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  • #1144687

    How the heck on a chat site if u don’t know someone they can say that?

    How is it u think u do, if know people or someone long time, (personally) and likes, dislikes. routines so forth and then find out what you knew was a total crock of turd.

    I always carry a racing card ticket in my hand as a spare and never promoted a full race anyways.

    Example I have much jewelry. Going through other day said where this come from thought I knew all..oops..or those hidden shoes in closet. Think I knew well and didn’t.

    So I particularly love when someone uses same nic name for all gets involved with for 2 year services or complications excuses for merely saying oh well, adios. Chicken shit and liars are the best cons of all especially when they have that so called “Urge!” Too funny. They know it all and u think geez knew that person(s) well. Oops. Guess not.

    So as many here don’t know me well, I will work with my secretary on bookings for my upcoming travels. Would love to see some of you so my little book is ready. Lol.

    Will reach out as best as I am able o.k.

    Btw…not discussing any politics. I need to party and live it up. Ty. Giggles :heart:


    I have a Polish boss who has to give a brief every morning when he’s in. He always finishes with “thank you very much and have a good shift” But it comes across when you listen to it as “Fuck you very much and have a good shit”

    Poor old Pavel.  :yes:   :whistle:   ;-)


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    Oh somer u one I sure like to say hi too. U too funny and always made me laugh and smile. Be well friend or reach out here. Will try to connect some how.


    Linda can you not remember what happened the last time you said you had too much jewellery and milky pawned half of it and went on a 2 year drinking binge with brenda pretending they had been sent to prison for serious fraud 🤔

    Oh hello there somer just think instead of drinking Somerset cider and sniffing poppers behind the bike sheds with the other naughty loons who played truant at school and stealing bros tapes from hmv for your walkmans and dancing to when will i be famous you should have stuck in at school and passed all your qualifications like Pavel then you to could have been a boss instead of taking it out on them for your lack of education and crappy job position  B-)



    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by  Tartanbabe.

    And here i was thinking me stalker had died  :yes:

    No such luck WeeMorg  :whistle:


    That is disgraceful and Bang Out Of Order wishing people dead somer

    Can you stoop any lower 🤔







    Seems to me this pair would be bored by now. Guess not. Sad they dont have a genuine life together after this time together of total bliss and happiness. Assume not either as they always have a poke at the same few. Boring. Yawns.

    As far as milky he got some fine awesome jewelry..what he does with that oh well get’s out of prison, starts a new hostel, pub or nightclub that his business. I have his sitting in a box for safe keeping in case he needs more for his milkman deliveries.


    JC chatters who you don’t get on with and quite frankly dislike often know “one” extremely well. They know who you’ve slept with (apparently) how many times….know who you have met (apparently)…who you have had a 3some with (apparently)….the ones you like and chat to all the time seem to never have heard any such stories….funny that

    Its funny when your name is connected with someone that, that “someone” is never in the room when you are so they can be quite simply asked…”did I meet you…did we have sexy time?”

    Having said that Tigerman is the biggest liar in JC who will still continue to lie even when confronted……I mean that is pretty sick….but what would you expect from a man who is bitter about never getting “that sh@g”….because he ended up in hospital after a heart attack just before the “event”….my reporting on the above story is 100% accurate obviously as “I know Tigerman” :whistle:   :whistle:

    Anyway Linda….Milky sounds like a Tinder Swindler…well the JC version of it….be happy…you will find companionship again

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    Geez kenty wow. Wow. Eye opening. Ty

    Thank god NO not monetary. Just my heart. Covid, distance, boredom, urge. Lonely lousy excuse as he was actively chatting up pursuing next goal(s) or home plate sucker(s)! I was the sucker sadly to fill the void till next pursuit gained. And it was.!

    Who needs companionship like that. Not worth the waste of time. Lol.what a waste of my time it was. U.k. has taught me much more about life that for dam sure.


    P.s. never knew it that lonely never told me. Caught it in action. Lol. Oh well his loss of good companionship anyways..

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