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  • #16926

    Please put an X here if you think Lucy is the best candidate to be President (I know shes Irish but we are such a close bonded community on these boards it shouldn’matter) :lol:

    We need a Manifesto Lucy :lol:




    Should i let Gaz be my Vice President???


    1. FREE schooling to all under 18.
    2. Collage fees to drop.
    3. A proper justice system to be put in place.
    4. Get rid of jets and planes used by Govenment as currenly they just sit there costing tax payers money.
    5. A proper infusturture to be put in place (ie,. put road tax to proper use)
    6. ESB (electritiy boxes in all homes so NOONE gets into debt and has to go without heating)

    More to follow.


    I want peace between these two counties as when we go abroad its always the Brittish and Irish that mix well. Maybe cause were so close to each other but also have same sence of humour and principals.
    1. So either we get full control over the 6 counties or they are made an indepentant country by itself. – Vote to follow.

    2. Legalise weed. Proper control of the drug used for social events such as Cafe shops WILL help the enocomy and help stop the illegal drug trade.

    3. Legalise prostatuation – again it will help stop the illegal sex trade and the Call girls/Rent boys will be clean and looked out for and will also help with income for the Country.

    4. CCTV in all mayor city centres and “bad” estates.

    Day job calling so even more to follow – suggestions welcomed.


    no x from me
    its a mans world
    dont want you women getting big ideas

    just stick to the kitchen ladies :wink:


    Fùck you and the horse you rode in on :P


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    Fùck you and the horse you rode in on :P

    and be a dear and scoop up that horse sh ite x


    as soon as you close you mouth so it will stop falling out, of course i will clean it up :wink:


    @thin ice wrote:

    x from me


    Aww Thin thanks, i knew you loved me really

    :lol: :lol: :lol:



    x can i be ur cheif of staff plz



    I want to be in charge of the Military !

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