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  • #16180

    Happy Royal Wedding everyone….. you just have to watch this!

    Whats everyone doing…. anyone going to see it in London? I am having a barbecue if the weather holds… bacon sandwiches in the morning for a few close friends and we will watch the wedding… then full on barbecue later with lots of people. Exciting :D :) :D



    I wish the both of them the very best as I would any young couple getting married but i wont be watching the wedding. I am not a fan of the royal family and if, as i believe, the wedding is being paid for by the public the i think that is wrong. other couples pay for their own weddings and have far less resources.


    As I understood it, the cost of the wedding itself is being paid for by both the families, with the taxpayer picking up the bill for security on the day.

    Mrs T, sounds like you have a busy day lined up! I won’t be watching the wedding, not out of active avoidance but because I don’t have a television! If the weather holds I will be making the most of the day off, sitting in the hammock the garden with a good book, a bottle of wine, and hopefully a barbeque mid afternoon which other half will feel proud of cooking for me on my day off whilst ignoring the fact that I’ll have done all the chopping, marinating and salad preparation. If the weather doesn’t hold and reverts to tradional Spring weather, then I’ll sit inside with a good book, a bottle of wine and a good meal…spot the common themes? :lol:

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