@token_male wrote:
i have to be careful what i say! richard is a gay man! i dont want to be seen as a homophobe for (excuse the pun) wanting him to come out!
What homophobia means: http://www.askoxford.com/results/?view=dict&freesearch=homophobic&branch=13842570&textsearchtype=exact
“an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexuals”
The words “extreme” and “irrational”, are opinionated descriptions. Extreme is a difference of what one considers the norm. Irrational is not being reasonable, again, that depends what one considers reasonable.
Having an aversion (strong dislike) of homosexuality, is a human right.
Ipsofacto, being homophobic or having homophobia, isnt neccesarrilly a bad thing.