding whats “actually” said in a post isnt really much of a strong suit on here by the looks of it lol
But pointing out how vaccuous someone saying “you lost your right to have an opinion” is doesnt really equate to telling them they cant or shouldnt post even tho it might seem like it it does in your tiny mind fasty
13 September, 2007 at 5:43 pm #286932Maybe its best if you keep your type of originality tightly locked inside that sick head of yours.
13 September, 2007 at 6:09 pm #286933QUOTE from Waspish “actually uber i agree with you n this one as you say the message board is here for people to give their opinion. wether anyone agrees or disagrees with that opinion is neither here nor there this is a particularly distasteful subject as it involve a small child, but the truth will out in the end. i have conjected on occasion that the parents may have drugged the children ensuring a quiet night. that doesnt mean i think they either killed her or not. we can chat all day and night about it but we ae free speaking people wether anyone agrees with us or not thats a democracy.”
Waspish, Im assuming you have no idea what he actually said that caused his comments to be removed?? In which case, you should be very careful about agreeing with him unless you too want to be perceived as a pervert.
However, If of course you are fully aware of his comments and still support him, and find him amusing, then youre as sick in the head as he is.
13 September, 2007 at 6:20 pm #286934@~Pebbles~ wrote:
QUOTE from Waspish “actually uber i agree with you n this one as you say the message board is here for people to give their opinion. wether anyone agrees or disagrees with that opinion is neither here nor there this is a particularly distasteful subject as it involve a small child, but the truth will out in the end. i have conjected on occasion that the parents may have drugged the children ensuring a quiet night. that doesnt mean i think they either killed her or not. we can chat all day and night about it but we ae free speaking people wether anyone agrees with us or not thats a democracy.”
Waspish, Im assuming you have no idea what he actually said that caused his comments to be removed?? In which case, you should be very careful about agreeing with him unless you too want to be perceived as a pervert.
However, If of course you are fully aware of his comments and still support him, and find him amusing, then youre as sick in the head as he is.
I wondered if Waspish knew the full extent of what was said. For those that dont just pm me. Im not willing to say on a public message board.
13 September, 2007 at 7:12 pm #286935Like it makes any difference if you say on here or in private, bloody gossip queens! :roll:
13 September, 2007 at 7:15 pm #286936Talking of queens….. hows the new frock “anita”
13 September, 2007 at 7:18 pm #286937It fits fine thanks chubbs, hows your husband by the way.
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