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    @bat wrote:

    Oh dear me look at this then. Just as they were getting all nicely settled in back home too. Shame.

    oh my fekkin word whod av thunk it…
    did little maddie wake up and stop mummy getting back to the party. or did daddy give maddie too much magic medicine. whatever next, i can see holywood doin the scripts right now :? :? :?


    To stop all this clap trap and nonsense – lets get the Mcanns to take a lie detector – anybody want take on a wager that they would pass with flying colours – now what theories would arise thereafter I wonder – under the table payments maybe :roll:


    Im so bored of hearing about them, that i’m really not botherd if there innocent or guilty anymore.
    They should be charged with crimes against the state for boring everyone to death with this crap.
    But saying that we know doctors have a history of killing people, harold shipman rings a bell, he should of quit being a doctor before he was found and taken up boxing…he had a lethal jab.


    @anita Gofradump wrote:

    Im so bored of hearing about them, that i’m really not botherd if there innocent or guilty anymore.
    They should be charged with crimes against the state for boring everyone to death with this crap.
    But saying that we know doctors have a history of killing people, harold shipman rings a bell, he should of quit being a doctor before he was found and taken up boxing…he had a lethal jab.

    PMSL @ “lethal jab”

    On a serious note tho, psychologically its an observed and known fact that with certain areas of the medical profession as with certain jobs in the military and other social lines of work they tend to either attract or create a type of actual or social sociopath as that type of mindset is the only one that can repeatedly be around death and the dying repeatedly without suffering breakdown, it causes a form of constant post trauma which over time becomes permanent one of the aspects of which is a numbness and neutrality to the concept and actuality of death and the occurence and even causeality of it as many doctors will within the onset of their everyday work have frequent occassion where they have to decide by the merit of limited time and resources to choose to let people die where an unlimited amount of time and resources would have meant they could have lived

    Basic decision making and choosing the better and most likely to survive which overtime becimes as ordinary a decision as deciding who should get the last fishfinger at dinnertime

    Aside from the shipman case there have been many unsubstantially proveable cases where people have been accused of causing by design the death of patients where its thought they disagreed with their lifestyle in one way or another or saw them as a severe drain on NHS resources that could be more effectively used to save several peoples lives rather than that one individuals life which without admission would be almost impossible to prove but also which have in several instances resulted in the redistribution of the entire staff at some cancer wards and ICU’s just incase the team has become overly laced with staff who take a dim personal view of such things as heavy smokers or drinkers to limit the chances of a case that would be proveable

    So such things arent either as impossible nor as mythical as some suspected urban myths on the one hand, but on the other could also simply be an explaination for the Mcanns seemingly detached demeanour. A point I had sorta been curious if anyone else would have pieced together from my previous mentionings of sociopathic psychological mindsets but that it seems nobody has, or at least hasnt vocalised unless I missed it

    As for boring a nation to near death, the world might be more acurate I would imagine from what I have seen on other sites with threads like this so perhaps attempted genocide might be a charge that could be brought if all others fall by the wayside lol :lol: :lol:


    Yes I agree that Doctors may have a thicker skin than some, but when It comes to “their own” I would imagine they are the same as the rest of us.

    What else did you say Uber?

    Have you seen the blood yet btw….. :wink:


    @bat wrote:

    Oh dear me look at this then. Just as they were getting all nicely settled in back home too. Shame.

    Oh, this is the Sky News exclusive report revelation (speculation reported as fact, you heard it here first folks) that the Portugese police had to publicly say was incorrect today because the British media keep publishing “leaks” and “heresay” as fact…in the aim of claiming they had the exclusive.

    Working in health, I’d be interesting to see Uber post a link to his “its an observed and known fact” anecdote about particular professions in social and healthcare and within the military.. could be true, then again could be bo/llox dressed up in waffle as fact…! Who knows :shock:

    Psychos work in every area of work- public, private sector, manufacturing, service sector etc- I believe Uber is saying it is the actual work they do which desensitises them to death and thereby allowing people to die who they otherwise would have saved rather than the fact they were psychos in the first place.

    Which is exactly the same principled rationale behind violent porn and sexual abusers really- I’m not a sexual predator with a bad attitude, the violent porn I watch for 15 hours a day made me that way?! Maybe? Could be right.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    A well thought out theory, even if I dont believe a word of it.

    Couple of places it falls totally flat. One is moving the “body” from it’s first location to the 2nd. There are Media on these people 24hrs a day. after the 1st day. This does litertally mean 24 hours a day. They wouldent have been able to get to their front gate without the Media being on them. Media would have been covering every single door, every single access point.
    It’s hard to see them being able to move the “body” to a more secure location.

    I’ll take your word for it that no third party witness saw her after she went home that day. I cant really remember reading if anyone did or not. Are you sure that no other third party saw her after that time? If someone did then the theory’s totally blown apart.

    I do know of 2 people who certainly would have known this. Her Brother and Sister. One part I do know is that Kate said to Portugese Police that she made Dinner for the 3 of them, after they came home.

    I quite understand that you won’t buy into my theory – but hey, I’m not a supporter of the McCanns are innocent team…. quite the opposite.

    Let me add a bit to my theory (in response to your comments above).

    Yes, towards the end of the ‘McCanns are innocent phase’ of the story, the Media were all over them like a rash. But for the first few weeks the McCanns themselves (i.e. personally) were not the story, Maddie and the hunt for her was the story.

    If you remember, all the focus was on the ineptitude of the police,; how they failed to close the border with Spain; the alleged presence of an international paedophile ring operating in that part of Europe; worldwide sightings that were definitely Maddie,; Robert Murat was then announced to be a ‘suspect’; Media were tearing around focused totally on this new development. The Media wasn’t looking closely into the McCans at THAT time – i.e. for several weeks after May 3rd.

    I reckon that there were plenty of opportunities for them to slip away without being followed. I’ve suggested that they may have set up a pattern of popping out for a drive on their own a few times, just to get everybody used to them doing it. Then once any suspicions were allayed, and once they were satisfied that they wern’t being followed ….. they visit the temporary site and move the body to a more permanent site.

    God knows where that could be …. only those that moved it will probably ever know. (Bit like the Moors murderers in this respect – neither one of them have ever owned up fully to disposing of the bodies of the poor little children they murdered or indeed where they were concealed).

    The timeline of events on May 3rd is also quite interesting. In today’s Telegraph a fuller timeline has been constructed based on the McCann’s own statements and those of key witnesses.

    Maddie was last definitively seen at around 2.30pm on May 3rd playing beside the pool with her family and the other families in the Ocean Club resort.

    Several accounts claim that the McCann family went back to their apartment around 6.00pm or so …. but there are no definitive witness who can confirm this exactly.

    7.00pm – The McCanns said that this was the time that all three children were put to bed (we only have their unsupported word for this time).

    8.30pm – The McCanns arrive at the bar for their ‘night out’ away from their children.

    9.05pm – Gerry McCann leaves the bar apparently to check on the children.

    10.00pm – Kate McCann leaves the bar to visit the apartment.

    10.14pm – Kate McCann rushes into the bar shouting “They’ve taken her, they’ve taken her.”

    11.05pm – Police log shows that this is the time that they received the first call reporting that a child is mising.

    Of course we can never KNOW what actually happened in the cricial period between around 6.00pm and 8.30pm …. but there was plenty of time for the events suggested in my theory to have taken place.

    Some of this Timeline hasnt been translated properly. [-X

    Here’s what the timeline actually says at that point.

    2:29pm The last picture of Madeleine was taken at the swimming pool at the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz, where the McCanns and the three other families with whom they were staying played together.

    7:00pm Madeleine and the other children were put to bed. Reports of when she was last seen before this vary, with some accounts putting it as early as 6pm. This would be crucial as the police might put forward a theory that the McCanns killed Madeleine and hid her body before they went for dinner.

    Now your’s said “That several accounts claim that the McCann family went back to their Apartment around 6pm or so, but there are no definitive witnesses who can confirm this exactly.”
    The actual reading of is “Reports of when she was last seen vary, with some accounts putting it as early as 6PM.”.

    Slight difference isnt there. No mention is made of there being no “definitive witnesses who can confirm this exactly”. in the one I quoted.
    The “early as 6PM”. part’s interesting as well. Does this mean that other accounts actually
    put it later than that?


    Yes BM I agree with you. This whole timeline thing is both vague and constantly being altered or revised.

    I think that we can all agree that there was someting in the order of 1 1/2 to 2 hours available time between when the McCanns apparently returned to their apartment and when they were next seen in public (at the bar) by themselves.

    It is suggested that it was during this time window, that whatever happened to Maddie happened then.

    I read today that one of the forensic tests done on the ‘large’ quantity of Maddie’s hair found in the boot of the hire car was for toxicology (i.e. drugs / poisons etc).

    Incidentally I didn’t know that they found her hair as well as ‘body fluids’ in the boot of the car.


    Here’s a quote:

    The latest developments came as Michael Baden of New York State Police told The Times that a decaying body would produce a “mass of material” unless it was tightly wrapped.

    Dr Baden, who has been involved in investigations into hundreds of child murders, said: “In a body which had been decaying for 25 days you would expect to find a mass of material unless the body was tightly wrapped. But if it was so tightly wrapped, how was the hair able to escape?”

    Mr Baden said that bacteria causes the body to putrefy and the decomposing tissues merge with the blood. The lining of the nose and mouth are the first to liquefy. It would still be possible to obtain a good DNA sample from such material.

    Mr Baden added: “From the details that have been reported I do not think there is evidence that a corpse was in the trunk [boot].”


    I dont know that anything the Portugese are saying can really be relied upon. A 100percent DNA match reported the other day had turned out to be nothing of the sort.

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