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22 April, 2008 at 9:31 pm #330877
@sharongooner wrote:
way way way before my time PB….. :wink:
I realise this Sharon … and this is perhaps a part of the problem.
Voters in London usually only see the current image of “Red” Ken and don’t remember the bad old days of the GLC …. or worse still ILEA (Inner London Education Authority) which he also controlled.
This body, until it was forcibly abolished by Margaret Thatcher (and John Major) in 1990, was responsible for some of the most crazy and far left education policies imaginable.
But electors have short memories eh?
22 April, 2008 at 10:38 pm #330878Another one of his ideas is the street wardens and they have no power to do anything, even less than the cpo’s. All i see all day is them walking past my shop three together texting on their phones and carrying shopping bags and picking up £23,000 a year to do it.
22 April, 2008 at 11:32 pm #330879Maybe I’ll vote Livingstone just to piss Hoseason off.
22 April, 2008 at 11:47 pm #330880@sword wrote:
Maybe I’ll vote Livingstone just to piss Hoseason off.
You probably would knowing you! :lol:
22 April, 2008 at 11:50 pm #330881Couldn’t care less, moving in August well away from this shithole anyway, may as well waste my vote.
I bet Andrew is wondering how you can vote from your mummy’s house in West Sussex now.
23 April, 2008 at 7:43 am #330882@forumhostpb wrote:
Another thing that utterly pisses me off about ‘Red’ Ken is his constant need to grandstand by taking “fact finding” trips at the taxpayer’s expense to touch base with an assortment of foreign dictators. What the effing hell this has to do with being the mayor of London God only knows.
All we get is massive tax hikes that yield few if any visible results.
As for the lovely and fragrant Brian Paddick – a self confessed bummer. when he was Chief Super at Brixton nick he instituted a local policy of not arresting anybody for possession of marijuana – even though it was a Class B drug at the time.
Net result is that the entire Afro Caribbean population of Brixton was stoned out of their minds 24/7…. massive pot parties were held continuosly and the local crime rate shot up.
He got ”promoted” and transferred away from Brixton…. now he is promising to cut crime by 20% across all of London – if elected. With 9% in the polls he doesn’t stand a chance – which will disappoint all the poofters who fancy a man in uniform !!!
So now you are left with Boris Johnstone. Oh happy days… :lol:
23 April, 2008 at 9:29 am #330883Yes dear old Boris indeed.
I guess if you discount the lunatic fringe, like Obergruppenfuhrer Barnbrook, commandante of the BNP Stormtroopers – who let’s face it has less chance of being elected than the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler – then the only seriously viable candidate to oppose “Red” Ken is “Batty” Boris.
He sure has a mountain of poor press publicity to climb, coupled with a public image of being ….. how shall I phrase it …. er – charismatic? He suffers from the Prince Philip syndrome doesn’t he? The press only look for him to make yet another ‘gaffe’ and report this with glee, totally ignoring the fact that behind the public persona there actually lurks an honest man trying to do his thing for public service.
He can’t be all stupid though as you sure don’t get to be an MP for Henley and the editor of The Spectator without having a brain fitted.
That aside, anybody with the name Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has got to be a cut above somebody just called “Ken”.
23 April, 2008 at 10:21 am #330884But hey!!! There could still be a late contender that could scupper the main contenders plans. A person with such self belief that he cant possibly fail! Who has an answer for every situation. Who can slime himself out of any predicament by pounding his point day after day in the belief that if he says it often enough people might actually start believing him. He’s been nutured through life by his mother all the way into adulthood and beyond. With only one minor sex scandle to blemish his exemplary stature and with a promise he wont serve the capital on a Friday (drunk day) he has to be the man to that all Londoners can put their faith in.
VOTE GEOFF!! Monster Raving Loony Party :mrgreen:
23 April, 2008 at 4:43 pm #330885This is sooooooo tempting !!!!
23 April, 2008 at 7:40 pm #330886 -
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