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    I had a confused one yesterday morning. I put my radio on on my alarm to try to keep me awake so I didnt lay in till midday, and Jamie Oliver was on the Chris Moyles show.

    But then they were both in my dream and we were walking along having a chat about a load of everyday mundane random things!

    Ive had loads of cheese today so Im bound to have nitemares…. :x always do!


    I hope you know.. I am taking note of everything you post.. as I’m going to add it into your siggy lol :P :P :P


    have you ever had a sexual dream about someone who makes you feel physically sick? i once had one about grant mitchel eww i think hes vile :-…


    had a dream bout my little one being in girls baby clothes found it weird when i knew he was a boy, coudnt understand why he had pink on lol……………. grrrrrrrrrrrr best not be hearing pitter patter of little feet to soon hmmmmmmmmm


    well I had to write last nights down the minute I got into work today.

    Basically, I had honeycomb up my nose, around my eyes and all in my sinuses. Went Doctors, they said it was made for ants, that would invade my body to live in it! Mortified, I had an operation to (I thought) have it removed, but they gave me botox and I couldnt move my face!

    When I came round half my face was detached from my skull, and I noticed this square of yellow stuff in my cheek, I pulled it out and it was a square of cheese, followed by another and another. I heaved, then woke up.

    Fathom that one out :shock:


    Well basically sharon what happened was you had a dream :wink: 8)


    @sharongooner wrote:

    well I had to write last nights down the minute I got into work today.

    Basically, I had honeycomb up my nose, around my eyes and all in my sinuses. Went Doctors, they said it was made for ants, that would invade my body to live in it! Mortified, I had an operation to (I thought) have it removed, but they gave me botox and I couldnt move my face!

    When I came round half my face was detached from my skull, and I noticed this square of yellow stuff in my cheek, I pulled it out and it was a square of cheese, followed by another and another. I heaved, then woke up.

    Fathom that one out :shock:

    righttttttt :shock: maybe you had trouble breathing in the night, which is why you dreamt your nose was blocked??? ive had dreams where im drinking loads and loads of water and its because when i wake up in real life i feel parched! its a possibility.

    The cheese thing….did you scoff loads of it before bed? :shock: :lol:

    shaz i have some corkers, i’ll have to remember to write them down and tell you about them on here, they fascinate me.


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    have you ever had a sexual dream about someone who makes you feel physically sick? i once had one about grant mitchel eww i think hes vile :-…

    I had a dream once that I went on holiday with Alan Titchmarch and another married couple and stayed in a log cabin. When we arrived he kissed me on the lips and it was all soggy and dribbly! He is the last bloke I would fancy it made me feel sick!


    It is funny reading other people’s ones :)

    I write down the ones I can remember at work and have an envelope under my desk mat going back 4 years. I wish Id started doing it earlier. When I read them back I cannot remember them, unless Ive not only written them down but spoke about them to.

    I DO dream vividly when ive eaten cheese, but I tend to have more vivid dreams at the beginning of the week for some reason, probably the feeling of anxiety of the week ahead, I dont know.

    I have some deeply sad ones, where I wake up crying sometimes, and I have the (like you pebs) “I need water NOW” ones, but on the flip side I have the “I need a wee NOW” ones too…. which we chatted about at work the other day, some very funny true stories being shared about being caught short!

    Do any of you read any dream books? We have one at work, but it never makes any sense, its almost as vague as a starsign reading.

    The only dreams that disturb me have been going on for years and they are about war, and If I could choose one dream never EVER to have again it would be those type, they upset me so much Im shattered the next day.


    Great thread. I will post my dream tomorrow. I’ve had some cheese btw. :P

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