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27 February, 2018 at 3:18 am #1088597
One rule for the creaky old regs and one rule for everyone else.
27 February, 2018 at 9:20 am #1088600i don’t believe in the bible as its the word of god according to humans who can be prone to misinterpret things so i believe in god in my own way not in the way the bible says
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27 February, 2018 at 10:11 am #1088603One rule for the creaky old regs and one rule for everyone else.
‘ere, who you calling a creaky old reg???!!
*creeps away, hoping not to be noticed
27 February, 2018 at 10:14 am #1088605As I said Scep, some are just best ignored…. anyway hope you are well, we are due a catch up tc x
ms mooosey…one of the few who could entice me back to the chatroom..
I miss your sharp comments
(except when they’re directed at me
27 February, 2018 at 1:31 pm #1088607Bit harsh there on Mister q for expressing his opinion. :(
Not that I want to fall out with anyone.
I’ve seen pixies and fairies at the bottom of his garden. There was me having a stalk as you do, and they just popped out from the Bush I was hiding behind. I nearly had an oopse moment.
27 February, 2018 at 3:18 pm #1088613Bit harsh there on Mister q for expressing his opinion.
you are so right.
According to ms mooosey, it doesn’t even seem to have been his opinion.
And he’s not bothered – as yet – to defend the argument against my evidence.
So I withdraw the term ‘religious bigot’ aimed at our resident wit. He can rest in peace and continue to amuse us all with his inimitable sense of humour..
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27 February, 2018 at 9:57 pm #1088631i don’t believe in the bible as its the word of god according to humans who can be prone to misinterpret things so i believe in god in my own way not in the way the bible says
never responded to you before, paigey, so hope you don’t mind it now.
I don’t think faith is given by some formula, whether in the bible or in some of the platitudes disguised as wise sayings we often find here on jc.
It’s a proof all of its own, not recognised by anyone other than ourselves, alone. People without faith will explain it away, but they have no more reason for their explanation than people with faith. Who knows who is right?
It’s like a dialogue with someone, something – something mysterious, some Mystery.
That’s all, really.
People express it differently, but the nearest I’ve come to an expression of this is in John, when Thomas refuses to believe in a resurrected Jesus unless he can stick his finger in the wounds. No physical proof, no believe. When he sees Jesus (an illusion, some would say??), we don’t hear of him actually sticking his finger in the bloody side. Only five words, which express that sense of mystery – my Lord and my God. Nothing more. That’s enough.
27 February, 2018 at 10:19 pm #1088639Its no big secret…..sceppers moosey orson and ruby had it in for me from the start……and Linda joined where it was most popular. I can live with that. Keep her up to speed sceppers…….Lmao……..why not write moosey a poem?….PML….or quote some biblical verse….PML
27 February, 2018 at 11:16 pm #1088643Nobody other than somere are claiming that pixies are at the bottom of your garden.. but to talk fo a Creator needing proof before being accepted is bizarre. You can’t prove or disprove a Creator. Our level of scientific expertise is nowhere near that level, and my guess is it never will get near it. Science is part of what’s beeen created, after all, and what science has taught us about the cosmos has only deepend the mystery since the Newtonian times when atheists confidently demonstrated that there couldn’t be a God because you couldn’t see a God anywhere. There have been many arguments for the existence of a Creator – made by Aquinas and Anselm, above all (google them for the proofs- and other arguments against – google David Hume on miracles and natural religion, and you’ll find your points on pixies (though not the actual example). Some philospher called Kant put the two arguemnts – for and against a Creator, or God – side-by-side and found that they were both inconclusive. It’s because of the nature of human knowledge. We can’t go beyond certain natural limits, so all we can do is speculate on what lies beyond those natural limits, especially on what created those limits. I find the idea of a force whihc created us all quite acceptable, and more likely than spontaneous combustion of some sort. But who knows? I don#t You don’t. A Christian God is something else, of course. For that, faith is required.
Why is talking of needing proof of something bizarre? Faith is just another word for blind acceptance which lacks logic on every level.. simply because more people believe in God that pixies doesn’t necessarily give it more credibility. Hundreds of years ago, people thought atheists were witches/devils and the earth was flat , simply the majority opinion weighted in one direction doesn’t mean anything. The vast majority of people are not practising actively in any religion- loosely labelling yourself as muslim/Christian is normally done out of laziness for many or lack of thought/desire to fit in with their communities.
Ive read kante, his argument
1) Moral behaviour is rational.
(2) Morality behaviour is only rational if justice will be done.
(3) Justice will only be done if God exists.
(4) God exists.Any more basic or nonsensical than that and you would be getting crayons out.Just because someone professes to be a “philosopher” doesn’t make them either wise or particularly bright.
27 February, 2018 at 11:21 pm #1088645Q only you could think you are important enough for anyone to ‘have it in for you’. I certainly don’t, I merely think you type utter and inane trash, most of which I just ignore, just typing for the hell of it and never making much sense. Is there an equivalent phrase for someone who ‘ types’ verbal diarrhea ? It’s also perfectly obvious that you aren’t PML or LOL ing at all, you are in fact seething and frustrated that people haven’t quite grasped your ‘greatness’ or your strange sense of humour, a nasty bitter man who tries to make himself feel superior by commenting on anything and everything, even when you have nothing to offer and when people disagree with you, you flounce off and leave , again and again and again…….
Why don’t you stick to your word…… and PML off for good. Weirdo !
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