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2 June, 2017 at 3:33 pm #1048633
Blossom and draculina are the clown double act of JC they keep us entertained with the dumbest comments.
5 habits of stupid people that smart people don’t have.
1-Stupid people blame others for their own mistakes.They prefer to wallow in self-pity or just go straight to playing the blame game.
2-Stupid people always have to be right. In a situation of conflict, smart people have an easier time empathizing with the other person and understanding their arguments, Stupid people don’t.
3-Stupid people ignore the needs and feelings of other people. Dumb people who are less smart have a hard time imagining that people could think differently than they do and would therefore disagree with them.
4-Stupid people think they are better than everyone else. Stupid people believe themselves to be above everyone else and are always quick to judge. Prejudice is very much not a sign of intelligence
5- Are stupid people happier? I personally think Blossom and Draculina that these 2 stupid dumb people live rather carefree lives. They don’t need to think for themselves, and everything they need is provided for them either by their families or non-profit organisations,Oh lets not forget GOOGLE. They pretty much go about their day to day existence doing absolutely nothing at all. Don’t mind my insensitivity to their plights, but I think These types of people are born less well-off than us and we need to be more understanding towards them..
I am staying out of my normal bitch mode in the hope these 2 idiots might take a step back and understand we dont give a fuck for their warped opinion. All i can say is ” if the pills dont work take the whole bottle that should sort it! By the way ” thought you both were leaving ffs why say your leaving then dont! But then that just proves you are both dumb and dumber.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
2 June, 2017 at 4:14 pm #1048636They won’t leave, they don’t have to ,they have an opinion.Im sorry if it stinks but they do.
I think they are disgusting, but then thats just me.Im sorry to say this!If I were there mothers’d slap the truth in to them.
2 June, 2017 at 4:27 pm #1048638So when your in a nettle of nervs because the big C has been mentioned and you blindly trust a surgeon,a person that has made an oath to save liferts your own fault if some bam puts you at risk?
Surgeos are human, they can make mistakes, or be misinformed on things just like anyone else can. Blindly trusting anyone is a bad idea.
Surgeons are indeed human. They are also very highly trained.
Do you really think one person can make the same ‘mistake’ in excess of 700 times?
I agree, blindly trusting ‘anyone’ is a bad idea but when someone is deemed an expert in their field, should you not be able to put your trust in them to act in your best interests?
Are you claiming that whenever you need or receive professional advice you always seek a second opinion? I doubt it.
Next time I have tonsillitis I’ll be sure to book a second appointment with a different doctor – just to be sure….
It fails me why you continue beating this awful drum when it’s obvious to everyone not only how ridiculous your argument is, but that you seem to be playing Devil’s Advocate for no other reason than to be contentious.
2 June, 2017 at 4:38 pm #1048640So when your in a nettle of nervs because the big C has been mentioned and you blindly trust a surgeon,a person that has made an oath to save liferts your own fault if some bam puts you at risk?
Surgeos are human, they can make mistakes, or be misinformed on things just like anyone else can. Blindly trusting anyone is a bad idea.
Surgeons are indeed human. They are also very highly trained. Do you really think one person can make the same ‘mistake’ in excess of 700 times? I agree, blindly trusting ‘anyone’ is a bad idea but when someone is deemed an expert in their field, should you not be able to put your trust in them to act in your best interests? Are you claiming that whenever you need or receive professional advice you always seek a second opinion? I doubt it. Next time I have tonsillitis I’ll be sure to book a second appointment with a different doctor – just to be sure…. It fails me why you continue beating this awful drum when it’s obvious to everyone not only how ridiculous your argument is, but that you seem to be playing Devil’s Advocate for no other reason than to be contentious. Behave.
Excellent post.
2 June, 2017 at 6:16 pm #1048657Surgeons are indeed human.
Do you really think one person can make the same ‘mistake’ in excess of 700 times?
Pay attention.
It doesn’t say the surgeon made the same mistake 700 times, it says the patients were “recalled” , which is different.
The patients who redevelopped cancer were 68, from what the papers say..
Being recalled implies the women who underwent surgery with him in more or less the same time period were being checked in order to check if they redevelopped cancer.
Are you claiming that whenever you need or receive professional advice you always seek a second opinion?
I (and not I alone) have personal experience of this, and I’m not just talking of a single episode.
When I was 17 I developed a growth on my neck.
First surgeon said it was something I could have removed in day hospital with local anaesthetic .
I wasn’t convinced so went for a second opinion.
This one told me I had to be hospitalised; infact he was right, as the growth was deep rooted into a nerve and had to be put to sleep in order to remove it and I was hospitalised for a week.
I have also proof of this if you want as I have a 4 stitch scar on my neck to prove it, before anyone says I’m lying.
Some are even uncapable of reading a scan properly.
But this wasn’t my point.
From the Guardian:
Paterson was convicted last month of 17 counts of wounding with intent at Nottingham crown court, relating to nine women and one man.
If wounding with intent implies removing a lipoma ( as it’s obvious the man involoved is the one who had the lipoma removed), the Juridical system has gone mad.
It may have been unnecessary to remove it, but theyre best removed as they can grow very big.
A friend of mine had one removed on her back 16 days ago – it measured 10 x 10 x 5 cms and has now a lovely 12 stitch scar on her back; what was the surgeon supposed to do, suggest the man keep it there till it grew to this size?
Is my friend supposed to sue the doctor for removing her lipoma, just because it wasn’t mailignant?
He’s making that claim merely to make money.
It’s obvious.
Just this tiny part of the case is absolute bollox, reason for which I said I’d have loved to hear the whole case out in 1st person.
2 June, 2017 at 6:22 pm #1048659As for you Sophia, I’m not even acknowledging your posts anymore, so if you’re typing them in order for me to read them and to reply, you may as well not waste your time.
2 June, 2017 at 6:48 pm #1048667So….we have a court furnished with barristers and a judge who have no clue what the definition of Sect 18 GBH is. Add to that the police and CPS (who decide what to charge).
Blossom, we obviously need you back in Blighty right now to start running the country to right all these terrible wrongs and miscarriages of justice.
No wonder we’re in the state we are.
It’s your fault for not being here.
2 June, 2017 at 6:55 pm #1048669Su, I’m expressing an opinion, no more, no less.
Don’t go there, please.
2 June, 2017 at 7:46 pm #1048686You know what there are certain posters that have commented on this thread that quite clearly never been in the situation where a diagnosis of cancer has been given to themselves or a loved one.
As soon as the “C” word is mentioned nothing else is heard or retained by the patient.
Most (most NOT all) see it as a potential death sentence & just want to know what happens next .
The first thing going through their head is NOT is this health professional pulling a fast one or Is this really a lipoma !
Those poor patients put their trust in that corrupt Dr & any normal human being would not automatically be demanding 2nd opinions or questioning the integrity of their consultant.
I sincerely hope they never find themselves in that situation .. I bet they wouldn’t be so smart with their comments then.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Arc en.
2 June, 2017 at 7:56 pm #1048694Exactly Arc. The last thing on your mind would be google for example. You would want answers, asap, and you’d want them from the doctor. People tend to put their trust in doctors. They’re the ones who are trained, and know their stuff. These poor women trusted that man. He abused that trust in the vilest way possible. I dont know how he sleeps at night.
My grandparents died of lung cancer and my aunt had bowel cancer. I just wanted the doctors to make them better. Never thought of second opinions.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
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