@kent f OBE wrote:
@sceptical guy wrote:
@kent f OBE wrote:
@rogue trader wrote:
I also am looking for an “old friend” :twisted:
goes by the name of thin ice,last spotted mithering folk in here a while back now
he now however seems to have vanished without trace
owing me 50 quid for a bet about some woman we had a bet on
so if anybody does know his whereabouts would you be so kind as to tell me
because I would love a quiet word with him
just luv it.
I would give you his name address and number Cosy but everyone has it anyway. :lol:
I don’t…
don’t want them either sorry :wink:
I’m sure I got it off you in the first place! 8)
No, Ms K, that was cosy’s number and address, when cosy was pretending to be thin and I was pretending to be cosy :?