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  • #307092

    @rubyred wrote:

    @prettypink wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    if i was ever stoopid enuff to go to a meet it wud be under sunnys rules.where we all kick fook outta each other.end up in casualty then the cells .therefore i’d invite

    feel free to add any names of peeps whos face u wud like to cave in. 8)

    Johnnyboy (he can bring books incase we get bored) :wink:

    oh i fgot sillybillystickywilly…………… he can call me a heffer..or as the more educated amongst us pronounce. it…………heifer…………to my face. 8)

    Lol!! Sillybillystickywilly…(Funny) :lol:

    can i be the first person to back out of this meet,,as its too much hassle,I really dont see the point of a meet that means taking machetes,chibs and samurai swords with ya ! and apart from sunny,yer all bigger than me !

    HAAAAAAAAA!! that made me laf too. everyones on form today!! :lol:


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    Ok I will be coming to the Leeds meet.

    im dying to see what youre going to wear, will it be the naughty school girl outfit you wear in the forums?


    fink i’ll go an youtube it. :lol:



    @pats wrote:

    fink i’ll go an youtube it. :lol:

    Haha that,s a bloody good idea that is PATS, then we can have an exclusive of sweaty “ripping everyones fookin head off”. :lol: So, I take it the meet is still on then? One problem though remains. We still don,t know where it is!! ffs someone MUST know surely? I,m begining to think sweaty dreamt this meet whilst he was laying in his stinking pit, in one of his vodka induced comas. He,s halucinated the whole thing. :lol:


    imagine the scene……….

    hi nice to meet you i’m *******

    fook off me will rip ya fookin hed cos me dunt care geddit.



    @pats wrote:

    imagine the scene……….

    hi nice to meet you i’m *******

    fook off me will rip ya fookin hed cos me dunt care geddit.

    :lol: :lol:
    You have to say this in one of them north east accents(shudders)

    His greeting would be somthing like: “I,m sweaty knackers, (hic belch) nice to meet you ya fat fooker, (hic belch). Did you call me a fat fooker back? You fookin TOSSA!!, I,ll rip ya fookin head off!! and remember, I don,t fookin care”!!!!

    Or words to that effect.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    think i found footage of the last jc meet netty attended……….. :-


    Hi I am doa……..

    You’re a fat kunt, you’re a fat kunt….

    You’re a lard a ss

    You smell of cat’s p i s s

    You’re a council house scum

    What a bunch of wasters.

    (Gets back in BMW and drives off at 130 miles per hour with the windows wide open to get the smell of fat losers off cloths)

    (In bats case, stays for ½ an hour, see there no chance of a shagg , gets back in “car” whines up the rubber band and drives off at 4 miles per hour).


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    ….to get the smell of fat losers off cloths

    ohhhh is it a toga party?


    I am pleased to announce that I recovered some film footage of unREASONable aka SweatyKnackers aka Netty ripping somebodies fookin head off.

Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 99 total)

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