Nice to see Mr Anderson is alive and kicking. A very skilful writer he.
The Joker is quite a scary figure in folklore, a gremlin figure of malicious irrepsonsibility, likely to crop up at any time to cause mayhem and trouble. It’s the distorted mask of a clown – and clowns are funny and scary. A lot of people find clowns sexually very threatening. Mr Punch must be his cousin.
it’s a clever idea to don his mask in the JC rooms. Joker’s avatar here is pretty nasty and clever, like something from the Wicker Man. The web is made for a genuine Joker, and there are a few of those around.
Heath Ledger was brilliant as the Joker, putting previous masters like Jack Nicholson and Cesare Romero in the shade. The gait with which, dressed as a nurse, he danced from foot to foot as the hospital wards blew up behind him in The Dark Knight movie combines horror and laughter.
The guy who’s put on the Joker mask here is not quite as good. I mean, not nearly as good. I mean, not very good at all. He has the nastiness, but he has vanity, too, great vanity, a deadly flaw in any Joker.
Sorry – the Brothers Grimm would not be impressed