I now know that because of this lockdown, I will be ever so appreciative to the prime minister of the UK.
Now I can sew my royal oats, not prince andrew style though like most in here would. My fortunate timing of this lockdown has guaranteed me at least a month of naughties with my bitter half. No it was not a frediuan slip
They think I’m stupid every blasted morning they lie there snoring n passing wind faster than concord. Then I hear a grunt ” make the Jacob’s crackers tea toast and bring the toasted tea cakes AND effing jam
Anyways I am proud to be able to use food banks 9 ball style and save my benefits to buy me a new tv and 6ft pool table and a new washer as the last one was sold for cider
Good look with your mental health on this one as we will more than likely be locked down until xmas 2021
Just 1 modify……..to ask if anyone would like my doo do doo do