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  • #1088646

    Mr. Q….

    U are kidding right..????

    Popular, lol…u see I am still slammed dunked by ur friend’s team.. members…are u that blind? Need specs? Or read what u only want too? Give me a break…..

    I remember ur friend saying to cosy in her name, “sairs”, cosy u speak to her, will never speak to you again. Ruthless so in love with her, attacks me I am jealous..haaa of what? Sorry for her, not want to be in her boat or ship..or shoes for that matter..

    So before u include me, get ur facts right. Let us not forget GE..lovely lovely things I read about me. Ur friend agrees, loves joy rides..

    Have nice day!



    So before u include me, get ur facts right. Let us not forget GE..lovely lovely things I read about me. Ur friend agrees, loves joy rides..

    Hello Martin, Can you stop this chatter please from constantly involving me in her paranoid shenanigans on the boards and this incessant drip drip of bare faced lies, gossip and innuendo.


    Many thanks.

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    Lol.. few nights ago for some time u and other having fun on my ticket.. who u fooling. Was in f2…lol, lol, lol…..


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    Hello again Martin, please, can you stop Linda from constantly goading me on the boards, with bare faced lies, based solely on her own paranoia.



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    Why is talking of needing proof of something bizarre? Faith is just another word for blind acceptance which lacks logic on every level.. simply because more people believe in God that pixies doesn’t necessarily give it more credibility. Hundreds of years ago, people thought atheists were witches/devils and the earth was flat , simply the majority opinion weighted in one direction doesn’t mean anything. The vast majority of people are not practising actively in any religion- loosely labelling yourself as muslim/Christian is normally done out of laziness for many or lack of thought/desire to fit in with their communities. Ive read kante, his argument 1) Moral behaviour is rational. (2) Morality behaviour is only rational if justice will be done. (3) Justice will only be done if God exists. Therefore: (4) God exists. Any more basic or nonsensical than that and you would be getting crayons out.Just because someone professes to be a “philosopher” doesn’t make them either wise or particularly bright.

    One thing I absolutely agree with you is that 500 years ago atheists like you would have kept very quiet or been tortured and killed. You would have been seen as bizarre, possibly an agent of the Devil (which you said you were, I think??). You would have offended common sense, whihc saw the universe as enchanted, full of pixies and demons and oddballs.

    Surprisingly, if someone attempted to do this now (and I believe some in jc would like to), I would be opposed because I am an all-round nice guy who never goes for anybody. I’m even opposed to kicking anyone out (have they kicked mr dexy out btw for his iffy poem?)

    But common sense now has swung the other way. Now people who believe in God are seen as weak-minded, bizarre, fit for total ridicule. Common sense sees the universe as disenchanted, and mistakenly sees science as proving this. Science, not god, is our common sense. Funny, that, as science has long gone beyond such simplicities.

    Common sense in 1500 is rightly seen as primitive and simple-minded, but common sense in 2000 may well be seen as simple-minded and primitive in 500 years. Snap out of it and try to look at the universe with questioning euyes, rather than accepting truths which are already becoming outdated.


    You’re wrong about the nature of  faith but another time.


    • technical point -I’m not sure that’s a fair rendition of Kant (from the Critique of Judgement), and my guess is that you did a quick google. Apologies in advance if that is my prejudice.The reason it doesn’t matter to me is that I don’t like Kant’s attempts to demonstrate God by judgement anyway – they’re not convincing.

      But the book I was pointing to is the Critique of Pure reason, where he argues that reason cannot prove or disprove the existence of God because of its limits. That struck me, and still does, as a very convincing approach to proofs of god’s existence. Please address that point.



    • technical point -I’m not sure that’s a fair rendition of Kant (from the Critique of Judgement), and my guess is that you did a quick google. Apologies in advance if that is my prejudice.The reason it doesn’t matter to me is that I don’t like Kant’s attempts to demonstrate God by judgement anyway – they’re not convincing. But the book I was pointing to is the Critique of Pure reason, where he argues that reason cannot prove or disprove the existence of God because of its limits. That struck me, and still does, as a very convincing approach to proofs of god’s existence. Please address that point.

    I don’t subscribe to childish nonsense about God or the “devil” so if you believe I am of the opinion I’m sent by Satan more fool you.


    I have already explained that simply being unable to prove something either way does not make it equal in probability…. perhaps you should use google yourself and type in basic probability theory. If you claimed there were three headed mongooses supping afternoon tea in the alpha centauri star system dressed in pink tights with somer as waitress and Mister Q employed as the jester, I couldn’t prove you were talking rubbish which doesn’t give it any increased probability.



    Ultimately, it all boils down to the same single issue. Religion per se is probably not a problem in a liberal society, based on equality. Rather what ‘some’ religion preaches and the inherent inequality they champion.

    Religion is ONLY growing in poorer nations, torn by poverty or war and most importantly, a lack of education. Where men wield the levers of power and rather like tobacco consumption is specifically targeted for those reasons.

    What kind of society do we live in where our political system can be openly manipulated, affecting all our lives, merely because a god may exist, or not.



    I cant think of any society on the planet based on equality. Even the so called civilised societies are based on  capitalism which is far removed from ” equality “

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    It’s no coincidence, that as the educated liberal middle class has grown, Christianity has quite rightly declined in the UK. ‘Capitalism’ does NOT exist anywhere on planet earth and never has, just as ‘socialism’ has never existed. A bastard version of capitalism exists where wealth filters up, not down and which is doomed, ultimately, to failure, what replaces it remains to be seen.


    The day Linda shuts her mouth..the world will recover….LOl

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