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  • #1068628


    Please do not be hurt. If I told you how many, I took at a beating..

    You did humble me though, offering to make me supper and fish especially while cooking…

    The dick pudding well, not my taste that is all.



    Linds, triple cooked chips as below xx

    1. Place 2kg cold tap water in a large saucepan and add the potatoes. Place the pan over a medium heat and simmer until the chips are almost falling apart (approximately 20-30 minutes, depending on the potato).
    2. Carefully remove the cooked chips and place them on a cooling rack to dry out. Then place in the freezer for at least 1 hour to remove more moisture.
    3. Heat a deep-fat fryer or a deep pan no more than half filled with oil (to a depth of around 10cm) to 130°C. Fry the chips in small batches until a light crust forms (approximately 5 minutes), remove from the oil and drain on kitchen paper.
    4. Put the potatoes on a cooling rack and place in the freezer for at least 1 hour. (At this stage, if you don’t want to cook and serve immediately, the chips can be kept in the fridge for 3 days.)
    5. Heat the oil in the deep-fat fryer or deep pan to 180°C and fry the chips until golden (approximately 7 minutes). Drain and sprinkle with sea salt.


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    Mizzy, sounds real good.

    My last name as people always ask is “Italian”
    I tell everyone to watch the “Godfather Movies” often as this is also how pronunced.. reason telling you, your dish sounds almost the same to a dish I enjoy, as side as well

    Plantains..hard green looking banana, thick skin.
    Cut down seam to open..
    Contents hard too. Cut inch thick, fry deep, brown both sides take out of fryer. Put between brown paper bag, flatten.
    Fry another minute so, drain, and use sea salt, garlic powder. Awesome..

    Thanks. Taking down recipe



    ok Linda I’ll forgive you on this occasion but somer , if he ever talks to me like that again … Anyhow my snog marry avoid choice has been updated now:

    Snog- santa or alfie 😍

    Marry- Mizzy 😘

    Avoid- that PIECE OF EXCREMENT SOMER   😬😬😬😬


    Ooo  I best go wedding dress shopping



    hee haw hee haw , why don’t you f*ck off you dirty donkey

    Eeyore Eeyore Eeyore they all call me donkey  :good:


    ok Linda I’ll forgive you on this occasion but somer , if he ever talks to me like that again … Anyhow my snog marry avoid choice has been updated now: Snog- santa or alfie 😍 Marry- Mizzy 😘 Avoid- that PIECE OF EXCREMENT SOMER 😬😬😬😬

    Guess I’m in the sh1t then mags but there’s no fooking chance your getting in mine !!!  :bye:


    Where’s my pm?

    and where’s my snog ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by  Psycho Babble.

    Where’s my pm? and where’s my snog ?

    Tell me more about yourself hot stuff and you may get one xx



    Oh my, writing this recipe out…said oh…

    When you said chip, thinking hard, flat, so I gave you one for the plantains,soft but excellent …

    Then seeing word on how potatoes fall apart. Realized, this is what we call here, “Hash browns, or hush puppies.”

    With our hash browns, (broken hard form)stirring we also add sweet small red peppers cut up as well as green, small diced onions…..we call this “Hash Browns O’brien.”.

    Here’s a quickie for mashed potatoes.” I cook fresh potatoes till tender. . Remove skin (prior to cooking), mash up with butter, milk, salt and pepper. )

    Take small amount of carrots, boil slowly till tender…remember to slice up for desire. When potatoes mashed/done, add your tender carrots. Mix well. Top with Mozarell cheese, bake in oven 5 minutes. Your dish will taste sweet, good..

    Oh, can I be your brides maid….what are the color choices?,told I look good in turquoise, spearmint colors, greens….

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