Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Mc Canns are being framed

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    @esmeralda wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    @ubermik wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    Thats a fantastic idea PB…. lets bring them onto national TV… force them to confess to the worlds press that what they did was a huge mistake and how much they regretted it…. we could maybe stone them or even throw them into the local duck pond to see if they melt upon touching water…… maybe even hang them up on crosses held only by nails through their hands and feet … and if they then survive all this public hate and humility we can then take their other two children off them permanently just for good measure…. We could even build a huge JC bonfire where all the vultures from these boards could dance naked round effigies of the couple and stick pins in their eyes. Would make a fantastic media spectacle wouldnt it… :D

    And all the time the real perpetrator of this sad act will be sitting back with a large cocktail… feet up and a huge smile on his face for a job well done.

    @esmeralda wrote:

    With few exceptions, you lot are the kind of sour-minded ghouls who would have been at the front of the queue to get a better look at a public execution. Shame, that the extent of your activities is limited to gleeful cyber-gloating at the tragedies and misfortunes of those failing to meet the exacting standards of your perfect selves. This forum invariably allows the likes of Bat and her ilk, to screech and holler at the latest miscreant who deserves at the very least a damn good garotting prior to getting even a whiff of judge and jury. A gaggle of haggling crones..urged on by PB’s Witchfinder General will descend on any hapless traveller veering from the path of righteousness, subjecting the opinionated scoundrel to a verbal burning at the stake whilst the hangers-on throw stones and slink about in the mud on their neanderthal hunkers.
    A child has gone missing, the parents..whatever the circumstances (and I don’t for one second believe that the McCanns are in any way culpable)..will have to live the rest of their lives in despair. Show some FUC.KING compassion, you miserable shower of barstards!

    You can see who the educated one is out of the two of us cant you… :lol:

    Thats a trick question yeah?

    Because an “educated” person would realise that niether innocence nor guilt can be “known” as theres no evidence to prove either, and that similarly innocence AND guilt are both just as likely possibilities

    An educated person would therefore accept that to ascertain either innocence or guilt the parents HAVE to be scrutinised and investigated to establish which is the case

    So therefore an “educated”, infact a “non moron” to be more acurate would know that they cant be above suspicion, that right from the start they are the ONLY real suspects and as such needed to be investigated thoroughly to either rule them out by proof or PROVE their guilt

    An “educated” person would niether claim they did it nor that they didnt as niether is known, but would accept they quite possibly MIGHT have done it and also MIGHT not which is as positive a statement as can be acurately maintained by anyone bar the Mcanns

    So maybe you need to look the word educated up in a dicheadtionary as you dont really seem to have the faintest idea what the word means lol

    Just my uneducated opinion of course you understand :lol:

    Hmm, you truly are thick if you are unable to assimilate that the contentious issue here concerns neither guilt nor innocence, but blood lust and schadenfreude. What a self important dolt you prove yourself to be, Uberprick.. the more so with every ill-conceived post. Keep ’em coming..I like a good snigger!

    And yet STRANGELY enough the actual discussion IS about whether or not, in peoples personal opinions they think they are indeed guilty or innocent, a point of fact that resounds in pretty much every single post, a point of fact YOU seem to think isnt anything at all to do with the topic at all :shock: Funny that lol

    I think before spouting empty headed diatribe you should first of all get your facts right tho, although I havent made a secret of the fact that I think they probably did have more to do with it and perhaps even deliberately killed her thats never, not once been expressed as “known”, and without that the phrase bloodlust is as out of place as a muslim at a bacon tasting contest

    But as per with your sort where you cant actually contradict a point thats made and where you technically dont have a counter point you sink to the rather laughable level of throwing personal insults as tho an irrelevant person on a web sites opinion has any meaning whatsoever lol, bless

    Point of fact here, the ONLY people exhibiting any narrow minded maliciously vehement misguided “bloodlust” are the criticisers of those who think they might have done it as they arent even capable of co-existing where someone has a differing opinion from theirs even when their opinion has no facts to support it and is therefore no more or less unfounded or proveable than any other opinion

    But I doubt you will find a single post on any of these threads from people who think they might have done it whinging and whining about people having the view they are innocent

    So it really is quite blatantly clear who the small minded insecure folks are just by that fact alone, otherwise they wouldnt be throwing such childish tizzy fits over the mere fact that the entire world doesnt agree with them

    As for sniggering feel free, simple folks snigger at pretty much anything anyway so its hardly anything for me to be concerned about after all is it now?

    As I say, Uberprick, your doltism flourishes with each and every post. For the hard of intelligence let me explain: The issue I was referring to was that of the malicious pleasure being taken in the misfortunes of others, by certain members of this forum and the delight with which you self-appointed members of the hang ’em and flog ’em judiciary hold court.
    Don’t even think about trying to outsmart me can’t be done!

    Yup, youre probably right as its bound to be impossible to outsmart the non smart

    Butt that asside I havent seen anyone delighting in the misfortunes of others, more a case of being quite willing and eager to see misfortune befall those who deserve it as retribution for deeds done

    So unless you would also class jailing a rapist for having raped someone (using your illogic) as ” the malicious pleasure being taken in the misfortunes of others” youre not really making a point at all are you? Because in both instances whats happening is people not baulking at, and IF justified AND proven being quite content for the guilty to be punished

    Which is a far “smarter” stance really than people wanting the POSSIBLY guilty to be not only UNpunished if guilty, but to also be totally above any form of suspicion because why exactly? Because theyre parents? IS there such a thing as parental immunity that I havent heard of now?

    Theres people ARE guilty of leaving kids unnattended, that is indisputeable, anyone who thinks thats either a trivial act or shouldnt be criticised is, in my opinion obviously a moral vaccuum devoid of any concept of parental responsibilities, right or wrong and lacks any acceptable degree of common sense and every parent, and I do mean EVERY parent who does leave children of that age SHOULD be punished, not just the Mcanns, ANY parent irrespective of whether any harm comes to their kids as a result as that should be a subsequent prosecution anyway as it doesnt detract from the initial crime

    Wanting that punishment isnt by any stretch of a sick personality “malicious pleasure being taken in the misfortunes of others”, its wanting justice

    And wanting someone who has killed or through neglect caused the death of their or anyone elses child for that too isnt “malicious pleasure being taken in the misfortunes of others” either

    No amount of name calling or skirting around the undeniable facts here alters the undeniable facts despite what you seem to think

    But dodging about calling people poo poo headsin lieu of posting any valid or tangible response to the stating of those facts says a lot more than anything you have actually written by far

    And when you cant seem to even grasp the most rudimentary basic concepts such as crime and punishment repeatedly trying to claim how “clever” you percieve yourself to be doesnt really hold much water, and nor does wanting potentially guilty people to be totally above question really to be honest, quite the opposite infact




    WOW. Not thought of that before. By jings we are an imaginative bunch on here lol!!!!

    DNA. On a very serious note, I was asked last year to “help police with their enquiries” had a note pushed through my door. A complimant slip with a PC’s number on it. Having good knowledge of Harlow Police (yep… town was flooded with reporters today after barrymores blood) I thought no point in ringing… that particular PC will be off duty by now.

    Rang the next day from work (my place of work is a court for you that dont know), and having no knowledge of myself being in a crime in the last decade thought I was “doing my bit” … how naive was I.

    I asked work boss if I could pop over to the police station in my lunch the next day to get it sorted, thinking maybe it was about being a witness to a crime (huge amount in my area), and they of course said yes.

    I spent the rest of the afternoon being asked questions about my whereabouts on a particular date from 6 months beforehand. Like Im gonna know that. I cant remember yesterday most of the time. Funny enough the date she (female 17 year old pc) gave me I remembered. It was FA cup final day and we were up the pub watching my other halfs team lose :lol: . Not the point though.

    Not until the end of my lunch time interview (all written down by hand by the pc) was I told what it was about.

    Apparantly a minibus was stolen (I do not drive) and was found in a local area.

    The police searced for clues as to who stole it.

    They found an old fag but of mine.

    Thats DNA!!!!!!!!

    A whole day of my life worrying about what the fuck have they got on me, can they frame me with this? The answer……….

    If I had not been at the pub laughing at my other chelsea supporting other half at losing the FA cup yes they bloody could have framed me….. Im just glad the date was a significant one.

    Who knows what would have happened if I had no alibi/s?? :shock:

    DNA is a fragment.

    Ive not heard the word blood yet PB, but I hold you open to reveal where you read/heard that.

    The Daily Express is the only paper going all out tomorrow and saying Maddies dead body was in that car.

    They are either brave or stupid.


    (chuckle) oh years and years ago noo,,,I was in blackpool with my Mum n Dad and my then,,best pal. we met 2 laddies that lived in a caravan with their uncle..

    few month later was the Black Panther case.( donald neilsen) ..and he fitted the ID of “uncle Andre” ..

    we went to the headmistress of Rockie and all of a sudden the school was full of C.I.D ..

    a small comment made me sherlock ( feckin ) holmes.

    it was NOT uncle Andre,,but funnily and quite spookily enough,,it was his cousin ! apparently “andre” knew of it all..i got a bad vibe (maaaaaaan)

    the moral being,,,,TRUST yer instincts !


    @sharongooner wrote:

    WOW. Not thought of that before. By jings we are an imaginative bunch on here lol!!!!

    DNA. On a very serious note, I was asked last year to “help police with their enquiries” had a note pushed through my door. A complimant slip with a PC’s number on it. Having good knowledge of Harlow Police (yep… town was flooded with reporters today after barrymores blood) I thought no point in ringing… that particular PC will be off duty by now.

    Rang the next day from work (my place of work is a court for you that dont know), and having no knowledge of myself being in a crime in the last decade thought I was “doing my bit” … how naive was I.

    I asked work boss if I could pop over to the police station in my lunch the next day to get it sorted, thinking maybe it was about being a witness to a crime (huge amount in my area), and they of course said yes.

    I spent the rest of the afternoon being asked questions about my whereabouts on a particular date from 6 months beforehand. Like Im gonna know that. I cant remember yesterday most of the time. Funny enough the date she (female 17 year old pc) gave me I remembered. It was FA cup final day and we were up the pub watching my other halfs team lose :lol: . Not the point though.

    Not until the end of my lunch time interview (all written down by hand by the pc) was I told what it was about.

    Apparantly a minibus was stolen (I do not drive) and was found in a local area.

    The police searced for clues as to who stole it.

    They found an old fag but of mine.

    Thats DNA!!!!!!!!

    A whole day of my life worrying about what the fuck have they got on me, can they frame me with this? The answer……….

    If I had not been at the pub laughing at my other chelsea supporting other half at losing the FA cup yes they bloody could have framed me….. Im just glad the date was a significant one.

    Who knows what would have happened if I had no alibi/s?? :shock:

    DNA is a fragment.

    Ive not heard the word blood yet PB, but I hold you open to reveal where you read/heard that.

    The Daily Express is the only paper going all out tomorrow and saying Maddies dead body was in that car.

    They are either brave or stupid.

    They’ve specifically said blood in all the reports I’ve seen so I cant see how you missed that, it was also blood that was found at the apartment too as I recall, and sky news for certain have been using the spefic word “blood” in their reporting all through as well who I doubt would be solitarily doing that


    @rubyred wrote:

    (chuckle) oh years and years ago noo,,,I was in blackpool with my Mum n Dad and my then,,best pal. we met 2 laddies that lived in a caravan with their uncle..

    few month later was the Black Panther case.( donald neilsen) ..and he fitted the ID of “uncle Andre” ..

    we went to the headmistress of Rockie and all of a sudden the school was full of C.I.D ..

    a small comment made me sherlock ( feckin ) holmes.

    it was NOT uncle Andre,,but funnily and quite spookily enough,,it was his cousin ! apparently “andre” knew of it all..i got a bad vibe (maaaaaaan)

    the moral being,,,,TRUST yer instincts !

    In pretty much every instance there will be people whos instincts are the complete opposite to the people who by chance turn out to be right

    Instincts are far from infallible, and as much as they draw on subconcious awarenesses the conscious mind cant tap into they are also massively affected by transient enviromental factors, mood, outlook and general disposition

    So at best they are only ever worthy of being a starting point and not a conclusion

    But their acuracy is also vastly overstated as people tend to conveniently forget the times their instincts are wrong and in many cases will actively avoid anything that might show their instincts are wrong to maintain that delusion


    the Irony being..

    a Wild goose chase entailed to free Lesley Whittle.and we were damm near close,,2 wee 15 year olds that caused a stir.

    Life downright baffles times.


    Ive just been watching Sky.

    Funny how its only the Daily Express that is willing to go with the “maddie was in the car” headline.

    Also funny how you failed to (Uber) listen to the experts and their views on how that DNA got their.

    This is all becoming way way to intense. Im gonna go all out now and say there is not a hells chance on earth that Mr and Mrs McCann murdered Maddie.

    There. I said it.

    I hope Im proved right.

    Yep they made a sh.ity error not many would (glad to see PB agreed with me on that. See my “if it were me” post I said it ages ago and Uber disagreed).

    They set the wheels in motion.

    They DID not MURDER Maddie.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    It’s kinda looking like the Crime of The Century now PB.
    All in the space of a few hours, whilst holding it together knowing what they’d done. Wrapping the body, getting it into the old boot, and burying it totally out ot sight, without any preplanning of any kind. Then grabbing a quick coffee, before they rung the Police.
    You’re saying they did this all in the space of a few hours? Impressive.

    Yeah, I know that it sounds a bit difficult – but not as impossible as it at first seems. Ive thought about the ”how” in all this and I have a theory. It is ONLY a theory and is MY theory but this is how I think it works….. bear with me.

    We apparently know that the McCanns say that they put the children to bed sometime around 6.30 – 7.00 pm and that they apparently arrived at the bar to meet their friends around 8.00-8.30 – this from an assortment of Media reports etc etc.

    How about this ….. what if Maddie actually died earlier that day and wasn’t actually alive to be put to bed with the twins??? After all there appears to be no third party witness who saw her after she (presumably) went home with the rest of her family late in the afternoon.

    I don’t know how she died (how could I?) but what if she took some pills from somewhere within the apartment, swallowed them, thinking that they were ‘sweeties’, and they killed her???

    Parents now go into panic mode. What should they do??? What if the pills were ”illegal”? An autopsy would certainly discover this and professionally ruin the pair of them. So how about they think it through and decide that reporting it to the police is the last thing they want to do. They decide to cover up the whole thing and dispose of the body.

    There is plenty of time for them to work this out and set up a rapid plan to wrap the body thoroughly in say bin-liners; shove it into the boot of their car; and transport it out of the village and conceal it a few miles away. Maybe one of them does the transport and disposal bit whilst the other remains in the apartment – I don’t know.

    Now they need a ”story” to cover up the death and they come up with the idea of a mysterious abducter. Maybe they know that the local police are dozy, and rely on them being really slow off the mark (as was the case).

    To give the abduction story more credibility, they create a huge hue and cry, which is rapidly whipped up by the Media into a major event worldwide – so nobody suspects them and all eyes are on trying to find poor Maddie alive … believed to be kidnapped or in the hands of an international paedophile ring – or whatever.

    Any time that the Media goes ”off message” they rapidly bring it back by insisting that the focus is on finding Maddie alive somewhere….. and accuse the local police of being lazy and inept.

    Several weeks go by and maybe they wonder if the temporary hiding place for the corpse is really secure. So they hire a car … maybe do a few drives out into the country toghther, saying that they are seeking a bit of privacy from the Media so they can grieve etc..

    When they judge that the time is right, they move the body from its temporary hiding place to a more permanent place somewhere else – where they think it is more securely hidden or deeply buried. Either way they want to make certain that it is never found.

    This is when the blood from the body gets into the boot of the hired car- as it is moved from one place to the other.

    Now I know it is purely guess work on my part….. it is simply a theory – nothing more. But it sure has set me wondering if it could really have happened like this.

    A well thought out theory, even if I dont believe a word of it.

    Couple of places it falls totally flat. One is moving the “body” from it’s first location to the 2nd. There are Media on these people 24hrs a day. after the 1st day. This does litertally mean 24 hours a day. They wouldent have been able to get to their front gate without the Media being on them. Media would have been covering every single door, every single access point.
    It’s hard to see them being able to move the “body” to a more secure location.

    I’ll take your word for it that no third party witness saw her after she went home that day. I cant really remember reading if anyone did or not. Are you sure that no other third party saw her after that time? If someone did then the theory’s totally blown apart.

    I do know of 2 people who certainly would have known this. Her Brother and Sister. One part I do know is that Kate said to Portugese Police that she made Dinner for the 3 of them, after they came home.


    @johnboy25 wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    I see a full DNA match has been found in the rented car – on Sky News now. Interesting little development, especially for those who scoffed at the very notion of that possibility. No doubt they’ll find a way to backtrack.

    So they have John. here
    Wonder what explanation they will give for that eh?

    Not much I wouldn’t have thought. After all, the British media aren’t likely to press them over it.

    DOUBTS over the forensic evidence used to implicate Kate and Gerry McCann in the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine emerged last night.

    Samples of DNA, taken from two places, led police to question the couple and later make them formal suspects, or arguidos, in the case on Friday.

    One is thought to be the Algarve apartment from where the four-year-old vanished, and the other is believed to be a car hired by the McCanns 25 days after her disappearance.

    The samples were analysed by forensic scientists in Britain and led directly to the aggressive questioning by detectives in Portugal of Madeleine’s parents.

    But forensic experts last night warned that any samples linking the McCanns with Madeleine days after she went missing should be treated with caution until the full facts of the case are known.

    Sources at the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham, which carried out the tests on swabs taken from the hire car, are understood to have dismissed as “simply wrong” some of the speculation surrounding the nature of the DNA evidence.

    The DNA samples were so small and degraded that only an incomplete match could be made with Madeleine’s genetic profile, the sources have claimed.

    Only 15 out of the 20 genetic markers usually used for such analysis could be identified, raising doubts about the value of the evidence. Only by obtaining 19 matches is a result regarded as conclusive. Independent experts also questioned the quality of the forensic evidence.

    Forensic scientist Alan Baker said the type of sample found was vital in interpreting any potential match – whether it is hair, blood or only traces.

    And if the match is less than perfect it is more likely that the DNA is not Madeleine’s but that of her brother, sister or parents.

    Mr Baker said: “In most crime scenes the individuals in question are not related so the DNA is completely different. But in this case you have got members of the McCann family involved and they would have shared DNA with their offspring.”

    Madeleine’s DNA could also have been transferred from anything she had touched in the days before she went missing.

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