No i don’t have a lisp…LOL…..Been listening to Lady Ga Ga’s : paparazzi with ear phones on and this is awesome!… don’t often get a split synth movement between both ears but this is cool. Shows how one can use the synth to full benefit in a track in 2 ears. It’s not a common technique in music production but i use it all the time… can do it with any instrument or voice even as long as the various sounds or voices harmonize and compliment and the balance is right, and one doesn’t over do it or rely on it too much.
Just decided on my album title……….Syntherity…….no i still don’t have a lisp…LOLOLOL……I’m no prophet so even with a lisp(if i had one) i can’t pwedict the future…..LOL
You all have a gweat day……LOL. (By the way…i spelled every thing in this post on purpose).
My thought for today is this………no one needs any one’s approval to be here. Come here or don’t……some like you some don’t….some listen to you, some won’t…….but at the end of the day,or even the start……don’t take every thing to heart…… the heart tells who you are……and on the journey you’r going….how far.