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  • #1110724

    Dodger I must say to make such beautiful words rhyme like so and glow , alive and thrive and lost and frost, my you are talented that must have took you ages to think up.

    I am a very talented writer I can write anything test me x

    try me x

    I made you look like a total cunt x

    mind you that was not hard x


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  Artful Dodger.

    How could I match the words of a genius who makes words rhyme like so and glow?

    You are on another plane mentally we all know that.

    Suggest you spend less time in burger king and go to a library.


    How you known many things About me?


    Hmmmm lets look at your love conquests here.

    Hugs and winks



    Anyone see a pattern?

    Even they saw through you.


    How could I match the words of a genius who makes words rhyme like so and glow? You are on another plane mentally we all know that. Suggest you spend less time in burger king and go to a library.

    silly that wasn’t me

    id never do that read it all back

    your special needs is getting in your way xx


    id never use the word glow I was trying to help a woman with a shit poem make it good


    anyway knob


    I have no qualifications in English literature language theatre studies or history or IT.  I have no  qualifications I cant even type lol.x pml ok



    time in a library



    enjoy your morning lol




    gosh I wish I was educated lol


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  Artful Dodger.
    1 member liked this post.

    Okay…i am used this website only twice…
    They hacked me?


    no fucking clue im thick ask milkman

    mind you he is dating some old ugly prick from the usa with no teeth and hes that desperate he thinks hes lucky.

    shes 2 years older short and nasty looking cos Mario told me he saw her on webcam.

    poor milkman is that desperate no wonder he is so fucked up right now


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  Artful Dodger.

    I will enjoy my morning thank you.

    Just going to shower infact.

    My shower is very clean no mould.

    Some people are filthy animals.


    20 lol





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