Hey scep. Guess we will not know for sure until each of our times comes for us all.
Till then a mystery…suppose..
Near death..
My dad flatlined. Not sure why gave him I.v. in neck as he did have a signed d.n.r. form in hospital. But in any event, he said he heard me discussing merguine for his birthday pie. Lemon merguine his favorite. I was more than an hour and half drive away from him. Left pie sit as I needed to get up few days earlier than expected.
When arrived first thing he asked me. Did not know to laugh or cry….where his pie?
He told doctor saw white lights, a hand, and told not to go, Linda coming…who knows. He survived another 22 years, then told me to let him go. I did. Half hour later gone he was…waited for me to leave room for a coffee…..