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  • #1132082

    I claimed to be cary grants son in one steak house after a few drinks.

    Thought i might get a few extra onion rings, and hes from bristol.

    On a serious note, if seems to me if your english you get a free pass in the us.

    Even if you take a dump in a urinal area and get dragged out a bar,

    The guys on the door were sound about that.



    That’s correct Milky. Trigger was put up at the Adelphi when Roy was sick  with the flu. Trigger paid Roy a visit :) And here’s the picture that was printed in the Liverpool Echo.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  Sophia.

    P.s. Also often I hear and read as LD pointed out our President being so awful and stupid. For those who voted for Boris Johnson he doing anything better?

    Have you also heard about how your President has responded to protestors after they saw the cold blooded murder of a handcuffed man who’s neck was sat on by a policeman whilst he took his very last breath?

    He’s going to bring out the guns! He’s going to send in the National Guard! What a weak leader you have that he hasn’t got the intelligence to show true leadership and guts to face those protestors and find a way to implement laws that make black people feel equal. They ARE equal, they’ve always been equal, it’s idiots like Trump who have made them feel they are not!

    I don’t condone the looting and arson, of course I don’t but I do support them protesting at this obvious disgusting racist act.

    Joke of a President for sure!

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    Have you heard that the President also called the family after it happened to pay his respects and every day there after has mentioned that the protestors who seek justice will have “Justice!” He openly stated that what happened to George Floyd was a tradegy and that change is needed.

    F.Y.I. each State has Governors and Mayors who provide legislation in running their state under constitution.

    At present time it was left up to Governors to provide calm and order and use own Police. Many States want to resolve on own and not execute the Military order as it will look like they are not capable to take care of their State. They have declined to use what President has suggested would do. Some States so out of control order issued.


    ARE YOU KIDDING ME. YOU EXPECT LAWS BE MADE OVER IN ONE NIGHT. Goes through channels to implement them. He can not do anything independently but approval and under Constitution. Only thing he can do is deploy military with out any permission to do so.

    I am sure you see the division of our parties on news. NEWS is not fairly reported. Listen to what you want, believe what you want. He has done more for our Country in 40 years than others have.

    HE IS THE PRESIDENT of my choice and next choice. Your opinion is allowed calling him a joke and guttless but that shows me your ignorance about our Laws, Country and Constitution.




    Linda, the man is a clown! The story that’s pushed 100,000 covid death’s below the fold and is America’s pre existing condition which is ” RACISM” Trump is  a destroyer he has made a bad situation much worse. He’s a vulgar, crass , toxic, narcissistic idiot. While your country waits in vain for a speech that might heal wounds, what’s Trump doing? having a path cleared so he can wave a bible outside a church! that the last time he entered was for his Inauguration. American needs moral leadership instead you have Donald Trump! He doesn’t have a clue. He’s a TV personality with a cult following that’s centered around this white power persona rooted in white supremacy and racism. The man can’t see his citizens are in pain and hurting and this clown doesn’t have the ability to address that. Trump is actually adding fuel to the flames he is so disconnected from what is happening right now. All Trump is doing is protecting his position by wanting to kill its people, if that protects him. He may not have created hostility and diversion but he certainly incites it! Trump made me laugh during one of his talks stating he is an ally of all peaceful protester’s hahah while in the background you can hear guns etc going off! then says this ” I am now going to pay my respects to a very special place which was St Johns church. Their was one problem, a gang of peaceful protesters were in his way so he had military police open fire and toss tear gas to clear a path for him, “bit like Jesus parting the waves”just look at what happened when the coward in charge wanted to cross the street for a meaningless photo op they moved in force against peaceful demonstrators. Just following orders.Trump obviously forgot what he said earlier ” I am an ally for all peaceful protester’s” I nearly threw up when I watched Trump standing outside St Johns church were he groped a bible upside down probably the last time he held one was when he was sworn in. The only bible he owns is Hustler magazine. When asked by a reporter why he was holding a bible outside st johns Trump said ” we have a great country, that’s my thoughts ” that’s all the man said! wtf the man had just threatened the military on peaceful protester’s! then had a photo with all his white advisors, reportedly the reason Trump wanted this photo taken because he was upset by coverage he had to be rushed down to his underground bunker . What people are failing to get, a man was murdered by some scumbag cop who had 17 complaints made against him 16 of those were closed without any disciplinary action . A black man is murdered , the police are met with rioting and white Americans gawk at the violence of the protests , not the violence of the system to which they are responding! In civilized countries its called murder. ffs 8 minutes and 46 seconds and thank god that 17 year old girl filmed it on their phone!
    When Trump was voted for president the American people got a dictator I only hope the next election will see the end of Trump what with the health, economics and social crisis in a mess it looks promising :) By the way Linda when Trump phoned the family of George Floyd, Georges brother said Trump wouldn’t let him get a word in! now why does that sound familiar? the phone call lasted 2 min”  To quote Philonise Floyd, said his conversation with Trump was “so fast.””He didn’t give me an opportunity to even speak,” Floyd said. “It was hard. I was trying to talk to him, but he just kept, like, pushing me off, like ‘I don’t want to hear what you’re talking about.’  America is being ruled by a spoilt child! Cheers ya all :)




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    It’s always highly amusing to watch people like Sophia virtue signalling from a parapet of deluded moral superiority classifying a president that wants to quell violence perpetuated by nothing more than hooligans as a ” racist”.

    The cop who effectively murdered the suspect has been charged with murder and thrown in jail ( quite rightly) yet the actions of one individual apparently mean the  burning of busninesses , assaults, criminal damage to Americans being justifiable . I suppose Trump should just allow the looting, arson  etc to continue unchecked against innocent people incase some mindless entity such as Sophia has the audacity to throw abuse at Trump with the usual tired rhetoric of racist/narcissist bleated out like a robotic sheep on jc to satisfy her political agenda of being ” right all along”.

    What would you suggest Trump does to stop the rioting then other than use force if necessary.. ask the rioters for a game of tiddly winks or maybe blackjack to appease race relations? Before the Covid virus, Americas economy was booming with Trump looking likely to be re elected including huge swathes of the black population voting for him.. not bad for someone who doesn’t have a clue.

    The reality is most rioters are not destroying family businesses/ properties  out of “racism ” reasons but because like you old girl, they haven’t two brain cells to rub together and enjoy creating carnage and mayhem. In the uk circa 2011 we had riots initially occurring due to one black individual dying but it had nothing to do with racism for 99.9% of people- it was just an excuse for thugs to damage/smash their way through towns destroying businesses and lives similar to what we are witnessing in the states. Hopefully Trump will carry out his threats and send in the military


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  rudeboy.
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    And the gobshyte rudeboy pops up like a puss filled zit haha wondered when lemon head would bite. Thanks for reading my post :) I never bothered reading yours I’m guessing its filled with the same hatred that consumes  and controls your everyday life that you spend in just chat . How can the black community dismantal a problem that they didn’t create??? Why don’t you go back to abusing Linda like you normally do! you sad jerk.  Its called having an opinion unlike the shit you spew out. You stupid boy. Don’t waste any ink as I wont be reading it :) I don’t read anything you write anyway. Linda should see Trump for what he is sadly she is still under Trumps charming influence . Have a nice day lemon head and I don’t mean the American candy type !


    And the gobshyte rudeboy pops up like a puss filled zit haha wondered when lemon head would bite. Thanks for reading my post :) I never bothered reading yours I’m guessing its filled with the same hatred that consumes and controls your everyday life that you spend in just chat . How can the black community dismantal a problem that they didn’t create??? Why don’t you go back to abusing Linda like you normally do! you sad jerk. Its called having an opinion unlike the shit you spew out. You stupid boy. Don’t waste any ink as I wont be reading it :) I don’t read anything you write anyway. Linda should see Trump for what he is sadly she is still under Trumps charming influence . Have a nice day lemon head and I don’t mean the American candy type !

    Abuse Linda? I get on with Linda for the most part although we disagree on cars lol. The only abuse on this thread is coming from you Sophia… look at the state of you. It’s a common tactic from  you when outmatched intellectually on a topic to resort to posts like this you have just written to deflect attention from the actual subject. Instead of responding with a post relating to the thread topic it’s just childish crap about “lemon heads”..  I stopped reading it at ” dismantal ” lol.

    I suggest instead of writing about topics you aren’t bright enough to contribute to , you return to school which will hopefully enable you to string together a coherent sentence instead of this gibberish. For a woman who accuses others of constructing posts ” full of hatred”  you may wish to read what you write before posting it as your last contribution was an utter embarrassment to both your parents and school that educated your sorry ass.   :good:


    To be clear..I am not under Trump influence. I make my own decisions, I research, observe and look at factual based facts.

    Prior to covid our economy booming. Our unemployment lowest it ever has been in a very long time, and all minorities in good paying jobs, less unemployed.

    Real property taxes and refunds I never saw and OWN MY HOME. How nice to get few thousand back as for years over charged by my State. Surprised. Trump has given money to all those in U.s.A for those struggling. He excluded those over 75,000.00 year salary. He has provided funds for illegals as well, increased unemployment payments for 26 weeks in which an additional 200.00 week frustrates me.

    So I understand peoples opinions, but facts need to be exposed for those to get knowledge they not aware of.

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