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    Because it not right. How can a man whom now a woman really discuss the woman body and it’s functions. You think it all comes from books. I am very uncomfortable. Some teaching includes more than sharing knowledge obtained, learned. It also includes life experiences, passion to help provide foundation as long as in equality sharing…not bias.

    I really say no more..this my thought on sex education classes as I originally noted.

    I see, at least I think I see, I take it therefore, you would only be treated by a female gynecologist or obstetrician ? Only visit a female GP ( physician ) for any plumbing issues ? Only have a female surgeon perform , for instance a hysterectomy ? Only have a female midwife ? And that midwife MUST have had children …. have given birth herself ?

    Taking it a step further, does that mean that only Male Doctors should treat men with male only issues such as prostate cancer or penile dysfunction ? I take your point that there is more to caring for people than book learning,   Obviously you want someone who is caring, understanding , has empathy, however, these virtues are NOT GENDER SPECIFIC. Many women feel their female GP’s are less sympathetic than previous male doctors they have had.

    I wonder how Professor Robert Winston would feel about all this, having helped many thousands of men and women by pioneering and steering the start of IVF in this country, a more lovely , caring and understanding man you’ll never meet.

    Or is it the fact that they are ‘ trans ‘ and not just male you object to ? If that is the case that really is worrying as it implies they are somehow less of a person ?? Or a ‘ wrong person ‘ ? I certainly hope you don’t feel that way. Many many of your posts have promoted fairness, understanding, giving people the benefit of the doubt, through your various professions your expertise is based in these fields is it not? Helping people be the best they can be and providing help and encouragement, treating people fairly , isn’t that your mantra ?

    Are you saying NO transgender person could understand how a woman feels ? I’m very surprised.

    For the record ( not directed at you Linda ) wearing a dress DOES NOT make a person GAY ! Anyone who thinks it does is living in the dark ages …

    Definite homophobic comments and attitudes have been displayed on this thread, with a view to embarrass and belittle people, luckily the people airing these views have only embarrassed themselves



    one thing is for sure

    milko and linda are a match made in heaven  :good:

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    for the record, given the comments of that dipshit q

    I don’t wear a skirt as nobody has given me a million pounds to wear one yet.


    I will if the money is there…

    anyone offering?

    I dare any of you to make fun of this skirt-wearer

    USA Kilts Top Stitched 8 Yard kilt front with optional fly plaid


    Yes mooosey I am open minded, yes I like others accept change and in today’s society conform as necessary to change if agree or not.. However I stand by that my comments were first and soley directed towards were youth, and sex education classes. And yes I am still not comfortable with it.

    Far to often you hear, learn even told that many in the teaching system, priesthood, nuns and other professionals have come out of the closet. They have targeted our very young, hurt, so forth..those I have concerns with that infiltrate a system for many many years and then have issues. Regardless if Male or female. Come out of closet we call them.

    As for my professions 2 had for very very long time,interact with other multiple agencies. We link and network together. Have to as to provide necessary services, protection, funds, security and safety.. if I have to deal with this particular community, population, I still provide them 100 percent of what and whom I am.. necessary for support regardless..

    As for my own doctors using Renee Richard’s as one as had sex operation his expertise was all I cared about. I merely pointed out feeling or being comfortable..I not discuss latest fashions as I was not comfortable..need of a professional. I have other doctors and mainly those of the Male population. Those I feel comfortable with so to speak. I have been to many straight female/male doctors who most often have had bad hair days, bad bed side manners, brings problems to office and sloppy. But those of my personal choice good or bad if you will. Sadly to report it is the Male gender..whom to ME provide ME in part and present, better services. As I said it is the person’s profession not if Male or female..and the Doctors whom have been Male, never came out of closet with them 30 plus years.

    Educators whom teach our very young are those in our school systems I have great deals of concerns with..not comfortable with..yes..that is me. And I still stand by and strong willed.. when it is regarding sex education, with our very young.



    Far to often you hear, learn even told that many in the teaching system, priesthood, nuns and other professionals have come out of the closet. They have targeted our very young, hurt, so forth..those I have concerns with that infiltrate a system for many many years and then have issues. Regardless if Male or female. Come out of closet we call them.

    When someone types in gobbledegook, deliberately so in my opinion, it is extremely hard to pin them down.


    Where to begin with this statement. I find it extremely hard to believe a well educated professional would still hold these prehistoric views in the 21st century. That “homosexuals” have somehow infiltrated the British education system to either abuse children or teach them the evil ways of homosexuality and that they do so by teaching about different sexual orientation and alternative relationships.


    Lastly, there appears to be some confusion what this new initiative actually is and what its purpose is and this has given some people the platform to air their odious views. Most likely that was the intention in the first place.





    Yes mooosey I am open minded, yes I like others accept change and in today’s society conform as necessary to change if agree or not.. However I stand by that my comments were first and soley directed towards were youth, and sex education classes. And yes I am still not comfortable with it.

    Far to often you hear, learn even told that many in the teaching system, priesthood, nuns and other professionals have come out of the closet. They have targeted our very young, hurt, so forth..those I have concerns with that infiltrate a system for many many years and then have issues. Regardless if Male or female. Come out of closet we call them.

    As for my professions 2 had for very very long time,interact with other multiple agencies. We link and network together. Have to as to provide necessary services, protection, funds, security and safety.. if I have to deal with this particular community, population, I still provide them 100 percent of what and whom I am.. necessary for support regardless..

    As for my own doctors using Renee Richard’s as one as had sex operation his expertise was all I cared about. I merely pointed out feeling or being comfortable..I not discuss latest fashions as I was not comfortable..need of a professional. I have other doctors and mainly those of the Male population. Those I feel comfortable with so to speak. I have been to many straight female/male doctors who most often have had bad hair days, bad bed side manners, brings problems to office and sloppy. But those of my personal choice good or bad if you will. Sadly to report it is the Male gender..whom to ME provide ME in part and present, better services. As I said it is the person’s profession not if Male or female..and the Doctors whom have been Male, never came out of closet with them 30 plus years.

    Educators whom teach our very young are those in our school systems I have great deals of concerns with..not comfortable with..yes..that is me. And I still stand by and strong willed.. when it is regarding sex education, with our very young.

    Linda thanks for your reply, I won’t say answer as I’m not sure it is an answer ?? Anyway I understood the point you made about people in roles of authority over children, people who should be above reproach, people whom our youngsters are told and taught to trust, using their power and situations to abuse children in their care. The malice and premeditation that these abusers employ in order to get vile needs fulfilled truly sickens the stomach. We’ve all heard about it, its global and it’s been going on since day dot !!

    I don’t understand your ” we call them come out the closets ” comment . Coming out the closet is just a term used when someone reveals that they are gay, but who has been previously living a life as a straight person. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad term. Sometimes these people have to be very brave to come out to family, friends , work colleagues, and as far as I’m concerned deserve respect for ending the lie they may have been living, knowing it could hurt people they love and may well lose. So….that comment describing abusers of children as ” coming outers ” baffles me. Surely someone who is transgender , someone who has been open and honest about their sexuality should most definitely not be an automatic suspect as an abuser of children. They aren’t doing anything deceitfully as did the priests and nuns you spoke of , quite the opposite in fact.

    I know who Renee Richards is and I see no relevance in naming someone merely because they  are famous…. Don’t see your point there at all, sorry. I’m glad to hear that all your Doctors are straight, although how you can be sure of that I have no idea, and I don’t see why that makes a difference or why you feel the need to say they are all straight ?

    Thanks for replying, but I’m afraid your reply made very little sense to me, as in,  obviously you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that, I’m just not sure what it is, I’m afraid to say that your opinion comes across to me as that transgender and gay people are not to be trusted with children . If that isn’t the case just what is your point.


    Conversation and debate such as this is very difficult due to some meanings.

    Naming a famous person was merely a point. That as he had wife, children well known..struggled with his own gender I still went to her because of the expertise she offered. However, was not sure what pleasurable things to discuss. Fad of season or tennis. I was uncomfortable..yes maybe not like you, but my Doctors known for long time I am very comfortable with..I can also feel comfortable talking about other things besides medical. Know and feel at ease.

    And as I can try only, then let you get a feel of what I hear and listen too.. especially for our youth… working with all ages..

    I have 5 young lovely ladies I work with under age 18.  I have more..providing example..few had hard time finding and wanting boyfriends as their friends do, want to fit in. Lack of self esteem..confidence so to speak they found others of their same gender who stood by them and eventually turned into relationships. 3 of them now confused. This as being men have come into their life now, interested. However they reveal I like this with female I wish Male like that.. so swinging both ways. What trying to point out are relationships are difficult no matter the gender, however there are those who take hold of relationship, persuaded. Persuasion and acceptance by peers is a top priority in our young youth today. Vulnerability..swing..cause have no other course until they decide what gender more comfortable with.. 2 males in their 20’s say no woman out there that fulfill them. Guys do better.. saying lack of opposite gender relationship has caused them to swing and try other way.

    Term “Come out of the closet”..old expression here.. prior generation would confine mentally ill, disabled, and problems of the family..away from view of public eye..such as separation, divorce too. Now a days, acceptance in our society this term is applied as it more common usage.

    I lay it to rest now.


    Thank you Linda for a detailed post, it is late and I will re read tomorrow to try harder to digest it more , however I must say it does make me chuckle ( in a way ) this idea you have  that our language and cultures need explaining to US !! Lol. Linda coming out the closet is not an “ old expression “ THERE, lol it’s not an old expression anywhere. If you want some ‘ old expressions ‘ I’ll dig some up, derived from Saxon or earlier language lol. Most of your ‘ expressions ‘ come from our expressions lol We aren’t a backward country catching on to you lol and rarely need interpretations , although I appreciate you always ask people to clarify what some of our old expressions mean, as they are  sometimes confusing to yourself    Always best to be clear isn’t it. Goodnight 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by  mooosey88.

    Hmmm……mooseys having a dig at linda……..PML LMAO RATF…………..oh dear…..seems like any one will do in moseys case.And the next person blames so in so for the reason that the boards are what they are…………LMAO RATF PML

    Give my regards to orson……LMAO RATF PML


    Hmmm……mooseys having a dig at linda……..PML LMAO RATF…………..oh dear…..seems like any one will do in moseys case.And the next person blames so in so for the reason that the boards are what they are…………LMAO RATF PML

    Give my regards to orson……LMAO RATF PML

    Lol, the irony is mind boggling …… sigh

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