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    A pair of my friends right.

    Male is 24/25ish (cant remember), female is 19, but mature for her age (most girls are).

    Female is off to uni in Dundee (Rubes… Ive warned *cough* advised her lol!) this Friday.

    Been together 3 years, totally match-made.

    Pulled a stunner on us all this weekend. They have Agreed to split up this friday.

    They have thought it all through, no arguments, but agree that a long distant relationship will Not(edit)work and he believes he will hold her back from enjoying uni life if he hangs on.

    They are an amazing pair of people and as much as I admire them, after speeking to them both seperately at the weekend they are gonna be really hurting.

    What do you think… admirable decision or not?

    I love them both on an equal basis, have no favourings either way, they really are just a trustworthy pair.

    Im actually thinking Im more gutted than they are. sad face.upset about it all. <


    wow thats a mature decision must of been tough to make, you never know they may make it up after shes finished


    Only time will tell if they’ve made the right decision.
    They can always change their minds and probably will.


    I said that Poli, forever the optimist me lol.

    Im thinking long term its ever so mature, but Im worried about them both in the next coming weeks. I dont know if the internets a blessing or not. I know he will be out with us this friday saying goodbye and saturday crying, he is an emotional love bucket bless him.

    He looks at me as a sexy aunt lol, but I have a knack of being able to make him laugh and smile and cheer up.

    She looks at me as a cool “older” friend, and has an abundance of love and respect.

    Its this lady he is thinking of, and she has the new life, he has the old life to re-adjust with.

    Thats the hard part.

    A learning curve he is about to leap on in big bounces.


    First they are telling you what they “think you wanna hear”

    Second she is having second thorghts about “uni” like the all do.

    I think this will be a “on / off” thing untill the New Year.

    Seen it all before, aways ends in a nasty way…………..

    The best thing you can do is stay out of it and let it run its corse.


    Im not in it DOA… Im there if they need me.

    No harm in showing feelings for mates, thats what I do, dont we all?


    I know I’m wasting my time but……



    shut up shouting in big letters, I aint in it!

    Im there if they need me.

    get back to tecy help and perving the rooms where ya more happy.


    He thinks she will meet someone else at uni.
    She thinks he will meet someone while she is away.

    Neither could bear the hurt so they end it on their own terms.
    Wouldn’t it be great if they could get past this hurdle and stick it out?
    That would be the true sense of maturity in all of this.


    tell yer wee pal.. Dundee University is one of the GREATEST .. and is she/he needs a wee cosie and cuddle to come to me. they are in a GREAT place in Dundee uni.. they will meet great pals and eat in the phoenix :) i can show them where to go.. X

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