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  • #439987

    Yeh lets talk about the grown up the grown ups who take away all our freedoms..and the grown ups who are in the pockets of the zionist bankers… you SAP…..then you can all vote in the grown up elections for another round of tax em and work em to deth syndrome…slave to the R Y T H M…. hows the chains round your neck ? comfy ?


    Talk about the blind leading the blind…….lol …This system is doomed to failure, no matter what puppets you vote for, when you all snap out of your trance you might just realise…… Now go and watch that square box in your room and let them carry on hypnotising you into another state of slumber that creates your monotonous perpetual motion of work, eat, sleep, sh~it and if she plays…a good sh~ag as well……bwahahahahah..Enjoy it, pretty soon they`l have some muppet behind a camera watching you do that soon…probably pete as a second job to help pay his council tax :lol: :lol: :lol: Freedom…OH FREEDOM …Where for art thou my Freedom !!

    Oh my Lord, pray let this cup pass quickly 8)




    Honestly it’s like dealing with Kevin the teenager :roll:

    You haven’t a clue, you never will, now go back to reading your Protocols of the Elders of Zion and practising your Hamas Nazi salute.


    ON YA BIKE SON ! :lol:


    @gazlan wrote:

    ON YA BIKE SON ! :lol:

    Oh sorry should that have been Hezbollah?

    Always nice to know where you stand and who you stand with isn’t it Nazilan?

    Hitler would be so proud of you :roll:


    Dont forget …


    @gazlan wrote:

    Dont forget …

    Oops sorry NaziLan,

    I meant Turkish

    Now remember couple of chants of the Horst Wessel Lied will keep the Zionists at bay :lol:


    And their puppets :lol: 8)

Viewing 9 posts - 61 through 69 (of 69 total)

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